Run, Run Run After A Standing The World Still Event Frozen The Word Disappeared On All HD, 5G And Social Media Screening Two Days Later, There's A Hand Writing Clumsily Escape Yellowstone! Run, Run, Run!!
Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Nuclear August 5, 2021, Apocalytic 2021, AMERICA/ WEST RULE, Have You Fallen Before? HBOW/JCOR, HBOW/Apb The RAM
And When The Seventh Angel Trumpet Shsll Begin To Sound!
-As unimaginably as seeing an anxious with forewarning, Rev 10 Mighty Angel's and mostly remembering hearing, seeing the pitter, paddle back and forth of feet, the planet,the Sea and US map; even more unprecedented Aug 5, 2021, I was visited by Rev 11, 7th angel trumpet, described ANCIENT OF DAYS, standing the Universes, showing HE'S no longer sitting the side line's or crying behind a silence in heaven but joined with HIS Angelic Deliverers, star warring, taking back planet earth. Fret not nor marvel, ,after six millennia its prophetic ebbing and flowing nothing' again withholdeth, get ye to repentant alters, get up yonder with Bridegroom Jesus or get over yonder with star warring, Archangel Michael, HBOW/Apb The RAM
Article, Scientists one (August 26th 2021), Yellowstone is in danger and could destroy Wyoming,
Things May Be Brewing at Hawaii's Kīlauea,
Article, It has been quiet at Kīlauea for the past few months, but new earthquakes at the summit suggest that a new eruption could be in the works. Article
-Actually, with all US/Canada volcanes going Imminent, like Alaska to Hawaii, what's been prophesied here, Rev 6, 6th seal and equally forth-told here,;
Mind boggling to heart gripping truth is, the death bringer I witnessed released from our molten mother, decades back. Here told, both the months of Aug and Sept ({2019}), especially Aug 5/7 and 30/31/Sept 3/13/23. Sincerely, all volcanic US/Canada West Pacific states had been motivated to activated into a tumbling, fumbling molten to fiery dominoing event.
-No question an erupting, exploding to implodibg West Pacific of a breaking of news report. Soon a building world catastrophe by its Aug 30/31 ({2019}), about 101 Yellowstone eruptions; an extinction level event, that only months before Coronavirus hit was the original standing the world still catastrophe. At, THEIR Apostle witnessed, an abrupt, sky reaching, molten earth ending, that sent two world systems skyrocketing to fire-rocketing off the plane.
-Swiftly, easily, taking millions of the lives of stranded US West coast to Canada North American motorist and 190 years of tech with them; marvel not, June 27/28 2021 Angel Gabriel running us out of unassigned regions, Florida's coast. Thus, HIS urgency as a form of mocking a slow motion exodus, also revisited June 26 (2015)/June 26 (2017). Simply your single 21st century garden of Eden to garden of Gethsemane decision making; your Sun/SONlight of God, commanded Hemingway Exodus is either into second heaven intercessions into US Georgia's Atlantic COAST, soon crossovering into Africa's Southwest Atlantic Coast? Beware, HGOW/JCOR, HBOW/Apb The RAM
And These Are The Descendants Of The Beauty Rescued From The Hands Of The Beast: Beast Of Beauty, Featuring King Bridegroom Aisen Rainwalker Logan Channing and Queen Bride, Camina Neonna Kings
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign
Unto Maximillion Grayson Bjo're and Ballerina Gloriana, Havana was born a daughter, Keenan Alison Bjo're, a song Castor Vincent Bjo're, and a son Heathery Carlson Bjo're, Havana
Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXII Matrix Counts
"HBOW, anybody wanna tell me what that mean, Sven dude? Holy Bride Of Wrath, as preppers go about their prepping all-around; grand Sia was said to witnessed the now reigning Bride prepping Dan 2 described stone made without hands.from heaven. Could've Heirson love been both Memphis Caden fireball impact and the hole, the breach in heaven just now. Only difference Grand Sia saw its surface as that of a meteor, that when Holy Bride Of Wrath released it, she heard, this is the Antichrist murderer. Also Sven dude, isn't it said by her Memphian Grands this was she, herself, she was the bride reigning in heaven? Some say that Tanner man, ah, grand Memphis Caden in our group lately explained, his Grand grand, saying holy Lords, ah, Archangel Michael as recent as May 31 and July 3, to Aug 13, 2021 telling her and now him as in them they're waiting on them scarrier still is like THEM telling Noah and His family they're waiting on them to come Into the ark, and how we know, what extinction level event followed. What extinction level events followed Sven dude, woe, woe and woe, you mean? You all see what happen to middle TN after Texas Supreme Court anti mask vote prompted grand Sia to again sound the alarm on all red state resident, saying Sailors and Cruisers and I quote, get your stubborn, donkey asses out of US Red to Republican ran states, all Republican leaders fixated on causing more harm than good. Unrealizable, then this weather phenom happened, not counting what Hurricane Fred is doing to New England red states. Basically grand Sia forewarning now, is all they have to do is Run to either of those three June 27/28, 2021 Angel Gabriel reminded territories, so, Maxton man run like us Jesus hearted. Memphis grand Caden also said she woke just now Aug 23, 2021 seeing 666 all around and another time, seeing waffles all around. Seeing Sven dude, 666 all-around, what part of Memphis Caden verifying evil territory Spirits Gog And Magog toward star warring Angels debated the last for six years Sept 22/23 BETA, 2020, whether the Bride for some reason curious to them yet earthbound was now in their timeline; the Antichrist is here, did we sailors to cruisers didn't all get? I gotta go check on Lier, so I maybe not gone long, stand firm Deepak, yeah stand firm and get your head knocked off, remember Deepak dude, marriage to marriage beds are never one-sided, never. Okay Sven, we see 666 all-around, but waffles all-round, grand Caden said it soon dawned on her, with so many people in homeless shelters to rescue shelters, they gotta be consuming waffles minute by minute, though beware the Antichrist 666 reign labor not for the meat that perisheth but for the bread that's unto eternal life..Wow, I never would've got that, never in a million years, we all agree, I'm sure. Yeah, Memphis Caden explained, that time a couple years back, grand Sia waking while speaking in Dutch, as well was about she and young people arriving a fast food window, as fast food on the run, get it? >>>"I hope I'm not disturbing you, well you are, you really hurt l me, I know, but we were told Lier there'd be discomfort, that wasn't just discomfort Deepak, well you hurt me as well, I have bruises to show as well. What, whoa, what? Yes Chandelier, marriage and marriage beds are equally trying, here, I'll show you mine if, no, god no, are you crazy? Don't run Lier, Lier I was only funning, not funny, I'm bunking with Alexus tonight, she said I could, meaning her Ken, Ken is bunking with you. Just for how long you gonna be running from me?" It was her eyes sparking, Chandelier eyes, her inviting, luring, mistrusting eyes, buttery, soft sweet kisses and skin, her silk plaited into his fingers hair, toes even. "Okay, okay, I love and trust you to take as long as you need, good, so, I'm leaving, see you for lunch, ah then, agreed? Yes, ah sure, see you then, good, here catch my lips, breath, tongue can't wait to join all of your again. Don't, don't, Lier, don't cry, I can't, I'm fine, see, barely anything, I'm fine, I'll as usual De, commy you what I'm having, so we'll have a variety, good, looking forward." "You're a genius Chynna dude, Lier was so induced and enthused with the surreally we'd our virgin marriage bed manners injured one another, she compassionately just virtually melted away into our itching, wanting arms away. Admittedly before reassuring she'd be bunking with you Alexes and your darling one with me, I called the bed by the way, you Ken, Ken call dibs on my bed? I said it first, so yes, cruiser, that's how it, I guess since Lier won't be there, speaking of which you two. Ah yeah, so will Holy Lord forgo another Sept, BETA opportunity of snatching us out; I mean with reigning territory spirits Gog and Magog showing they too are fully aware of exactly what time it is, again theirs, is it possible to let another it's blessed escape expire? -If only lil brother we knew the answer to that, all we know is it's nearer the nano second of being snatched out it's Royal Priesthood, ever before. I heard it said what's being targeted by holy Lords to those commanded reapers is perilous lessness of going on like normal; like if they knew a dinosaur days extinction was barreling down on them they'd get to assigned territories as Noah and HIS got to the Ark. I wish that, no, that's just it Lier, they do know, only the more they're to realize doomsday the more by cursive, strong delusions, they labor at it's Noah's day normalcy bias, of not seeing, hearing, knowing to admitting. So Chynna dude, like no longer serving God's purpose, any purpose, West Rule no more, soon this heaven, this earth, they're laboring to be deceived and to deceive, and except they repent, they've lost all value and are now the threat, given over to both the Anti-Christ and its beast mark, you think? Soooo, not one expert warn liberating America from Coronavirus into multi-millions of contaminated, unmasked vaxxers would bring about a 4 of July super spreader; heck, have they even now admitted to a 4 of July super spreader event, since; didn't they warn before every other huge holiday like the 4th, made up of Millions in travelers and assemblers? American vaxxers then know, since CDC admit they'd been spreading the Delta variant all along, to their children all, they can't throw non-vaxxers under the bus unless they do it from under those double eighteen wheelers carrier trucks themselves, really Million man, really, that's hilarious, just picturing that, y'all laughing but I'm serious. That's genius honey love, but what they did the government, Biden, CDC all could've been a covert attempt at herd immunity, yeah that know could kill millions, yeah heard it said Ballerina love grand Sia just accuse them all of wanting to needing to be finished with a deadly pandemic that isn't finished with them asking their knowing children below twelve couldn't be vaccinated why did they go fully into in-person classes, anyway? Apparently Sailors to Cruisers, they're either genocider or to optimistic with all your heart, mind and soul, already endangered children in the middle; so clearly parent marching protest shouldn't have been against masked school children but in-person classes for unvaccinated children, what has American Dreaming done to people? No wonder the Feb 12/13 2017 command to Eze 9 reapers was to kill all parents by, as they're expendable, to finish all schools, cause the next generation of children of holy kingdom reign, are not ex, ah, ah expendable. You're all starring at, freaking me again, not starring maximillion man, just waiting and listening with bated breath as you make such revelation truth of it all. I guess I don't have to remind since Alaska 8.2 quake its three volcanoes going, in the media right now they're saying things could be brewing at Hawaii's Kīlauea and how Yellowstone is in trouble could destroy Wyoming; notwithstanding with a huge seismic magnetizer in the way, in the form of a sizable, earth facing CME, that's three of those prophesied US/Canada West Pacific volcanic dominos. Who's to eventually catch molten fires to everything we all know Quebec Sailors and Cruisers gonna be extinction, both the Hawaii inbound missile alert morning, phenom type of snatching the Bride out if it's Imminent Danger. Unimaginably except by God's written, living word, with Rev 2 Jesus, Rev 17:14 Lamb of God Jesus Husband and all reigning GUARDIAN to MIGHTY Angelic, Deliverers on board, Whereas only ten of it's matrix days later Jan 22/232018, we got Rev 10 Mighty Angel, joined by Rev 17, 7th Angel, bearing 7 more bowl Judgements, saying the same, with the Sept 22 23,2021 blocking out the sky BETA approaching. Just sound Million man like you have a Sia Grand with you also, no, I have a sister in the Septennial Juttah, you have a sister in the Septennial Juttah? Yeah, only I could've been with her, I'd left the California, Artelon dorms like a week before they're all escaped by its Heir Juttah flights. He followed me, I told you Ballerina love, it's not your fault. Million isn't to admit it, but literally cringed at everything Jesus especially their prenuptial, nuptial dorms spring break come I left never to return. Only I, I fully knowing Baller, what I was doing, chose to join you, yeah after months of my tempting to seducing you. Do we all assume Ballerina that's all changed? Well of course, I wasn't pissed at it's untruth, but it's all around evidencing, accuracy and I hated them for it. Until one-day I just decided to lay it all down, decided to see, hear, know and understand, then accept, surrender and sacrifice. That's you all, sacrifice my heart's will over to HIS sacrificial way of forgiving and saving everybody the world over. So so so, my querying Sailors and Cruisers, my Juttah sister in law here tell Grand Sia is saying we will return back to the ancient language, the one we all spoke and understood. The one language she prayed in down from heaven and all earth's inherit understood; what language is that; can we even know; and what if its to do with anything the Sumerians? Ah, my Ballerina is really interested in studying languages, yes, I am,I researched, every language grand Sia has spoken she knew what language it was until THEY showed her like May 27/28, 2021, just now teaching some how the Chinese language work, I know Asia to China could have thousands in flood victims since but I'm sure some would agree, Asisn languages are possibly the most complex on the planet, so what you all think is the one language to be spoken in God's Kingdom Reign on New Heaven, Planet earth, that was unfamiliar to grand Sia herself, is Sumerian the oldest and first language? Yeah, yes and why Ballerina, Sailors and Cruisers did Grand Sia share with her class two days ago the for decades triangle craft scar on her wrist 2018 Happy Holidays, left with a blastoff scar,was shined upon as she slept, like by a spotlight? I'm sorry Million man ike did we all just hallucinate, right, right everybody? What tha, wait, ah, wait, what's a triangle craft scar joined by a blastoff scar, are you referencing, yeah cause we sailors to cruisers, you're talking to, now we're lost. Why, speak in parables? For those rebellious, to procrastinators today like those rebellers of the days of old still say during unprecedented proof HE JUDGES THE HEART, judge accordingly, the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, HBOW/Apb The RAM
YouTube News, McCartney Roast Biden Over Afghanistan, (- if only they'd had these same reactions when Trump and Trumpians kept getting caught sabotaging coronavirus protective measures, Hundreds of thousands could have been saved; Hundreds of thousands to millions of your children could be saved right now, from Republican leads and enabling parents right now sabotaging, protective measures against the most contagious to date, Delta variant, HBOW/Apb The RAM
Is Their No God Of Lord Israel In The Land, A Son light Of God, With Healing Wings. Even Healing Clouds, A Holy Father Of Father Abraham's Plenteous As The Stars Multicultural Man, Is There No God of Lord Israel Within The Imploding ALL Around Doomsday World? Apb
-McCartney, just as Holy Lords said Bush Clinton Bush, after a hand writing on a wall Judgement Jeremiah 37:8, ({1998}), and after telling masses assembled in churches to get to Jesus Christ repentant altars, but learn of end times events,. Learning endtimes events you'd understand why western leads/ISRAEL were warn by Bush's error Saddam, they'd fallen to an enemy Hamath.and ebbing and flowing subcey world reigning Hussein.
-Whereas by July 6 2015, ,it's Britain, Russia and Syria, tug of nuclear war ,it was an enemy Cameron's pending Briexit/BRIEXIT/Blaexit. Knowing also, its prophesied Rev 17 mocked nation summit how within an our there's ten soon kinged leads handing their rule to the Anti-Christ Beast, only covert spiritual warfare of slaying billions, with Britain, Canada and America to lose to a fated error Islam, 100, Million combined.
-That's a strong delusion to Dan 2 madness curse, thats been revisited upon all world wide kingdom Nation building. Come, see It's their very January 12/13 since 2017, so four years you're with forewarniings Those pinkish alerts plainly saying, whore and beast separated, all Western leads enablers enduced to turn on her and equally as nuclear, natural and cosmic ELES, destroy her with fre.
-Presently fulfilling prophecy great whore Mystery Babylon catastrophic removal, its Mal 2/Rev 4/ SUNLIGHT of God, GOD'S back turned, THRONE, Eze 5/Dan 5, Commanded Hemingway Exodus, until post apocalyptic America and West Rule are fire--rocketing off the planet. Proceeding all other world governments ever or ever again into a Rev 20, described fork in the road, June ({2005)], come a mid post y, October 2026, fork in the sand,.
- Biblically, prophetically the end all come, shown to be evident, that Jan 22-29, 2021, so two years, day and month of Rev 10 Mighty Angel come saying all desolations unto fulfillment US soil; three years, day and month into that Republican Congress get away, train crash; again it's Jan 22-29, 2021, there's a flaming, blazing , rying pan, flying saucer liftoff of President Biden and Vice President Harris, continuity of world diplomacy to mocked socialism, that's a two quarter, crossing tow bridge into Jesus Christ 1000 year reign; got Him ,got Jesus and gone up yonder or even denying HIM, got you and yours and gone over yonder? Beware HGOW/JCOR, HBOW Apb The RAM
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