Breaking Of News Report In My Prophecy Links, Yet To Come To Fruition, "Its a hit, cities hit, Guam just did it, "The Eastern Seaboard Is Gone," "After 101 Yellowstone Eruptions!"

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear October 17, Apocalyptic 2021, 

-There's hearing thrice, Mat 24/Rev 2 Jesus mentioned Great Tribulation, Great Tribulation, Great Tribulation; moments before I got the huge enough to block out the sky, in black bold capital letters the single word, SEVEN. As in the prophesied for many, millennia, Dan 9:27, Rev 11:1, 2, Rev 13:5, those last seven apocalytic years this planet. Fright night, beginning with two world systems skyrocketing to fire-rocketing off the globe taking The American Continent/WEST RULE and 190 years of tech with it. Know also, whether ascended to descended hundreds of millions of people are no more this home planet..

-Bible prophecy fulfilling Angel Gabriel verified mid May ({2004}), revisited June 27 28, 2021, he come saying territory, territory, territory! Proven to be evident since Bridegroom Jesus and the Church Bride return exactly those 7 years later, mean the church Bride had to be taken out exactly those 7 years prior; Other forewarnings predicted Oct 1st 2021, the date of Oct 17, 2021; there's some bout fifty cents (two US quarters for crossing into Jesus Millennium reign);

 -Some bout Egypt, (Westerners their own like Moses Egypt are in commanded exodus; some bout the sum to date, 18,  (Oct 1st, 2021 forewarn since Christmas ({2001}), Oct 17/18), and revisiting Jennifer Hudson, as a word of knowledge, that at one time included, Colorado, beware, HGOW/JCOR, HBOW/Apb The RAM, see entire prophetic parable here,, how like now for six millennia, its ALL been ending, prophetically, Apb The RAM

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear October 7, Apocalyptic 2021; marvel not, Jan 3, 2021, a stone Anubis undertaker, come to life, stretched out his bow and launched a single arrow and reset, HBOW/ Apb

There's Something Elusive Sept 17 18, 2021 About The Sum of 42 With A For Many Millennia World Apocalypse Sum Of 42 Months Interval Predicted Here Dan 9:27; here where I predicted a Hussein White House, Rev 11:1, 2 and worse of worse ever planet home or ever again here Rev 13;5; remember I too like Apostle John witnessed two great beast rise one from land one from the sea, come both an outbreak of Hussein filing station and an out break of ambulances

-Know also, just as African American Senator Hussein was campaigning, Know also a sea of American refugees were instead pouring into Africa's Southwest Atlantic coastal cities, got HIM, got JESUS and gone up yonder or even denying HIM got JESUS and gone over yonder? HBOW/Apb The RAM; yes even Holy reigning Bride prepped and launched Daniel 2 stone from heaven, beware, HBOW/ALPHA OMEGA, BETA/GAMMA,"beware of alien dangers from above, presently there's something, Oct 6, 2022,  bout, TRIANGLES, Archangel Michael/Star Warring Deliverers.

Listening To, Big Daddy Weave, Overwhelmed,, ( Hoe Beautiful is our Aug 5, 2021, CREATOR and HIS creation, reassured me throughout my sleeping head, bed all  night, Apb 

-The sky is falling, with a predicted 'BIG ONES COMING, any according to NASA, by way of 8 GIZA Pyramid size, asteroids, headed our way, one revisited up Louisiana April 2020, as so Oklahoma 2021, commanded for decades to destroy Wisconsin, though I always thought it meant "Asteroid, Destroy Westerners Constantly Sinning, marvel not US Gulf Coast states two historic hurricane seasons, apocalyptic 2020/2021 are getting hit by monster storms, recurringly, with Midwest and Eastern Seaboard states told by Jan 22-29, 2028, Rev 10 Mighty Angel to beware. You all HD, 5G and Social lovers know, like the pressing ever forward, same gender, genocidal agenda, abomination, except ye repent your children a pandemic of death ...  but, but, but, escape to America's Coast Georgia's supply chain crunch, suggested you lay all heart treasures in heaven, I guess you no longer have to mobile all the rest of your stores, safe haven Georgia's coast, crossover, seems to be running over with supply stores. 

-Surely, beware, blessed are hearers, repenters, doers, stampeders and Mat 24/Rev 2, 12 Jesus Overcomers, HBOW/Apb. The RAM, see entire prophetic parable, here,, since May 22, 2021 and some bout Quebec and two messages, even North American traffic/traffic jams, young Genesis marriage worshipers, Quebecian Sailors and Cruisers, escaping to safe haven Georgia's Coast, Crossover. Remarkably, they are right now realizing they're in the Septennial, Ethiopian Parental Juttah, Skyfall and some bout William Shatner warning there's something wrong with our planet, actually why Apostle THEY call me, speak in parables to such rebellers, except they too like prior Atlantian, disappear, perish, beware, Apb, The RAM   

Youtube Marfoogle, Did William Shatner Just Warn Us There's Something Wrong With Our Planet?, (We know Jesus way back when told our religious,  political leaders Sunlight of God, Gods back turn throne, Juneteenth 17-19, 2002 revisited Junteenth  17-19, 2020, commanded as Moses Mt Sinai, burning bush. Here our own burning Pres Bush, "let my people go," again Jesus explained to them all, more concern about carnal things than condemning spiritual things. Jesus saying, from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lewdness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within and defile a man, repent or perish! see ”Mark 7:17-23, Jesus

Breaking Of News Report In My Prophecy Links, Yet To Come To Fruition, "Its a hit, cities hit, Guam just did it, "the Eastern Seaboard Is Gone! After 101 Yellowstone Eruptions

 -Celebrities warning us is a good thing I'd been telling you for over a decade a bio-weapon Spanish flu to new pneumonia, and some bout a backward letter C was coming. But it was Bill Gates saying get flu vaccinated, 30 million could die, warning that finally got y'all's attention.  How many paid attention to Oct 1st Big Ones Coming, until NASA unleash that family of Giza Pyramid size asteroids, heading our way; how many thought of the Greenland movie , earth ending scenario? The latest huge enough to block out the sky forewarning was WEATHER, was  FLOOD was ATLANTIC is now TRIANGLE only it's colors were that of a solar event charged sky Neon to  fluorescent. Of course we're not surprised the heavens are bursting all the more and will burst with multicolored, mind blowing, provoking amazement,

-Well, of course, there's the just now, predicted Oct 1st, Oct 17, huge enough to block out the sky, in huge, bold, black letters, meaning it's totally official, nano-second skyrocketing to fire-rocketing is here, was the single word SEVEN. Possibly Juneteenth 27/28, 2021, Angel Gabriel, TRUMP Of GOD, also brandishing a number seven, and he shall make a covenant (Trump's Abraham's Accord), with them, for one week, a week of 7 years, see more its ebbing and flowing into US/West Rule fruition every Jan 12/13, 2017 thru 2021 since, here, shown to be evident, as to hear, Jan 12/13, 2019, "Before Its News, Israel," as to say, I Thess 2, for that nano-second Brides escape shall not be until the man of sin is revealed the man of, prediction, (Feb 12/13, 2019, Alexander/Hitler's Germany, Islamic/Israelis/ Antichrist reign).  

-You wanna know how many billions are dead, perished since God's first prophet Samuel, who just wouldn't listen; how many rebellious  billions will be dead, perished, and their bodies littering the earth all around, I've seen it, hear tumultuous fowls in the air ordered by Jesus Himself, to come and feed, before Jesus again sat His feet atop Mount Olivet? The prophet Ezekiel who's foretelling and forth-telling are mostly revisited upon US soil, besides Revelation book Apostle John, Prophet Ezekiel was told day one he's sent to a people who won't listen. Though we have to admit Jesus did explain you guys got everything you need to be gravely aware to as perfect as Father in Heaven, but you elect to see, hear, speak nor associate yourselves with knowing. Here I am thirty plus rapture springs in, learned my lesson after 10 churches didn't want anything to do with Jesus unless He too could deliver them the American dream of crucifying HIM and His afresh.

-Surely is there any wonder only moments before Lamb of God Jesus husband and star warring Archangel Michael THEM saw me to that Sun/SONLIGHT carved, Diamond, Crystal Dove Chariot,  I was still sitting at my desk doing this, doing this? There's the Happy Holidays, 2018 rapture so expedient before one word passes to another we're soaring through the planetary bodies missiling down again billions dead only because they wouldn't listen, not to the for many millennia arm of Holy Father God. Frightnight to the Reigning Bride wrath as we're skyrocketing through the Galaxies guess what assignment  Marfoogle, await us still? Looking down, praying,  Interceding you, Tribulations Saints.

-They, the rebellious, mocked a slow motion exodus to multi-million man single water cooler, during a ginormous maze of sin, with a mystery woman bearing more bowl judgment, only they're as blacken as UK/BC/US soil. As usually, those having fallen into the hands of a genocidal Antichrist. This Hybrid Alexander to Hitler Germany, with Anubis mummifiers and undertakers posing all around as policing German Shepherds. Just think, you will never, ever be able to say, I didn't know, not on OUR watch, HGOW/JCOR, HBOW/Apb The RAM, beware of all going ons as Noah's day normal, beware of all  traffic to  traffic Jams, run like your elephants of staying unaware, you know where, and draw family, friends and followers after you, as right after as Genesis 19, Deliverer Angels,  HBOW/Apb, see more prophetic parables here, 

TRUST THE PLAN!!! TWO DIVERGENT EVENTS.. GREAT DEPRESSION AND TECH RENAISSANCE!, (Ah, that's more like tech oblivion come and Mat 24 Jesus plan, June 27/28, 2021 Angel Gabriel reminder, that you indeed have three territories designed, assigned, run and fast and furiously, like, like practice your truth and faith for a change, Apb), 

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Nuclear 08/04/2021, Apocalyptic 2021

-Territory, Jordan's desert City Petra; Territory, US Georgia's Atlantic COAST, CROSSOVER; Territory, Africa's Southwest Atlantic COAST; Territory, Territory, Territory cried, Big June 27/28, 2021, Angel Gabriel; also leaving references to the Number 7, a Fast and Furious, Movie profile;  Quebec, and some bout two messages, woe is all unrepentant, especially by their rebellious, procrastination, Apb, The RAM

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the Beast's Mark: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Chief Joseph, Abraham, Luther, Clinton, Hillsfeet and Queen Bride Memphis Plectra Zenith

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036 The... 

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy Temple April 17, 1986/2016-2026/3036 Into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign 

Unto Sitting Bull, Noah, Tubman, Roosevelt Hillsfeet and Axilla Gentry (Girly, Girly) Carney, was born a daughter, Tatanka-Iyotanka, Fiona (Fe Fe) Hillsfeet, a daughter, Valona Angel Sky Hillsfeet, and a son Cohort Sea Breeze Hillsfeet and a son Tanyanika Blue Hawk      

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, Noah's Ark, Flood, now A Noah's Cousin, Nuclear, Natural and NEO's, XVII and VII

"Let us not forget revisiting July 6, 2020, Rev 12 newborn and his mother, was also more reassurance, during extinction level events Red Dragon, Gog and Magog there has been designed, assigned, three into two territories, US Georgia being a timed crossover, Holy Star warring Archangel Michael and his will safeguard escapees, a least 1, 260 days of the final 42 month interval Dan 9:27, Rev 11;1, 2. The one prophecy Jr Darius she used to predict a Hussein white house, while he was being hunted down, and Rev 12 let's not forget that July 6, 2020 date revisit the authentic, Britain comes a Brexit, the Bride a Briexit, and mother Africa enslaved to migrating cradle a Blaexit,  cradle, cradle you guys. The July 6, 2020, after grand heard ANCIENT OF DAYS, HOLY FATHER say, yes take him his, talking about the Church bride being taken into second heaven intercession to Bridge groom Jesus, what smiling ear to ear Sverson man? I'm sorry, it's still blowing my mind, our mind Sven dude, we're actually here, even the aerial, aqua heir Juttah, even the Septennial Juttah, even the Ethiopian parental Juttah to skyfall of living water, Memphis Jr Darius man, all your blessedness. Then Grand Sia heard, the bride gone up to  Bridegroom Jesus, "but this one," even adulterous Jerusalem Israel, 'she's mine," and as Grand Sia heard she's mine, she laid back into a ground up cradle, again that's cradle, with western civilization now a Brexit, Briexit and Blaexit being evacuated to what is defined the cradle of mankind, Mother Africa, Southwest Atlantic.  No, no, no, doubt as Rev 12 is revisiting, Isaiah 16, many millennia ago predicting his, Holy Father's Zion stampeding people would take refuge in Jordan's Petra. Here, Rev 12, it is being explained to John, now to Grand Sia's escaping ones, this blessed safe haven duration, when Zechariah 13/14 and Rev 19/20 authentic time travel, biblical fore and forth telling. Prophetically tells us what happens next and again for how long which duration is now for a 1000, years of bridegroom Jesus millennium come with healing wings and leaves. Horrifying, for a cost of two quarters of earth's inherit, which is for billions dead to dying, marvel not the escape either to the northern hemisphere mid Atlantic to Africa's Atlantic. I'm not getting over how you're a trained pilot, what did you train on, something like this, the aerial,  aqua Juttah? I still can't say, well can you say Grand Sia neon, florescent  triangle reveal is related, I can't say Ghost Horse man, what is the mystery loving man, Ghost horse? We know Grand Sia witnessed us boarding an aircraft, plus her waking lately with a spot light shone on triangle scars, has to be related, yeah Hillary for all we know when she did that fly over North America in fiery doomsday apocalypse that could've been triangle craft related. Most of all, Grand Sia too has a for a couple decades, testimony of witnessing a triangle craft hovering silently over the  houses in her neighborhood, kinda making the Oct 6, 2021 reveal just stirring in more the mystery. There's sure no help from Jr Darius over there, I'm under a gag order, that's what that mean or I jeopardize my leave, y'all already tired of my ugly face? Then you, Chelsea Fabrice help us, she know less than you all, right babe? Giving me a little kiss-a -rue, right here, right here, how many paid attention to her triangle scar when she show it in one of her prophetic parables, then saw that new scar, Thanksgiving 2018? How it really does give the triangle craft a blasting off look, mystery triangle craft her own wrist was highlighted just now, only a month or so before its 2021 Sept BETA, while they're assuring her they're fixing to take 190 million out of The America's designed, assigned territory, well Chelsea Fabrice wife you been paying attention, yes, Vladimir Jr Darius, did you all  know that?Jr Darius is actually Vladimir, like Russia's President, yeah, yeah, my mom got jokes, well look at the brightside darling man, you could be called Vlad.  Okay guys, your Sia lead, conference is here, catch you all later, yeah like when? Ah lunch break Maestro man, is coming up in a couple hours, shon nuf see y'all then, Trojan, is it? Hello Trojan, you better wake, our guide is here, did you just call me Trojan? That's what he said your name was, Troy, Trojan all the same to me, I owe you Maxton dude, yeah, catch me, good morning everyone, as it say here on the black board, I'm Sia Juttah Meshullam Kadesh. Although in different suites, I think we just spent our first night together, Aabriella was fondly reading a note, being tossed from Patrick Jamal from across the room. Although there are days I can read minds, I don't have to know what's on you sailors to cruisers mind, are we in the Septennial Jutttah? It's Troy, Knightly Tristan Troy, my name ...and if you, note thrower, name please? Ah, ah, ah, Preece Patrick Jamal, I know my name sir, I just couldn't that Preece part, stop throwing notes in my class, yes sir, ah Sia.  I'm told you all for the most part found each other, know each other, what Sia sir is the Septennial Juttah? I'm Knightly Tristan Troy, most call me Troy, ah Preece Troy, good question, some say it's the great gathering of saints, others say its second heaven intercession, but if you understand one or the other you're probably asking, how do either of those two differ? Especially since our resurrection assignment is to from up here intercede tribulation saints, down there. What if ah, I don't wanna be here? My name Troy is Kyyle Sabre, two y's, I'm Aabriella first sister, ...and we're talking to? Preece Nicole Sebastian, we Preece Nicole will not keep you against your will, you, US Georgia's coast escapees been brought here, for seven various conferences. Surely by then you get some ideal of what the Africa Juttah, Septennial Juttah is, if after those seven conferences, what if I want out now, me and my wife, Megan Lorene, just want out, now? You Sia Nicole see here, this commy device, I call and schedule you two a flight, they'll relocate you back to your prior location as soon as readily available. Prior location, and for how long? The duration Preece Nicole of those two 42 months intervals, of which we, who can't co-exist on this planet with its Gog and Magog rule, are nearly a month into its first, 42 months intervals. You're not Sia Meshullam saying that to frighten me, well us?" Black Beauty, Scarlet Madeline was thinking they all should be wondering, is that the meaning of this Meshullam Kadesh, truly the most stunning black skin man ever, she'd seen. "Out there Preecest and Preece, we're fully aware the first 42 month interval of it's Daniel 9:27, kind, America's Trump, Abraham Accord has possibly been activated, Sept 17/18, 2021, with Grand Sia hearing some bout big ones coming, and the date Oct 17, 18, making it exactly a month later of hearing a 42 month sum. So my yacht, my car? Your yacht Preece Nicole, is sitting a port nearby, your car, the garage port hole below, both keeping lots of others their kind company.  There's you cruisers, your ship, back on its original schedule, but that doesn't mean you can't be put back and cared after in the Tybee's Coast. Know, there are seven more conferences, six counting this one and per your desire you're the Septennnial Juttah inherit sealed, or back to US Georgia's crossover. Those seven conferences Darius Juttah, Maestro Wolfgang Caal here measured in days, hours? Like you Preece Maestro, have another 57 minutes here until lunch, your other overseers will decide how much time with them, but not extending 7 hours, so only 7 hours? Thing is Nextus Nicole Sebastian am I ordering a transit before then? Going once, going twice, gone, Tierney Alexis Joshi, here, how long you been in the African Juttah? I am Darius, Second Prince, I was born here, so you are the birth son of both Darius Juttah's, grandson of Grand Sia Maaseiah, Prince Meshullam Kadesh, what that mean? What if I Preecest Tierney, was to shout it down from second heaven's intercession, that the entire planet understand its one language? "RECONCILE BE HOLY!" I Sia Darius would ask for the pros and cons, I'm Preece Maxton, this is my beloved Brandy, ah Preece Maxton, both pro, con, Negeb Ophel, heart breaking that so many are lost to there, but a blessing as its to keep us with the reminder, God is Holy and can only be worshiped in spirit holiness and truth ..I should've been able to tell Kyyle Sabre, with two y's, you are just as striking as Aabriella, thanks, you Knightly, you have any sibling here, where are your parents? Where Darius are our parents? Kyyle Sabre right here ask, those of your parents who walked like you walk,for example, Skipper Mortinsin and his first mate, wife, the mother, they're right now realizing they're in the parental Juttah, Ethiopian valley, deciding I guess like those here whether they will indeed stay? Do you have any relations to our recruiter, Sia Memphis Caden,? I am Preece Chynna Leonardo Afford, Bail for short here my newly wed,  we are Preece Chynna are cousins, our parents are siblings to ah, cousins, wow, that close huh? Under your desk is your sightseeing packet to itinerary, not to worry, we keep good track of you, when it's time, there will be someone to come and find you wherever you are.  I'm dismissing you, I'm starving, as I know you are too. You and First Prince Silverston are brothers? Preece Samulson here,  He's Preece Sam, my big brother and I have three princess sisters, and two princess daughters, and I'm proud to say, a Darius godson on the way, if no more questions, you are dismissed to the cafeteria, blessed day, sweet sleep, we Nextus Juttah, like to say all around here.  Ah my god, this is breathtaking, this brochure is amazing, hey Cole dude, you feel better knowing your yacht and car are here? But my parents, my friends, Chynna dude,  they're out here, but Nicole dude, with MICHAEL THEM star warring to get them all to safe-haven territory. Hear Memphis Carter tell, her new Brad Pitt demo, an Oct 11, (2021) or so, was also about literally living on top of mass traffic, and doing laundry. Memphis, he thinks having to do with one of the most distracted cases in media history Brian Laundrie, like do a Laundrie, run and hide, you know where, Ezekiel 9 reapers targeting all manners of going on like normal, despite how curtsy as Gabby Petito, then Chynn man, that is one creepy demo, and we haven't heard the least of it. Guys, look around, we dreamed this, what it would be like to mingle about a Juttah conference to reveal, this is mind blowing, heart even,  I still Sven man say we're dreaming, how only that alone make's sense and we'll wake yet wishing and waiting for all of this remarkable.  Abra, I'm not that hungry, I'm going up, commy dad and mom, and lay down. You feel okay? I'm sick, homesick girl, can I see you up? Sure if you want, tell mom, dad I'll commy them later, you know I will, hump, I think Troy is taking an interest in Sabre, that's okay right? Shaking my head in unbelief, we're actually here, that's perfect, their's too Abra, could be a Nextus genealogy; "you should've been on the 57th," last thing Grand Sia heard when she woke, Like to be safe, you should've been on the 57th," only to be further astonished, researching Brad Pitt, that's his Dec 18, since 1963, his age, 57.  I wonder how old are his kids? What does military brown to tan camouflage mean, Memphis Carter asked? That's when I start keeping notes, I don't know, but in her intrepid dream, she saw a towering, infested with fleas, horse that color, like tan to beige, and we know what he represent, John's Rev 6, 4th seal, an outbreak of mortuary, like the coronavirus, with ELE'S, nuclear, natural and NEO's  pending. Look here, the Commy search, there's a military desert camo Tan, brown camouflage, only it don't look all that tan, but look at the monthly planner,, okay, okay now that's tan. Here, abstract nature, its totally tan, probably the one she saw of them hiding in the trees, this color camouflage, then that title is perfect, abstract nature. Y'all need know Memphis said, she also witnessed a back turn person out that door, green camouflage, jacket, with a waste band, tall, muscular, standing the porch both obvious and discrete, how Brad Pitt didn't seem to see him, but grand Sia did, so God showing His displeasure, there's is still a slow motion exodus.  You two gonna starve or what? I got you a salad, go see what else you want, you too babe, Jarrod, I'm coming, ah going, I'm up, gone, you want anything else? A vanilla shake, thanks, ah my god, now they're here with those Memphians they're never gonna stop, you guys notice something extraordinary here? We come into the eatery like its a routine morning, and no one is looking at us or acting strange at us, like we're nothing new, and we're totally new. Look beyond remarkable to mind-blowing grand Sia is now telling us, the next stop of this aircraft, the Diamond carved, Crystal Dove Chariot is Southwest Africa coastal cities, blessed assurance of screening to inspecting that Atlantic Ocean of escapees, actually living there in exile luxury. You all think this is it? Grand Sia mom, being assured long before we or our parents were born, a day would come she wouldn't want for nothing; you think Dai, Dai man, that's why right before Rev 17:14 Lamb of god, Jesus husband and Archangel Michael THEM , snatched her chariot skyward, last she heard THEM say was "oh happy day?" Hit it Maha, you Eli, Dai, Dai, hit it, okay all together, one, two three, hit it, "Oh Happy Dayyyyy, Ooooh Happy Day, O Happy Dayyy, " ah my god, ah my blessed god, we didn't know all of you guys could sing like that, ah, that is so amazing, come on you guys too, Oh happy Dayyyy."     >>>"You're saying you were that angry, I felt the one perfect time they had to keep me in heaven, like that 21 day prayer, fast of ascension, was this time, then on the 2021 "BETA," what was suppose to be the most extraordinary day ever this planet, ever again. They having me that close to death, even ascent why Nicholas didn't they just keep me, why, why why? This was the BETA, why let my happy day come a horrifying day, why they let that happen, why they let me return increasing the probability it'd happen again and again? You might not realize sweet heart, being so distraught, yes, as long as I live, and they don't heal me, that torture chamber can happen again and again, and how maddening.  Look, listen, terrifying synonym, petrified, scared stiff to paralyzed with fear, wait, dreadful, is that the descriptor I'm looking for? Its dreadful, so dreadful I can be put in these petrifying situations at any given time and the synonym for dreadful, frightening, but that's not even close. Alarming, yes, its all very, very very alarming, here's a synonym for alarming, ruffling, but paralyzing yes, because you're still, silent pleading, begging, begging, begging, it all suddenly stop and goes away, for-er-ver. Love, love, love, but you know you're asking a loving husband why didn't Holy Gods let his wife die? If only you knew, not that I would ever, ever wish a horrid thing, then love my question right here, right now, would be to Holy Spirits, why didn't you take me with her, how you gonna take her and leave me? Maaseiah, your children and many of your followers, that's now our aching question. You just have no ideal how terrifying to petrifying it all is, only if you've awaken from a petrifying head on collision, both it mental and physical incapacitation of no control soon petrifying you the more signs indicates fright night is happening again. Why are you torturing me, I asked one time? Nicholas, what would Jesus say, if I asked him that question, why are you torturing me this way? Didn't Jesus ask Saul of Tarsus that question, well Maaseiah, why are you persecuting me? If given the chance how you think Saul would've answered that question, even the Apostle Paul? Because he must, to get their intended result, Nicholas, but when I read Isaiah 53, when I read Psalm 22, when I watch movies like, 'The Case For Christ to "The Passion of Christ," and how horrid he suffered that we not suffer, that we be healed, that we Nicholas Edin Coogan be healed! Especially so close to resurrection, ascension. I would like to experience what that actually feels like, to be Jesus' cross blood, stripes, physically healed, instead I inherit the virtual torment of Jesus being crucified afresh, recurring until then, until healing, I feel so damn helpless, so damn vulnerable to an any given torture chamber, where by faith, I'm just exalting  him all the more, isn't that insanity, during the same thing recurringly expecting a different result, I know, hopefully Nicholas, that's a rhetorical question, right? I can't enjoy having recurring deliverer angels around, over me, and through me cause Nicholas they too when it come to this curse of a torture chamber, they're helpless. Where you going love? My prayer closet of a secret garden,  hopefully, the healing of such tortuous insanity, for a time anyway, you coming?"     >>>"You're still, how long you been here?" Opening her door only to find Knightly Tristan Troy, sitting on the bench there like yet waiting for her possibly an hour or more, no, I wasn't hungry, and soon I got caught up in the translation of Grand Sia commy reveals, you know Kyyle Sabre that wasn't the first she's dreamed about Brad Pitt and his kids. Amazingly so, there's a flirting with and courting Keanu Reeves movies, in his latest he like replicated an entire family of three, as so there's a Matrix four movie coming up.  We better get down to the lobby, Abra just called, suggested, yeah sure, I think Kyyle Sabre it's Kyyle or Sabre, right, I think people forget Kyyle, how very threatening to the genesis man, marriage would be these nearing technologies. Possibly like space travel, like AI and the bionic man to the Cy-Borg, part man, part machine. Surprisingly we're here, there's Abra and Patrick, you was saying, oh, I thought you weren't paying me much attention. I admit, Knightly, ah, sorry, Troy, its so easily getting mesmerized by these ocean blues, but I like where these explanations are going. Right, I was saying, hey sis, you call mom and dad? I did, they seemed weirded out, how about you? Yeah they kinda weren't themselves, but Abra, think, suppose they're saying the same about their now Septennial Juttah daughters. You all know Troy, he's been researching grand Sia's Brad Pitt reveals all this time, says it more about soaring technologies like characters  Keanu Reeves, Replica movie, Matrix, these pending techs also being as much of a threat to the genesis man marriages as the genocidal same gender abomination. But Brad Pitt haven't done that kinda of movie, I don't think, that's what I said Sven man, I thought about his Ad Astra, and space travel is Lucifer's threat to exalt himself above God.  It was cover of the movie, 12 monkeys, more about an extinction plague, but the look of a cy-borg on the cover.  I heard of that movie, didn't know Brad Pitt was in, it, again, same I said, but it's like set in 2035 traveling back to 1996 or so, stopping the plague before it happens or so. What's so apparent both celebrity and their industry flirting to courting with tech, that diminishes to disappear all together God's Genesis man will for His Creation is as mighty a threat as nuclear weaponry to wars. Anyway, we're not to marvel at those two world systems pushed off the planet, that 190 years of tech is pushed off the planet with them. Much as so though all manner of fantastic air crafts are star warring Angels to Holy Bride, escape, Rev 20, got them all arriving 7 years later on horseback with wings, even perhaps healing wings, like THEY too suffered earths technological apocalypse.  I been wondering about the underestimated guerrilla warfare in that Brad Pitt reveal verses the July 27, 2020, self made labor camp, of distracting from four ponytail judgement, one Knightly acting as the disappearance of those two world systems and 190 years of tech, a new world order, Grand Sia describes, as Islamic/Israeli/Antichrist Rule.   Good afternoon Nextus Juttah, sailors and cruisers, if you all would follow me, our first stop is the visitor center, presently closed except for those like yourselves arriving by the Aerial to the Aqua Juttah. Then on to our birth center, as your pamphlets should say.  I am, you are first Prince Silverton Nicholas, I'm Preecest Cottie, and you delivered us a once Father Moses, the Aqua Juttah Hemingway escape." Tall, flawless, model caliber stunning, most wondering when his Grand Sia described a Michael Ealy appearing Jesus, did they both have First Prince Silverton Nicholas in mind.  Admittedly except, his eyes were gorgeously slanted and there's his delicious design of hair, all white at that. "It is nice to finally meet you Preecest Cottie, my ears been itching with mysteries about our impossibly young, Juttah Hemingway escapee, welcome, welcome all.  Everyone follow me this way, we only have like two hours to do this, and yes, you are free to ask questions all along the way. You say the visitor center is closed to outsiders, is that Sia Darius because we're air-born or is that we're in the Septennial Juttah? I elect Preecest Cottie who after her conferences and short stay here elected to relocate, please Preecest Cottie, tell our young Preece and Preecest why you decided to stay? We're entering the visitor center, normally it would be more than standing room only with migrants, but as we tour about you'll get the ideal. First Prince Darius Juttah, I was told, there was no more incoming or out going transit, but you are right that isn't why I stayed, I had options, one was to request my family instead be brought here, with said request granted. They need know,  Preecest Cottie, only according to your family's will, no one, despite how desperate you after them, will be kept here or brought here against their will, they're too vulnerable when it come to Negeb Ophel exiles. Preecest Cottie is right, you now being in the Septennial Juttah, you can make such request, come, on everybody we're running to the elevator, births is a few floors up. Could I ask when request are made what percentage of outsiders agree? I know you think, oh I'm Erick, ah, Erickson, you would think sailors and cruisers that would be a large percentage but no, remember Jesus explained getting up to Him, as a narrow road that few find to follow? When you do, elect to request that they all come, I, ah, suggest you send them a copy of that that amazing brochure and let them decide from there. Straight with you, that's what I did with my family of straddlers and it worked as Darius Juttah, Karsiann suggested. Your mother right? Correct Preecet Cottie, as usual, is this your genealogy match, being so close, leaning on every your breath? Yes, this is my prenuptial, Christopher Corbra Coyote, but only after your nephew El Shaddai declined, did the surreal Preecest Cottie that my nephew was already predestined and promised to another, make this decision more pliable to wise?  This area is called, Births, I would tell you to keep quiet but since you all are already being so stellar, births as you see is an actual birth to children to medical center. No expense spare, everything again from births to child care, each of you will have daily assignments that will for one reason or another bring you to Birth. Lets go visit some of our newest members, yeah ah, Sia Memphis did explain, we're kept quite busy, at times, won't see each others for hours, perhaps, lunch, but mostly home for dinner, yes, basically Preece Nicole, it's dropping off your little ones here, your spouses to one or more assignments and practicably spending the day finding your way back to each other for the rest of it, twelve hour days. Okay our most newest Nextus Juttah, through here, are such heart melting events, even get your tissues ready, we have like, ah, 20 minutes, of it well wishes ." Why speak in parables? For they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, for it is written, though they have eyes, they see not, though they have ears they hear not, their hearts are waxed grossed;as their elephants of staying unaware and their Brides of going on like normal, refusing running shoes, so are they, beware, Apb, The RAM, see more here (Nicholas and Tiffany flyover, Noah's cousin, human extinction, come ) Why speak in parables? For Those Today As Those Rebellious Prophet Ezekiel Day, Say The Lord Seeth Us Not, The Lord Is Ascended From The Earth! Beware Holy GOD Of all Gods, Is AWARE! Apb

Unto Red Hawk, Ghost River Forest Leak and Hillary Constance Manson, was born a son, Standing Arrow, Twilight, River Leak, a son, Meadowlark, Brave Warrior, Leak and a daughter, Winterborn, Raven Brook, Leak
