Run, Run, Run, Unto Sia Tribe Bronze Coten Field Deburk and Cadence Tatiau Lottsmon was born, The African Juttah Genealogy 1986/2016/2026/2028, Run, Run, Run!
Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Nuclear September 28, apocalyptic 2021
YouTube Pastor Begley, Could The Canary Islands Bring Coastal Chaos Into New York?
-"The Hills Are Alive With The Sound Of Music, with songs they've song for a thousand years," are those lyrics I can't shake, plus those Nov 10, 2020, huge, Red monster trucks to the rescue, that was Highland areas. None of which Pastor would be so concerning if Holy Deliverer Angels aren't running some to the Hills since a prescribed for two decades Eron Attack supposedly killed many.
-There's that clear mockery and the rapture demo 2010, where Jesus of resurrection ascension appeared as a thief and left many stranded a top high-rise buildings. Instantly reminded about that whole Jan 22-29 2018, US W Pacific, Rev 10 Mighty Angel did warm those as well the Eastern Seaboard while making its Southeast Georgia's Atlantic COAST a safehaven, crossover, beware of North American traffic and traffic jams, there's some bout the old Arkansas bridge, crossover, HGOW/Apb The RAM
YouTube Sister In Christ, My Mother Heard God Say Don't Worry About Money You'll Be Home Soon, (-Yeah I been reassured the same, especially this month of September, I was told August 27/28, 2021 THEY would take 190 out if this area, as in 190 million out of a billion refugees, The American Continent. Know also, this time of the year for six years since Sept 22 23, The "BETA", 2015, there's been a trial run for taking the Church Bride out by a Sunlight of God, diamond carved, crystal dove, chariot, warning still of Alien dangers from above.
-Surrealistically, Sept 22, 23 BETA, 2020, Gog and Magog Anti-Christ, accused US of now being in their timeline; here Sept 17/18, 2021, I heard a 42 month duration, as of the first half of Great Tribulation, Dan 9:27/MATTHEW 24/Rev 11:1, 2 declared, June 24, 2021, yeah since the planet, the heavens been literally imploding. Know also we're not being delivered to the paradise of Heaven, but Rev 12, Second Heaven intercessions for those pending Tribulation Saints we witnesses translated to safehaven US Georgia's crossover before the Bride was snatched out and soon as far as Africas'Southwest Atlantic, coastal cities.
-According to Ancient Of Days Deliverer Angels, like apocalyptic 2021 Michael, Gabriel, even ANCIENT OF DAYS HIMSELF, yours in all of this is setting your heart treasures in heaven; mobiling the rest and getting to one of three designed, assigned territories, Jordan Country, Petra, US George's Atlantic COAST crossover into Africa's Southwest Atlantic, like, let your escaping faith be your Noah's Cousin, Altar to Ark of Salvation, beware, HGOW/JCOR, HBOW/Apb The RAM, see here and here,
Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear September 24, apocalyptic 2021 Hearing, Bronze Coten, The African Juttah, Paul Walker, The 10 Plagues Of Egypt, Beware Apb The RAM
There's Something Sept 24, 2021 About, book character, Bronze Coten, ( see Dan 2, the stone from heaven reigning Bride prepped, crushing a towering figure head to toes as to finish all Kingdom Nation building ever or ever again, did have belly and thighs of brass to bronze, doomed Empires, Egypt, Assyria, Medes And Persians into Grecia with Empire Rome, Britain following, as of the approaching, revisited August 17/18 2021, Gog and Magog, Islamic/ Israeli/ Hitler Germany's, ANTICHRIST reign; by two 42 months intervals, wiping out two quarters of earth's inherit, by Jesus' Zechariah 13/14, Revelation 18/19, Mount of Olives, Return, woe, woe, woe, earth's inherit!
-The African Juttah; my prophetic parables I soon learn decades later, The African Juttah realizes Africa's 400 years into its lineage of repatriation and Col Qaddafi's US of Africa; Paul Walker fiery crash, unlike Kobe Bryant's fiery crash, not just NBA'S To MBA'S perilous American to California Dreaming but all celebrities to the Wealthy, and last but not least. The 10 plagues of Egypt, as during worsening, earth ending tribulations ever or ever again, yours as commanded Moses' and his, is the commanded Hemingway Exodus, according to nuclear May 31, June 2 7, July 3 and Aug 5, ANCIENT OF DAYS, Deliverer Angels, standing over our beds anxious, Apocalyptic 2021, relaying you know three designed, assigned, territories where, HBOW/Apb The RAM
No Greater Love Hath A Mother To Parent That They Would Sacrifice Everything For Their Children, Even Suffer, Torture To Die For Family To Friends!
He Shall Cover You With His Feathers And Under HIS Wings Shalt Thou Trust, HIS Truth Shall Be Thy Shield And Buckler, see further here, Psalms 37/91
-Nill, the date I've seen and revisit for six years now, Sept 22 23, 24, (2015), I witnessed first grand Memphians translated to the Bride taken out, instead just now what would've been the greatest day of liberation since Jesus own ascension just now Sept 22 23, 24 2021, come one of the most tortuous. The first, again tortuous grand-mal seizure I've had since we lived with Terrika, also brought on by bad eating habits, even as (Feb 2013), a 21 day fast/Ascension, even if Holy Angels brought me back here reassuring actually they can't wit to be down here; You and Meka calling me yesterday, it was like y'all sensed I wasn't feeling well, just be reminded if the righteous to chosen Nill are barely saved, medicated, to protected, how much more will the disobedient suffer?
-I know the days I look to go home and no more tortuous seizures is met with horrifying suffering, but being here, with no kitchen, challenges my ability to control what I eat. Still, it push me to finish telling you more about that Aug 15, 2021, shopping dream, first understand, all forms of going on like normal is the curse during the COMMANDED Hemingway exodus. There's no coincidence simultaneously, it is, millions of people nationally and internationally are losing everything. Coupled with all kind of shortages, especially on food items, right into all the building restrictions, even a building civil war on non vaxxers, equally Nill building into the July 27, 2008/2009, Revelation 13, revisited, deadly, damning mark of the beast of buying, selling, trading.
-In that dream Nill, on the way here, I didn't finish, I knew you wouldn't listened, I begin telling you we were out shopping: alone during Bush, the curse of the 11:00 shopping lunch hour, while US troop's go under the worst Islamic/Medes And Persians tortures. I told you there was someone illusive with you, could've been a relative, friend, coworker or all of the above, but like I'd been accused for weeks before I left of aiding and abetting y'all going on like normal to procrastinating. Right here Nil, you were doing the same by your own refusal to hear, obey and escape.
-Just know, what just happened with both Terricka and Terra dangerous bout with coronavirus, is the example, we don't realize who we inspire, even to their detriment, by the choices we make, obeying man to fear over faith in Holy Father God. The dream about Terra a week or so later, August 30/31, 2021, it was a normal day in the kitchen of revelation, I was singing, she began singing, better than normal, we fun. Odd is, I was trying to boil water and every pot after pot I reached under the sink for, each had a hole in it, as in totally vain, worthless, lost its purpose. As in Nill, more going on like normal, more a threat, plus anything boiling, like Aug 30/31 2019 threaten 101 Yellowstones. Right into, like Caden May 31, 2021 fireball impact, represent being in the impact zone of more launched, approaching, fiery Judgments...see Youtube, Marfoogle News, 26 erupting volcanoes, BOILING POT, Tube mrmbb333, Earth Reacts to STRONG Solar Storms as Earthbound Shockwave Swarms Ionosphere!,,
-You see, days earlier, I felt guilty about leaving Caden and abandoning Terra after I guided her to Georgia, only it's Southeast Atlantic coast. But here, they telling me again the choices you all are making aren't just as pots with holes, but boiling pots, as described United States of Barbecue, volatile, perilous, disastrous; know, even while helping Meka with her store, it had the eerie feeling, like you just couldn't put your finger on it, just odd, as a fish to duck out of water. Honestly, it just wasn't right, normal is no more and we been warn normal is no more, since the (Bush's Administration 99/2000 and 2005, Hurricane Katrina/2009 into 2016, The Obama's Administration, with Trump's/Biden's aligned to Gog ad Magog! Beware, HBOW/Apb The RAM, see just below here, The September "BETA," 23, 2021, the last I commented through prophetic parables, using both The African Juttah, Its Global Tribunal and It's Youngest Of Seven Native African Brothers, Bronze Coten Field, Deburk
And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty, Featuring King Bridegroom Winterhawk, Sawtooth, Saddlecreek, Hillsfeet and Queen Bride Maitlis Meadowlark Chance
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036 The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign
Unto Sia Tribe Bronze Coten Field Deburk and Cadence Tatiau Lottsmon was born a son, Sage River, Fallen Water Deburk, a daughter, Tynial Keifer Deburk and a son, the Nextus Juttah, Broderick Antwon Lottsmon, Deburk
Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXVIII Matrix Counts
"Yeah well maybe being stampeded into a growing more Apocalyptic Americas to Africa's Atlantic is our own Moses to Jesus wilderness type trial; we don't really think standing, walking running by faith we'd escape unscathed, right, if the righteous scarcely be saved BFA man, (Tribunal, Beethoven Firth Artz), like when we know sword like syringes carrying reapers are on the stampeding heels of rebellers to procrastinators and I'm betting just as many ascended as descended, procrastinating as well. I mean you guys, ah, the Global Juttah, have read revisited upon us as recent as July 27, 2021, her advised Eze 5 and 9 now come as a shaved head into four ponytails judgments, instantly come three, as one Mysteriously disappeared two world systems and 190 years, like they never existed. Such Mockery, as during our own self made, highly distractive, labor camp, please see grand Sias The Phoenix and those Godzilla to Sobek Crystallized Beast keeping earths inherit with strong delusions of American to California dreaming. When, when someone a month later wrote an article saying near a million Americans work themselves to death annually and we wonder BFA , why the Sunlight of God, refer to Westerners as Moses enslaved Hebrews. Marvel not Bronze Coten, grand Sia would say, the Sunlight of God, God's Back Turned Throne Commanding As Moses's Day Pharaohs Great Whore Mystery Babylon Plain As Crystal Skies, Let My People! Why are we then surprised, Hundreds of millions endangered, endangering their children are procrastinating and grand, grand just said some like herself were being accused of aiding, abetting and being an accomplish to their family of procrastinators. Think about those Anubis, underworld, reveals, June 17-19, 2020 Juneteenth, Marvel not Obama and His making Juneteenth a national holiday, a perfect example of the sacrifices of the wicked when it's a day Sunlight of God has commemorated as June 17-19, 2002/2020 Sunlight of God, a commanded Hemingway Exodus, blessed are stampeders, especially Bronze Coten, crossing over the old Arkansas Bridge, down on all four penance into US Georgia's, Atlantic crossover. Only its Juneteenth 2020, Memphian Pastor to congregation is making a car trunk offer to forfeit safe haven exodus, as father Abraham is to offer up Ismael over Issac, only Isaac is the genesis marriage to spiritual bloodline from which the predicted Isaiah's Virgin Shall conceive and bring forth a son and hundreds of years later, it's impregnated virgin Mother, Mary is being told, by her own visitor Angel Gabriel, His, God manifested in the flesh, name shall be called Emmanuel to Jesus for He's the Holy Christ, who's to save mankind from their birth upon, sinful hearts and thus life-death styles! What shall it profit Sabertooth man, what shall commanded Hemingway Exodus into blessed safety, give in exchange for their awarded safe haven territory to running shoes? Such the Inquiry, but, you all know grand Sia is saying all her car trunk reveals is the mockery even old running shoes like the US penny are two of our most valuable assets, ah my god is Christ, no wonder wedging star war to deceive Gog and Magog want her gone. Just think, the seeming worthless, US penny representing the Sunlight of God transforming, shift-shaping, metamorphosis into a diamond carved, crystal Dove Bride's Chariot, swing low, sweet chariot, coming for to carry us home, but second heaven intercessions first, like that Nextus Halo man. What's that look Lone Wolf, what are you waiting for us to say? El Elyon went into such dramatics, something happening earlier, with grand Sia mom, scary, as she's frozen still, mute with sudden revelation, sudden Revelation? I'm sorry father, I didn't know I was telling the Global Tribunal something they didn't know, uncle Cheyenne, not even you? No Lone Wolf, I don't think so, Grand Sia only a few days past, ah Sept 17/18 2021 heard the first Rev 11:1, 2 42 month, end days, interval being activated, wait, am I son Lone Wolf dreaming this, hearing right? No Father we're not dreaming this and yes, you're hearing exactly what I heard. But, ah you know that would mean, excuse my sure emotions, that would mean this September "BETA," has been confirmed, that also mean that specialty ball just come an Heir Juttah retrieval, and son Lone Wolf, all present here, you didn't hear that from the Global Tribunal, also meaning, we're in urgent dismissal. What do we need to do? Confirm with Sia Maaseiah, right, right? Truly, faithfully Global Tribunal are we that inept, didn't those territory Beast Gog and Magog, last 2020 "BETA," confirm we're literally trespassing prophetic fulfillment still being here in their timeline? Trespassing prophetic fulfillment, really Halo son, break this lovey, dovy up, see thou hurt not the oil and wine, we have a gazillion things to do. Well grand Sia is not answering, Cheyenne, you and Spirit River are the only ones who can find her, we need confirmation and Specialist Veneer, right, right and him. Just hurry, we need both of those captains on board, I know they're board with the specialty ball but things just went way, way, way Rev 10, Mighty Angel/ Genesis Thru Revelation ANCIENT OF DAYS, warning, US states by names and territory, extensional." Why speak in parables? Jesus disciples asked Him, with Him responding by quoting prophets of old, saying, well see more here Mat 13:10-17, beware, escape all campaigns of going on like normal, pray against all travel bans, winter, Sabbath to Coronavirus, travel bans, beware of some bout North American Traffic, HGOW/JCOR, HBOW/Apb The RAM, see entire prophetic parable here,, how like now, for six millennia its all been ending prophetically
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