"Whom Art Thou Like In Thy Greatness? Therefore thou shalt not come down off that bed (Jan 2018, Rev 2 Jesus, Designed, Riches To Rags Sleepbeds and Sleepovers), Which Thou Art Gone Up, But Shalt Surely Die!
Here Are The Names Of Those Who Died In The Surfside Collapse, https://youtu.be/b5Pg10VlVOc up
-Territory, Jordan's desert City Petra; Territory, US Georgia's Atlantic COAST, CROSSOVER; Territory, Africa's Southwest Atlantic COAST; Territory, Territory, Territory cried, Big June 27/28, 2021, Angel Gabriel; also leaving references to the Number 7, a Fast and Furious, Movie profile; Quebec, and some bout two messages, woe is all unrepentant, especially by their rebellious, procrastination, Apb, The RAM
Run, Run Run, I Watched As A Stone Anubis Come To Life Stretched A Bow Launched A Single Arrow And Go Stone Cold As Rebellers Hearts, All Over, No Wonder The Unmask to Non Vaxxers Fault, West Rule Is Surging Into Mounting Childred Death Tolls, This Time Around, Run, Run, Run!
-Clearly according to this Angel Gabriel forewarning, allied by some of the highest ranking Deliverer Angels mention in Holy Scripture , all y'all have to do is run! THEY come explaining, how like for thousands of years, when earth ending events, not for a thousand years, nuclear, natural and NEO's more or less began hitting the planet and like at present no flesh is safe, Matthew 24 Jesus says, this is when you run. Undoubtedly so fast and so furious, if you're sitting surfside porches to balconies, you're not even to take the time to come again into your houses, just run? Especially June 26/July 6 and Sept 22/23, 2015 THEY perform a phenom translation, that delivered my Memphis grands to US Georgia's Atlantic Coast, and come back, the numbers described Zechariah 14 and Revelation 19, return, and snatched the Bride out, but only after THEY made pending grands literally as safe.
-I explained how disappointed I was when I laid my eyes on May 15, 2004 Angel Gabriel, that Holy Father yet had to go to such extreme, why his June 27/28, 2021 he had me, the elect, to saints and churchians, (pending tribulation saints to those Feb 15, 2015, made a Lamb of God, book of life name roll, who by Feb 15, 2021, were on Michael's list, HE had all who weren't proving their Revelation 17:14 truth and faithfulness, by obeying Sunlight of God, June 17, 2002, revisited June 17, 2020, commanded exodus. I been explaining and explaining Isaiah 16:1-6, tell us where it is Mat 24 Jesus was telling HIS to run to, an area we know today as Jordan's Desert, city Petra, whereas Revelation 12, John was being described and reassured by Michael and his seen as recent as May 31 2021/July 3, 2021 star warring angels, again where these three territories are and for how long, after the 7 year Abraham accord fall 42 months in, THEY'RE to be kept for it's next 1,260 days.
-Additionally, on this side of the mid Atlantic, THEY who for thirty plus spring raptures been showing me the fulfillment of all end-time prophecy ever spoken that same unnumbered world exodus, Abraham's inherit as plenteous as the stars, described three separate visions, Mother's day, May 10, 2020 as the multicultural man. Just this incalculable number, here May 31, 2021, Apostle John, 92 AD, witnessed, they're pouring into heaven, into Jesus' Throne bosom, healing wings, leaves all. Fright night to rolling twilight skies, during US election, 2008/2009, revisited nuclear Feb, March, April 2021, as living in exile luxury. Now don't think this is impossible, with an Almighty GOD who take wind down years, centuries to millennia, passing them as minutes to seconds, I witnessed from Africa's Southwest, ATLANTIC Coast, US Georgia's coast refugees, an entire sea of them, crossing over, into African Island cities.
-Now I never related the two until just now, 08/11/2021, and how she got her name as the Little Miya girl, backseat surveyor, translator, but there's a demo, whereas she and I were all of a sudden translated for thousands of miles. To like wake, in an unfamiliar country, surroundings, time even, left aside the road, with no driver, no inbound traffic, I just never calculated it's meaning further, I see and share. None of the America's a safe haven, were Georgia's Atlantic coast, headed further southeast to southwest, where would suddenly being translated for thousands of miles land me, even us? Marvel; not I just calculated US Georgia's coast into Ghana Africa's coast, is a little over 5000, miles, the duration of the Sahara sands, trans-Atlantic storms, that curiously keep getting in the way of hurricane building or at least, making them guided tropical storms to hurricanes to, beware all red states, confiscated by Religious to Political, earth enders to people/children eaters.
-Know also, I believe the curious, constant game play the Chosen TV series, see here, https://phearsonreganachristmascarol.blogspot.com/2021/05/run-run-run-far-right-pundits-celebrate.html; portrayed lil Miya girl, May 22, 2021, a waiting room of a waiting area was referencing Independence day, 2021, family outdoor gatherings pending a Delta variant super spreader to Tokyo Olympics mocking millions, with millions dead by the plague, going on like Noah's day normal as a virtual Noah's hell is hitting the fan all worldwide, on to kill millions of more; marvel not the, then May 27/28, 2021, fast and furious 3 notion, was it's movie franchise Tokyo Drift; There's apostle Paul saying, God is not mocked, whatsoever a man sow, 190 pounds weights of blood guilt for a lost of 190 years of tech; Rev 18, Holy Elohim Father, explained your sins had reached up to Him, come a judgment, sentence, double their abominations, in one hour you're no more this planet. Right until I woke, presently Angel Gabriel June 27/28, 2021, brandishing territory, territory territory but back then, June 26/27, 2017, I was waking as I was hearing, "get ye to repentant altars," God is avenging martyred blood,"
Unquestionably meaning all firstborns are endangered by an outbreak of mortuary, and the elect, to tribers to the born again to unlike Lot's wife, prove they no longer want any part of it, all they have to do is run! You may ask why THEY keep making these astronomical appearances, recently even Rev 11, Seventh Angel Trumpet, Ancient Of Days, HIMSELF, and indefinitely nothing now witholdeth. Honestly, I was just reminded, when it was time, after 40 days HIS resurrection for Jesus to go off the planet, and THEY ALL come for HIM whether HE was ready or not there was nothing even HE could do to prevent THEM from taking HIM, it's fullness of time come; hence, no man know the day or hour only God in heaven; hence Jesus saying, angels ascending and descending upon Him was further proof HE'S the Savior, HE'S, the come with healing wings, Son/Sunlight of God.
Prophecy Links Fulfilling, March 29, 2021, waking as I hear Ezekiel 31, only to turn to Holy scripture and begin reading, well, just below, the stumbling block to damning vanity of worshiping the creature over the Creator and waking in sheol for all eternity, Apb, The RAM
And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, featuring King Bridegroom Deepak Uran Vienna and Queen Bride Chanderlier (Leary), Breonna Ocean
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign
Unto Aisen Rainwalker Logan, Channing and Camina Neonna kings, was born a god son Camron Micoli Channing, a god son, Teslic Keihan Channing a god-daugter Auden Cierion Logan, Kings
Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, Noah's Ark, Flood, now A Noah's Cousin, Nuclear, Natural and NEO's, Mark XVII and VII, Matrix Countdown CXXXV
08/04/2021, "First you're insane to send your children to school after god has commanded going on four years now. they, all schools be finished, that all such rebellious parents been killed, as in Rev 2 Jesus tossing them to great tribulation, except they repent and they repented not, Rev 9 John says; all forewarning thought foolishness, until coronavirus come targeted then even now, mostly parents and grands, ah, that's phenom evidence. Including, Megan love, 2015, when she, well THEY, suggested parents get children out of these buildings, all buildings before two of the largest quakes ever, hit, killing thousands in children. Though if Jesus tarry and He and MIGHTY ANGELS have proven all this nuclear 2021, that He, even THEY won't tarry fulfilling all biblical things pending, that nothing again withholdeth. I'm saying until Cole dude we can taste on our tongue, what being in second heaven intercessions is gonna be like to how cool and crisp the pure air, Grand Sia say is also Mount Olivet arrival. Still, still, sailors to cruisers, if total evil world cataclysmic removal hold off, they're allowed to sexually mutilate children indefinably, shown to be an out of the bottomless pit demonic, influence to possessed a breed of future, teen pedophilers, for generations more. Unlike the pedophiler Catholic Church, The Boys Scouts just agreed to pay billions to victims they've destroyed into the grave, some even into fiery damnation, did you Cole dude, also see how far back these claims, like 80 years to 8 years? Look, is asking a question, you know the answer to, a rhetorical question? Not, your question, Tanner love, but asking these experts like Dr Fauci, from the beginning were, vaxxers contagious, is the Delta variant a mutation of the coronavirus or the vaccine cure itself, it too a bio-weapon disguised as herd immunity, targeting hundreds of thousands of school children, now these growing break through, cases? Even if rhetorical question, doesn't love Jadelyn, mean that, I love your assessment, but don't marvel the continuous, mutating coronavirus, if it's Grand Sia's, backward letter pandemic. Frightnight to an earth ender calling himself, smoke, then its also both John and Her, pale horse, horse of Hades, epidemic, prophetically, the Antichrist genocide and God's thrusting in harvest sickle, wine-press are not stopping until two quarters of the earth are no more this planet. Meaning that recently revisited, combined, 100, million, easy of procrastinating westerners, wait, ah Chris, doing my commy group, with Sia, Memphis Caden, noooo, you wait. You got watchman, Sia Memphis Caden? Explaining yes, wait, watchman? But, ah, yeah, I heard him also refer to Rev 6 John, 4th seal, pale horse as Grand Sia's as well, yes, her happy holidays, Dec 24/25, 2001, the great whore Mystery Babylon, weight of bloody cup she's imbibing on, it's judgment sentence, just after apocalypse grind it all to a screeching halt, judgement too is also a towering, infested with fleas beige, so a pale horse. Actually Commy Memphis Caden said at the time she, Grand Sia didn't even know her beige horse, also referenced Rev 6, John, pale horse, ah, may I ask who are you guys, exactly? May I asked have anyone look to find out just how many reveals concerning horses grand Sia, has, seeing she got that July 27, 2020, shaved head into four ponytail judgments, just saying. Wait, wait, Chyn man, monstrous beast, with demon dogs all around, come after grand Sia, when she was first introduced to the holy intravenous spirit, she for decades has described as Rev 17:14, Lamb of God, Jesus Husband. Clearly, as in both her loving, supporting Bridegroom Jesus and her supporting vowed, loving husband, they, these ancient of days territory spirits done come after her, demon dogs all. I now see, this attempted martyrdom, this is because she could detect their once covert, massive, massive death tolls, unthinkably, a vast wilderness of the dead she could clearly see, that went on and on. See, that wasn't about for millennia now ancient of days Gog and Magog death tolls, that was world death tolls caused by West Rule diplomacy to its man-slaughtering petro-dollar, alone revisited upon Obama's error Islam, 2013, into the heavens, US death tolls present and pending. Sailors, Cruisers, y'all get this, the worlds system we call the American Dream, isn't just John described, Rev 17, great whore, slave master but is the same great beast, prophet Daniel not only witnessed rise, but witnessed command to eat much flesh. We're talking for the ancients Egypt across into Rome, right into the continuity of authentic world diplomacy, kingdom nation building, July 28, 2021, Rev 11, seventh Angel trumpet sounding; but when the fullness of time hath come, god hath brought forth his son; unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulders: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace... Like I said, Chyn, you're also Oct 2018/2019, for seven years, Jan 4, curse of madness, if you send them to schools, around unmasked vaxxers both the school faculty and student body, marvel not these are already since Jan 2018, Rev 2, Jesus and Grand Sia's, Nov 10, 2020, red monster truck escape, endangered children of rebellers, violators and procrastinators. Hey, hey hey, I heard a US weather report, telling some run to the hills, floods were coming, ah US Midwest to upper Mid West, he Chris, actually said that? Yes, stopped me from doing what I was doing, what, not since the described, Enron attack, Holy Spirit said drop it all, pension all, get to the hills! Ah my god, ah my holy god, that's Mighty Angel, 2018, after volcanic apocalypse done wiped out US West Pacific and roaring toward US/Canada, US/ Canada mid Atlantic, Mighty Angel warn the Mid West to Eastern Seaboard, was next, fiery doomsday apocalypse eventually claiming the American Continent So sailors all, not safeguarding the non vaxxers rights, not to be vaccinated, but instead agreeing they should blamed them for the 4th of July super spreader, did the safe haven Biden Admin just equally come the aligned to earth enders and people eaters, the Trump Admin? Perhaps, even the revisited, Feb 3, and 13, 2021, like Chyn just point out, Obama Admin, it was during Obama, Biden, Clinton Nov 3, 4, 2013, Grand Sia got that paperboy, route, treated during 2003, Bush/Cheney, handlebars, now a funeral reef attached, soaring heavenward, as an out break of virus, of ambulances to refrigerated trucks, totally realized by the Biden, Harris/Obama Admin. Don't Tanner love forget those Bush Era, error, graduating tassels being used as toe tags for the dead, right, right, reported by ABC, COVID 19 causing a US deaths every twenty seconds, now on Biden, Harris and Obama watch. So look, that's our skipper, we got to get back, seems you Deepak and Chandelier have to join us, if her parents are gonna be persuaded, and skipper Mortinsin, isn't gonna be dishonest, Yeah, so we readied some straws, thank you guys for doing this, right look, which of you wanna go on the cruise? Okay, great, fantastic, and you two being married, Maestro, Sebastian, that's also perfect, you two pull straws, wives as well, couple with matching straws goes cruising. What if the skipper don't agree? I think Tey, Tey babe, he already being many steps ahead of what's happening here, he's already in agreement, we better go, now you two sure about this? A yacht is not a cruise and a cruise isn't a yacht, we got all this Sven dude, y'all better run, y'all know how agitated skipper gets, our tardiness messing with his schedule You dudes be safe, you cruiser as well, and you two behave until Juttah vows, thanks daddy Chyn for the reminder. Remember, getting North American traffic, see here, https://youtu.be/tXXH_AlNy_M, also lead us to the 15 worst traffic jams ever, here, see here, https://youtu.be/0I19xw0zm3g; one for millions of stranded cars, some that lasted for months, got you, How long you Cruisers stay over? Another 24 hours, you sailors, Sven? Don't know, we never do, maybe daughter Teylor here can get us another, 24, hour stay, okay, I promise, I'll try, miss you guys, Christobal and Hayden already, yeah well we still gotta come, pack some things, ah yeah, come, come." Why speak in parables? That you be aware as Genesis through Revelation, Holy Elohim Creator, Himself, that you be forewarn May 27/28, 2021, fast and furiously, get ye to repentant altars of Jesus Christ; put ye on the whole armor of God; lay all heart treasures in heaven, mobile all other stores into one of the three star warring Angels, territories, I shared above, from Nuclear 2021, Archangel Michael to Angel Gabriel to The Aug 3, 2021, Rev 11, 7 Angel Trumpet, ALMIGHTY ANCIENT OF DAYS, GOW/JCOR, HBOW/Apb, The RAM
Youtube News, Steele On DeSantis And Covid: He's Not A Leader, He's A Sycophant, https://youtu.be/vCDt6uv7OKcHow great are his signs and how mighty are his wonders! his kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and his dominion is from generation to generation. Daniel 4:3
-Actually while Trump's everything day one was being followed by sudden destruction, his too as those previous, pending with 50 million US deaths, come additionally a curse of Daniel 4 madness, upon Him, Trumpians and all their territories; marvel not their Gulf of Mexico states kept getting hit back to back by historic 2020 hurricanes, Louisiana alone, got hit back to back, until at one time, there were two incoming hurricanes. So biblical recorded watchers would've come to forewarn them Mid Oct 2018, with such rebellious abominations addressed again into it's curse beginning to be fulfilled, as seven years of madness, Mid Oct 2019, there's re-framing, the Great Whore, Mystery Babylon, US of A, permanently interrupted.
-Fright night to one calling himself, SMOKE, by a curse of madness to reach a finale by post apocalyptic America, West Rule, left as a fork in Sahara sand storms, revisited Mid Oct 2020, but a finale by Mid Oct 2026. Like, ah, marvel not, blessed are hearers, repenters, doers, stampers and Mat 24/Rev 2/12 Jesus' Overcomers; knowing, get it, get Jesus, get up yonder or deny HIM, but please get you and yours over yonder; yeah, all you have to do is run, you know who? HGOW, Why? US's, Dan 6/Rev 17, weight of blood guilt, judgment; what? ELE'S, nuclear, natural and NEO's, when? Jan 22-29, 2018, Rev 10, Mighty Angel forewarn times up, US soil; and where to blessed escape, US Georgia's Atlantic, crossover, yeah, like Florida or those preceding, The US/The America's, a fiery doomsday apocalypse, whose smoke of its burning is predicted to rise up forever and ever; only US Georgia's Atlantic coast a blessed crossover, it's as if all those others, no longer exist, beware, run, you know where, HGOW/JCOR, HBOW/Apb The RAM;
Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Nuclear 2021, July 2005, smiling Faces Don't Last, Wipe Canada off The Map, Separate Britain, America into Itty, Bitty Pieces, GOW/JCOR/HBOW/Apb, The RAM
Biden responds to DeSantis criticism: 'Governor who? https://youtu.be/Q8YozmUm0so -Governor who? Stop it, how hilarious, I'm crying laughing, I thought about getting Ezekiel 31, Feb 15, 2021, God asking through Prophet Ezekiel, other so called demi-gods, men playing god, who are no gods at all, only whorish, men slayers, like Egypt's Pharaohs, "whom art thou like in thy greatness?" See more here, https://2017thelinksprophecy.blogspot.com/2021/02/jimmy-swaggart-expositor-bible-ezekiel.html, how like now for six millennia it's all been ending, prophetically, Apb,
I Will Laugh When Your Fear Cometh! Psalm 2, God Of Wrath, GOW/JCOR/HBOW/Apb, The RAM
-I explained to Pres Biden from the beginning, Texas and Florida governors to Trumpians period, apparently thinking it's yet sabotaging coronavirus protective measures, the Trump Admin, were covertly sabotaging his coronavirus efforts. Unquestionably, make you wonder, after over a half of million of Americas dead, dying and millions the world, who for them have to die to wake them, the Hades up? Beware, Rev 2, Jan 2018, Nov 2020/May 2021, Jesus, threaten, the off-springs of those the campaigns of going on like Noah's day normal, a predicted Noah's cousin, nuclear, natural and NEO's, fiery doomsday, apocalypse come; your name, the Feb 12/13 ({2015})/Lamb's book of life to Feb 14/15, 2021 Archangel Michael's Lists, written or stricken out?
-And he said unto him, Thus saith the LORD, forasmuch as thou hast sent messengers to inquire of Baalzebub the god of Ekron, is it not because there is no God in Israel to inquire of his word? Therefore thou shalt not come down off that bed on which thou art gone up, but shalt surely die. First King 1:16, is the scripture given me, both before, described first king Elvis died and prescribed Second King, Michael Jackson died, both by a abominable sickbeds to sleepovers; marvel not, Jan 12/13, 2018, Jesus designed all rebellers, riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers, putting their children in deadly dangers; Hussein Obama's, Jesus Millennium descent, July 27, 2016, it's July 27, 2019, slow motion exodus, NBA players were all mocked, California Dreamers, a primary US States of barbecue, burning up right now, beware, GOW/JCOR, HBOW/Apb, The RAM
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