Phone Comments, Pieces Of Phearson Mycal McPhearson and Regan Central WhiteHead Heart Ravishing Experiences
Prophecy Links fulfilling, nuclear October 22, Apocalyptic 2021, The Feb 12-19, 2015, Dan 2, Stone, Reigning Bride Possessed, Prepped And Launched, Too Had A Meteor Surface, Holy Lord Reminding, Nuclear, Apocalyptic 2021 January though October, Just As Jesus Return With Stars Falling From Heaven, Holy Church Bride Ascends With Stars Falling From Heaven, Yet Forewarning About Missiling Down NEO's To UFO's, HBOW/Apb
You Tube, End Of Days, Massive fast rotating heavily cratered planetary body close to Earth,, (As for one, NEO's Earth always increase solar, seismic to tectonic activities, super storms, greater earthquakes, greater volcanic eruptions, just all around recurring chaos; marvel not the October 6th 2021 huge enough to block out the sky, in large solar plasma colors was the single word TRIANGLE! Now concerning End Of Days, homeowner scenario Jesus saying Matthew 7:21-23 'Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? 'And in thy name have cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works?
'And then will I profess unto them, I NEVER KNEW YOU: depart from me, ye that worked iniquity, JCON; believe Apostle I Am, God's since the eighties back turn throne, revisited as Malachi 4:2, Sunlight of God, commanded, Hemingway exodus Juneteenth ({2002})/Juneteenth 2020. Know also, where every back turn character in my prophetic demos, one as recent as Oct 11, 2021 showing us a covert, guerrilla war building in the trees, right in front of our eyes blinded by the normalcy bias; these mockery all revisited Jesus warning, those unrepentant are none of His, I won't hear you, I won't see I won't interact with you, except ye repent; Psalm 67:18, II Chron 7:14/15; I am the way, truth and the life, no man cometh unto the father except by me, John 14:6, 7, Jesus,
The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise., Psalm 51:17, The Life of Jesus on Tubi:
Article, 8 Things You Should know About Being Intersex
-Marvel not, around 2011, as the for near thirty years my demo Rev 17:14, Lamb of God Jesus Husband, his own Mother Mary and oldest brother, Ruben, three to a bike pulled onto a church parking. Know also, the church parking lot, church shown totally abandoned as it's March 13/Oct 15, 2018, parking lot filled up instead with multitudeous loaded up autos filled with escaping American refugees. Only here, all in multicultural l family, three to a bike as they parked smoke from the bottomless pit, filled with demons poured into the church building, soon described, once Rev 17:14, lamb of God, Jesus was inside, every teen male erection was fasten upon by an infant child.
Beyond belief types of teen pedophilia, the genocidal LGBTB and P for pedophiler agenda, marvel not Nov 10, 2020, arriving from family night at the movies. How even from the front porch something sinister was detected going on in American households, something so nefarious to imminent deadly and damage, sparkling red monster trucks start showing up this rescue; only with the forewarning still, procrastinating parents endanger their children the more.
-Know also this one thing about Genesis Marriage abomination to Genocide, Rev 2, Jesus 01/12-13/2018, as predicted to go nuclear, Hawaii had a missile incoming, HE threaten described riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers children with pandemic death, except their whore Jezebel parents also repent. Then you hear, Rev 9:20, John saying, and those who didn't die by the plague (2004 backward letter C Flu/New Pneumonia pandemic /coronavirus, millions dead, mostly parents, grand parents), still they repeneth not, even while speeding toward a prescribed, Noah's Cousin of human extinction, beware, HBOW/Apb
And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the Beast's Mark: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom,Phearson Mycal McPhearson and Queen Bride Regan Central Whitehead
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036 The...
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy Temple Apil 17, 1986/2016-2026/3036 Into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign
Unto Phearson Mycal McPhearson and Regan Central Whitehead was born their first son Herenton Egan Lowd III and a son, Reynolds Dimitri McPhearson, a son Anderson Skylar Mycal McPhearson and a daughter Brandy Pier, Eriel Whitehead
Unto Soledad Maurice Aggart and Kassle Berlin Smithsonian was born their first daughter, Reese Lora lay Aggart and a second daughter Cadence Noël Aggart and a daughter Christian Journey Smithsonian
Getting Another Demo October 11 2021, About Brad Pitt And his Kids, Going About As All Is Normal During A Trifecta Of Impacting ELE'S Come and Noah's Day Type, Human Extinction!, marvel not Angelina Jolie and Kids/CELEBRITIES Are Topping Social Media right now, it's like watching Moses rebellious Pharaoh at the 11 O'clock shopping lunch hour, the 10th plague of pandemic death presently targeting all first born's (unrepented), that're yet not covered, in HOLY LAMB'S BLOOD and STAMPEDING LIKE THEIR ELEPHANTS OF STAYING UNAWARE OR MEMPHIS BRIDES OF GOING ON LIKE NOAH DAY NORMAL INSTEAD GIVEN RUNNING SHOES, Apb, The RAM
-Soon Holy watchers stop, they point to show what's the device, what's the true, silent soul killer as HD, 5G and social media entertainment. Actually most of its content described come into homes unsupervised as to be as parents putting guns to their children head's and pulling the trigger; marvel not as to reap blood guilt sown, hearing revisited Angel Gabriel, June 27 28, 2015, Angel Gabriel, June 27/28, 2021 escape to US Georgia's Atlantic COAST crossover or into Second Heaven intercessions, June 27/28, ({2017}), HGOW/JCOR, Ezekiel 5, 9, commanding heart stabbing reaping, kill all parents by, finish all schools, IT'S ALL THEIRS, SIX MILLENNIA NOW OF OUT-REACHING RIGHTEOUSNESS, I'D LISTEN! See here more,
-Yeah, you with me possibly thought about that July 27 2021 reveal, days prior I'm feeling guilty I left, and left my grand Caden/Terra there and since there's the demo Oct 11 2021 there's some bout Brad Pitt and his kids and guerrilla war building in the trees outside my eldest son front door. Only here, it's as I'm in my kitchen of revelation, one of ABC's entire election night, Nov 3, 4 2020, broadcast, predicted since Nov 3, 4, Obama/Clinton, 2013.
- I'm singing, Grand Terra who normally can't sing is doing okay, all the while eerily I'm reaching under the kitchen sink. There's one pot after another, one pot after another, filling pots with boiling, scolding water, only each has a hole in the bottom; apparently going back, possibly the running backward man we saw, something white feathering in his hand is a lethal proposition, even Mat 24 Jesus told His, once they're in imminent flight, don't return again to your houses, forewarn Nov 10 2020, those procrastinating parents endanger their children.
-Right, it's been since Jan 22-29 2018, presently exact date, Kobe Bryant's fiery crash 2020 and Pres Biden, VP Harris; flaming, blazing, frying pan, flying saucer liftoff, 2021. You all know, since Rev 10 Mighty Angel forewarn a world stretching volcanic apocalypse had come US soil, beginning with US/Canada W Pacific, a domino into 101 Yellowstones, finishing The American Continent. Whoa, like Moses, brother Pharaoh, don't fret, you're possibly the near billion The Americas who as those Noah's day enjoying a normalcy bias as Americans/world Westerners, American Dreaming, beware, Apb, but just in case see Rev 6, 6th seal/a sixth Matrix count,, HBOW/Apb The RAM
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036 The...
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy Temple April 17, 1986/2016-2026/3036 Into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign
Unto Kirtlyn Hadrian Rainpour Longknives and Carter Chambers Napoli was born a god daughter Tigress Kadaian (Kade) Longknives, a god daughter, Lioness Radien (Lion), Napoli, a godson, Jeremiah (Jere), Foxhole, Birdsnest Longknives
Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, Noah's Ark, Flood, now A Noah's Cousin, Nuclear, Natural and NEO's, XVII and VII
"They had to know you was about to die, that, this 21 day Daniel fast would Maaseiah kill you, that's why they come with that question, was your loving husband even on his deathbed worth all that pain and agony you was equally putting yourself through? Sunlight of God, did morph from marking laborers forward to a mouth soon admonishing them to be acquainted with HIS grieves and sorrows, just as Jesus told HIS disciples to love, or they'd not be recognized as HIS, any other way. Only sweet, sweet Nicholas Edin, I didn't die," wiping meticulously at stinging, warming tears, beginning to fill her cheeks, just imaging all the times they'd showed up, there was always a pending danger, "neither of us did. Your spirit separated from your body and ascended to heaven, isn't that beloved Maaseiah a perfect, biblical description of blessed death?" Sliding down, relaxing into a deep, soothing breath, his back to hers, this much needed rest, boy, it'd been a busy day, all their six kids had piled in, even into prayer bed hugs, at soothing their weary mother. "Once this cursed flesh Maaseiah is done with it, the spirit returns to the holy ones who gave it, breath its living glory into us, six millennia's ago. I may be wrong, but shouldn't THEIR Maaseiah Adonai, be intense scrutinizing of every phenomena revelation that has happen since THEY all reassuring you THEY can't wait to be here, down here, Nicholas, right, reassuring you, THEY can't wait to be down here where you are, leading you through the vast of the paradise of God, to that now regretted home earth exit. Come closer, I wanna feel your wonderful Maaseiah against us as one," yawning tears into his eyes, popup reveals he imagined had just happen, those like he hear the godtriplets discussing and as so intensely debating. "Sleep, you got those Nextus Sailors and Cruisers tomorrow, try temptress, anyway, sleep." >>>"Guys, guys, tell me this doesn't remind you of Grand Sia 'Hunt for Red October,' reveal? Article, 10 things you need to know today: October 11, 2021, the day she dreamed of procrastinating Americans like Brad Pitt and his, avoiding the obvious, a building guerrilla war. Article says, a Navy engineer is charged with trying to sell U.S. submarine technology, the U.S. calls Taliban talks "candid," and more, Navy engineer charged with trying to sell nuclear-submarine secrets, both 1 and 2 things to know, October 11, 2021, is about that. Yeah Maestro dude, ah, y'all know originally the predicted Asian invasion was proceeded by an Islamic war on US soil, like four years before those towers went down. Then there's Cole man, her Syed Farook hijacking, as of an Islamic, Israeli, Antichrist reign, I love you Eli dude, you sit so quiet, so still until we forget you're there, then something extraordinary just pop out. Kinda like Pat man, what Grand Sia mom describes of Holy Watchers all around, totally undetected until out of the blue they just begin to chant reveals in her ear. You all know after she got, Hunt For Red October, actually based on a 1990 movie, that same title, ah Alek Baldwin and Sean Connery, the tracking of Soviet submarine captain as he abandons his orders and heads for the east coast of the United States. Equipped with innovative stealth technology, again entitled 'The Hunt For Red October,' and, and and Grand Sia, head The Hunt for Red October, just before a Soviet Sub was actually found illegally in US waters. godtriplets, what is that when you come just too overwhelmed, you throw up you surrendering hands and just walk to heaven? Never mind Sven dude, grand Sia's October anything points to the original weight of blood guilt judgement sentence finale of an until 190 Dec 24 25 2001 months be fulfilled, fiery doomsday apocalypse, held up by Rev 2 Jesus Matrix count, every tenth day award, some 140 something by now. So what happen October month 1990? Man, man, man Maxton dude how did I know you would ask that question? Y'all know we need that date, her Hunt for Red October date, I've searched and searched, so knowing bout time that Russian sub was found US waters, is as close to a date we'll get. I take it god-triplets, Grand Sia back seat little Miya girl never speak? The back seat surveyor before lil Miya was born, grand Sia mom Chynna man, described as a baby Angel Gabriel, whoa, a baby Angel Gabriel, huh, what? One day while they were out driving, long before we're born, not a dream, she not even knowing he was there, he began speaking to her, pretty much describing, wait are you serious, she wasn't even dreaming? Pretty much sailors and cruisers, the forth-telling, given by the baby Gabriel back seat surveyor was nothing good come of it, except he for decades now described. You all know, what some are presently describing, the worse shortages and trials not since WW2, only you guys worse, and they really avoid it, millions of people are dead by coronvirus alone, right Chodne love. So I guys, quote her quoting what appeared as a childlike Angel Gabriel, responding to how impressive she was at man's glorious inventions all around, how one day, they wouldn't be able to give, what THEY called whimsical creations away. That's ah, things highly treasured, talking totally worthless, but if you're to measure having food over having non food items, what's easily your choice? That's Grand Sia right now saying, store your heart treasures in heaven, mobile all the rest, just know your running shoes are your most valuable car trunk asset. Frigtnight Grand Sia mom would say, that's also, finding Aug 5, 2021, ANCIENT OF DAYS, HOLY FATHER, way back then, 1992/1993, crying behind a silence in heaven now that world leaders had stripped his people of everything Jesus Christ, HE'LL in turn strip their leaders, leaving them as in the day they were born, naked and bear; marvel not Jan 12/13/ 2018, Dai, Dai brother, Perfect Man Jesus equally designed them all rags to riches sickbeds and sleepovers. l told mine not to wait, how just as there's a war against all evil working beings, there is a war against procrastinators called by HIS NAME, as well, perfect Chynna dude, perfect. Most don't realize or simply refuse, but grand Sia mom keep telling them according to Ezekiel 5, Ezekiel 9 reapers, they target all those described going on like normal. But you all notice just as grand Sia is trained to be Jesus' Apostle Prophet, she seem equally trained to be Ezekiel's to the prophets of old, like their apprentice to understudy, if god triplets that makes sense. Well if you're to remember, Nextus Sailors to cruisers, Angel Gabriel May (2004), gave over fulfilling all bible prophecy to her, to Grand Sia mom, to the end of days, this generation church. Prophetically, that's from the Holy Prophets of old, to those of Jesus, Holy Apostle, Prophets to those of this 20/21st century Holy church age, Genesis to Revelation 19, right Eli, Dai Dai brothers; here's Rev 19 describes Jesus being groomed for His as King Zion, Mt Olivet return, right? Correct Maha, yes, none of it returns to Holy Father, Alpha and Omega void, but wait you guys, a baby Gabriel or Watcher, isn't that what Grand Sia mom witnessed happen to Grand Caleb, after he ascended and they made him a golden boy? The next she saw him he was as a childlike, back-turn watcher, standing the frig reminding, of that 2011, refrigerator reveal, THEY as usual, suddenly come into Grand Sia mom ear, this generation of kids, would grow up in occupied territory, in an in progress occupied America. Look, look, look, I know what I just realized, Jesus is the only born human being that know what it feels like to take on a glorified body, I was just sitting, thinking how beyond anything extraordinary it's going to be. Everyone here, to take on a glorified body and then it dawn on me, Jesus is only one born man that has ever transformed into a glorified body, I know scripture says he's the first begotten of the dead but we don't really think about it in that capacity, beautiful, stunning Ken, Ken man. You right, we know He is the first begotten of the dead, Lazarus and others, they'll die again, but Jesus is the first born man to die a horrible, horrible death, rise and take on a glorified body he is INFINITE. Need I point out before I forget Grand Sia mom Brad Pitt demos, they were on matrix days, exactly ten matrix days apart, Oct 11, Oct 21 2021, each one, since Thanksgiving 2017. Herding us toward great, to greater to greatest of tribulations, ELE'S verified to revisited Grand Sia's predicted Oct 1, 2021, a date of Oct 17, 2021, come with as to shake ones shoulders into belief, three saying of great tribulations, see Maxton man, you our Memphis Carter, raise your hands if you'd realized any of that? Speaking of all of the phenomenon forth telling to come, what is the hand writing on the black board? Something Memphis Carter and I found in one of Grand Sia's old flyer's that's eye popping, everybody attention please, read, A Voice declaring Dec 18, there's something about the date Dec 18, miraculously on the map. Weren't we just talking about 2 of the ten things that happen Oct 11, 2021, yeah, because it was Grand Sia hearing the sum of 57, Oct 11/Oct 21, 2021, Brad Pitt Dec 18, 57th birthday. Only, only listen, that there, that prediction of Dec 18, that was March 7, 2010, and something bout counting the duration between those two dates, March 7 and Dec 18. Just don't forget, Grand Sia early March 2019, she witnessed those two ELE'S launched, incoming, impacting and its March 13, 2018, she was shown inviting all US states from a barbecuing; December month has been predicted to go nuclear since West Rule weight of blood, Happy Holidays 2001!" >>>"Nicholas, my commy just pinged, it would seem only that its the hour (am Oct 28, 2021), of 7:17, wow, yes, I don't have to tell you it's indication, deliverer angels standing Maaseiah over sleeping beds anxious asking us are we ready? Like too asking Noah and his are they ready to come into the salvation Ark, extinction level event come, now Christ's Cross, Holy star warriors to deliverers getting us to safe haven territories." As one sitting up, along side the bed, fixing his feet into chilled house shoes, readying for the bathroom and soon the shower, one of the most important days in the African Juttah Septennial, more of Mother's African cradle, signed over for various faculties, nuptial, prenuptial dorms, more and more young, Genesis marriage worshipers pouring in. "Presently Maaseiah, what they call a Noah's cousin only nuclear, natural and NEO's, you hearing as far back as Bush's error Pres Hussein clear thru to Hussein's error Col Qaddafi, "mark 17 and 7." My beloved, which is a sum Noah's ark related. Yeah," resting hands, to chin to his stout perfumed neck to shoulder, Maaseiah remember this one Memphis, Day, they sat behind another car, waiting for the apartment gate to open, whose tags was the number 717. Sat thinking how totally arranged all things that day for her to arrive back home, just in time to wait behind a car with tags with that particular number to mockery. Then of course there's when they stayed on a street name Spring Morning, with a duck pond, were reminders of Syed Farook hijacking resurfaced, as so there's an intrepid car parked down the street wearing US/West Rule to go off the planet, Oct 2017, tags. Clearly nothing but from predicted beginning to predicted end, revisiting here, street, pond, Syed to car was 30 plus years of spring rapture demos. "Soon Nicholas Edin, grand, grand said, not only is 7:17 am the time recorded on his death certificate, when Rev 17:14, Lamb of God, granddad, was glorified in the heavens. Eerily, how soon 717 was the amount of the mortgage on the Memphis home he left behind, the Memphis home Maaseiah," sticking his head out of the bath, as he readied a hot shower, "while granddad was fading away to divinity she was visited twice, then live, by both guardian angels all around, and soon again live, by star warring angels all around, seeming inside, up and down, all, come to her defense. As so Nicholas, a year later, a live re-visitation of hearing Rev 12 described a star wars being wedged in the heavens, were it's shown to be seen with our own eyes, six years later, from a US Inauguration to its State Of The Union Address, Jan 20, 2019, Rev 12 holy and unholy angels, Archangel Michael THEM verses Red Dragon, Lucifer THEM, seen to be battling a star war in the heavens. I'm going for the other shower, the reminder Maaseiah, the kids are no longer here, right, right, during all that warring up there that was when I heard Michael is setting his all around, so Nicholas, ah lord what to wear? Those called either by HIS name, or those called American to Westerners, no matter where they are on this planet if they're not escaping to one of three assigned territories they are procrastinating (June 17-19, ({2002})/2020/2021, blessed Hemingway exodus. They're being targeted as those rebellious portrayed Ezekiel 5, revisited Aug 2020, by those four ponytail judgments, before one suddenly disappeared, to self made labor camps. Darling man, you hear me hesitate, I just saw a hand writing 821, and thought Nicholas, of other things, it could mean Aug 2021, topping it all Aug 5, 2021 standing over sleeping beds anxious HIMSELF, Rev 11, portrayed ANCIENT OF DAYS, HOLY FATHER. Nicholas, what I didn't expressed the most, ({Aug 5, 2019}), two years prior, is when I watched those two world systems disappear, just as one of those Aug 12/13, (2020), ponytail judgments, anyway, they can't run, hide, where they are, they and those areas are being impacted by recurring natural disasters. Fright night to rolling twilight light skies, as portrayed of commanded grim reapers to take no sympathy, on those old or young, as of Ezekiel 9, anyway. Does this mean loving girl you're riding in with me? Only if you sweet, sweet husband Nicholas, will have me, let's hurry, we could stop for breakfast, can't tell you how delicious that all sound, I'm hurrying, I, am, hurrying!" >>>"Here comes grand Sia now, good morning, thanks for all your input, all but my Nextus Juttah are excused. You see the handwriting on black board Grand Sia? You got Dec 18, Pitts birthday 11 years before, wow, wow, who found this? My apprentice Preece Maxton and I, well thank you both, especially Sia Memphis Carter since those demos will top the subject matter with better it Revelation. First I always choose a student whose to ask the first question and that question may or may not determine which direction our subject matter will take. Is there present, a Preece Nicole, Sebastian? Here, present, good, what's your question?. If not same inquiry passing to your right, I been wondering if you and Mr Pitt were in a cell phone conversation, what would it be? Well Preece Nicole, since ten days prior a previous demo including him involved my grand, her eldest son and his children, I asked her a similar question. Hesitating not she said, if she thought it would help she would tell him the same thing she would tell her own eldest son. Set all your heart treasures in Heaven, mobile the rest and get to the only safe haven territory in North America, which is US Georgia's Atlantic Coast. Saying still Nextus Juttah, the Apostle Peter told us near 2000 years ago it would all be consumed, he was talking about the entire planet. Here we are for now talking about the American Continent, you knowing that it's all going to be destroyed by fire, why wouldn't you get you and yours out of the way of it, makes no sense that you wouldn't. Then I thought to take the movie Knowing for example once those people knew it was all about to be consumed, all they wanted to do was, what? Get out! You know you look like him," showing a curious Knighty Tristian Troy a picture, "Charles Melton' the guy from 'the sun is also a star,' one of my favorite, those cute dimples all. You're much younger of course, yeah, I mean Kyyle no, I'd not been told that, my mom American, my father actually Cambodian, so I guess there's that resemblance. "They must decease, we must increase, as it has been promised, we, the meek shall inherit the earth, well a new, White, Holy House descending down from heaven, just as rebellers are being evicted, that's what the demos about celebrities are about, those who rule the planet personally are decreasing. Those Jesus' and once martyred saints one day to rule, a new heaven and earth, a new Jerusalem, Urusalem descending. Remember, after they assured us Feb 12-19, 2015, Jesus was on His way here, what happened that July 27, 2016? You see I was given clarity, Nextus Sailors and Cruisers," 'thinking here they were again, doing that one thing they'd only dreamed, "I witnessed Jesus millennium descend, but as in into existing Royals described, shown as the Obama's to be replace by the Royal Priesthood, again they decreasing, we increasing. Marvel not, before Pres Obama's White House, revisited Feb 3 and Feb 13, 2021, with some bout France. During his first campaign, I had these reoccurring dreams of being a part of the family, of even being one of his daughters and knowing personally, what it was like to have a father yes, the first African American President but also one to be made in comparison to the devil or the Antichrist." Being in the African Juttah was no longer an outstanding, out of reach impossibility, they were there, unimaginably sitting in one of Grand Sia's reveals, class, how stunningly insane. "Understand, during Jesus Aug 10, 2010 and July 27, 2016, Millennium descent, at the lost of 15% its USA inherit. The Obama's, were being portrayed as a family of Royals, presently being replaced by Jesus Millennium reign, family of Priestly Royals and it was a friendly exchange. I do mean like the Obama's were like Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM, given credit, for also being instrumental for getting and keeping tribulation saints in exile luxury." There's eerie silence all around, they all thinking, its as all true, those back to back rumors, how it's such the phenomenon alone to be in her overwhelming, surrealistic knowing and presence. "Raise your hand if you're aware of the revisited during Jan 2020, Kobe Bryant's fiery crash, the 2008/2009, Rev 17, mocked nations summit? I am, my name Grand Sia, I know who you are, all of you, Preece Kennedy Jamison, Ken, Ken for short, wife Preecest Tierney Alexis, Tier for short. Actually, you can thank my godtriplets, they made sure I'd be well acquainted, now what Preece Ken Ken, were you saying? You're talking about your outstanding reveal, that Holy Lords while you sit among a mocked nations summit described yet Senator Obama 'The One,' with him reassuring kingdom, nation building trust him according to his itinerary, presently your something bout France, agreed Preece Ken Ken, a man is what a man does." But didn't you Grand Sia, at one time take his perfect African American genealogy and his being described, 'The One,' to mean, he's possibly the Beast? Agreed Preece Lansen, but only because that same 2009, I witnessed the two beast, Rev 13, one the Antichrist, one the false prophet also rise on US soil and go into prediction; until the soon to be announced, a "two weeks and 7 years time table, as with Jesus millennium descending it's July 27, 2016, finale. Though unlike John who witnessed the Lamb and his saints war victoriously against those two beast, I never witnessed the Lamb battling with 'The One, Barack Hussein Obama, as I described exchanges between them were also humanitarian. They, those heathen procrastinating and raging against blessed exodus, must decease, we, Holy Lords, must increase. So says Preeest Scarlet, Madeline, the warning behind the forewarn, molten death rider as so says biblical prophecy. Soon, HOLY THEY gave us Psalm 37, as so THEY were saying one day, once thrusting in reaping sickle, those rebellious procrastinators great or small, all the last Titanic ship, you will diligently seek their places and not find them nor their celebrity kids. Those prophetic times also Grand Sia the first you witnessed a sea of refugees actually pouring into Pres Obama's birth father, continent of Africa, so well put, Preece Pat. Soon to justify Islamic father, Col Qaddafi's, United States of Africa, commanded exodus revisited both Juneteeth 17-19, ({2002}) and 2020 , during, during Mother Africa's predicted 400 year repatriation, so since the Genesis man, marriage predestination at its most extraordinary; marvel not May 9, 202o, three times, Mother's day, the prophesied hour Rev 3/ Rev 17, Rev 18, was manifested in multicultural flesh. Would Grand Sia, putting Brad Pitt in place of your sons also the accusation he's not doing what he know, and the more he, well they procrastinate blessed escape, he, we they come a party and danger to others following their errant lead? Right Preeest Soren, because just as Archangel THEM war against Red Dragon them, which remind, I saw a Dragon myself, Sept 3/4 2021, only his breastplate was multicolored, ah, Eze 9 reapers are battling it out with blessed escape for one strike the telling heart, all stagnant transit to motorist. You Grand Sia mom believe that's what first Princess Nibewe dream meant, right before Ma’Khia Bryant was so brutally slaughtered, by those who can be the real culprits, here? I can tell by uncertain looks all around, you Sia El Shaddai are going to have to be more forthcoming with first Princess Nibewe own days before, Makhya reveal. But before you do, let's just make that your homework assignment, how did first Princess Nibewe, Makhya reveal speak to as Ezekiel 5, damning procrastination? Hint, first Princess Nibewe is the same who gave us religious, political leaders and families, meaning there maybe help coming, like governmental transits after all, crossing over the old Arkansas bridge, down on all four penance. You are dismissed, sweet sleep, happy day, and please excuse me as I hurry away, correct me if I'm wrong, but we just sat through a Grand Sia herself lead reveals class, yes Sven love, and I loved how she described knowing the difference between the Antichrist and 'the one.' One the Lamb and his saints battled, won, one was a humanitarian exchange. I wanted to ask about her seeing the reigning bride prepping Daniel 2 stone from heaven, but love Reella, don't we know why she got that title Holy Bride Of Wrath; Grand Sia, keep asking THEM, do I hate them Father who hate thee, do I count them also mine enemy? They refuse to repent got extinction coming, this is just as Jesus returning as a form of a gamma ray burst. Still, still, still, it's really unforeseen to see her, Grand Sia reigning, prepping, launching the Daniel Stone from heaven. What you mean Scarlet Madeline seeing Grand Sia reigning as the Bride in heaven? I read that somewhere I, thought, godtriplets, need help over here. Hey guys, remember Grand Sia godtriplet, Mahaseiah here, write down your questions, I'll personally hand them to grand Sia Mom! Don't belittle your assignments, they're worth credits and credits here is currency, see, see, who knew that? Those of us Kinkade man reading our pamphlets, thanks Sia Maha for the heads up, actually its Darius Maha, just kidding, just kidding. But isn't it really EL Mahaseiah, Darius Godtriplets? I'm starving, my stomach is pushing into my back, you love Miapo? I agree yes, starving, but what's for lunch? I have an idea, we could follow with the others and see, perfect idea, what's that sadden shadow that passed over your face? I can't wait to like Dai Dai and Chodne, to realize our marriage beds, you? Yes, yes of course, which is why Juttah vowed husband, we're putting in another request, wow, I feel better, you?" >>>Shrieking out in orgasmic agony to wonderment, only crying so helplessly moments before, having dreamed of this moment, once battered he and once battered and bruised Regan Central exploding into itty, bitty pieces wedding beds. Only a nervous Phearson McPhearson so pitiful, to petrified earlier. Hey," touching his bear back to her, tell me, talk to me, I'm intimidated, I don't know what I'm doing Rig, I don't know how to do any of it. I only know Phearson, McPhearson I want to kiss, bite and lick you all over and you know what?" Climbing all the better toward him, with play kisses, tickling his neck, "what? Giggling so, "what girl, what? My knowing all that loverboy is by reading your mind, how I Rig wanna kiss, lick and bite you all over, with that, with, with that. Diving into his inviting mouth of a stammering tongue, electrifying them, popping toes to tight pounding fist. Shhhh, I ache to have my mouth to breast this edible, delectable chest, how unbelievable Rig this all feel," hearing the emotions in his voice, come all the more panting, jeering mourns, cries. Wife, wife, not there, not there, look Phearce, the visible scar of once your mother's womb, Rig, Rig, Rig look at me, come here, come here, don't you wanna know how your natural sword fits its my natural sleeve? Erupting, combustion postating through every nerve, vein shierking out orgasmic agony to soul shattering wonderment Rigggggggg, please, please, I wanna see, see, you, mercy girl," a push and pull, tug of galvanizing, inflammable marriage beds, arh, arh, arhhhhhhhhhhhh, Mrs McPhearson!!!! So delicious is every flawless bite of Mr McPhearson, ah my god in heaven you're killing me so wondrously, ah my god woman, wife, what are you doing to me? I never, never, shhhhhhh, smothering this arousing breaking down perfumed long strands, quick biting, licking kisses and steamier, profuse lovemaking. "Pray tell, what is all this glowing, sparkling arousal, what Phearce if I told you I was just revisited by the shrieking out in orgasmic wonderment of every detail of when we first made love? Well can you Rig, like do it again and take me with you, ouch, ouchhhhhhhhh, stop it with those little fist punches, that hurt. What I do, say wrong? That's not what I meant, any past, present and future dreams about reaching eureka is our marriage bed, Regan Central Whitehead, McPhearson, I want in, now take those fist punches back, take'em back! How do I take'em back? You could kiss and lick their boo, boos away, you just gotta be starting something don't you, Mr McPhearson? You was the one who just dreamed about our first micro-bursting time in bed, talk about the mind-blowing pleasures of dying and going to heaven, you Mrs Mcphearson, Holy Spirits all, just wanna be started something. Okay, okay, okay, juicy, loving man, show blistering wife, where does it hurt? You know pain Regan Central, it starts one place, but spreads freely, ah, so gorgeous, flawless husband Phearson, you're hurting and need to be kissed all over, yes, stunning wife Regan Central and you being your most expert, wait, wait, wait, no, no, no, noooooooo!" >>>"What are you doing?" Frighten of a flushed Specialist Cullen Veneer, rushing into the elevator, pushing the hold button, "don't be frighten Maaseiah, I need you come with me, I have something I need you to see. Come with you? Angrily pushing past him to reactivate the elevator, only finding his strong resistant. "Have you lost your mind? Do you trust me Maaseiah, I'm talking deep down in your heart and soul, do you trust me? Argggggg, this is insane, let me out of here, tell me, tell me, yes, yes, I guess? Then I need you to come with me, no question asked, just drop every, I was running to one of my reveals classes as is? I, I, I just need you Maaseiah to do this for me, please, I'm begging you, you have to see this. Specialist, Cullen Michael Veneer, I can't just disappear, I'm not just married, I have children, grands, you have an entire African Juttah, that is why you have to see this for yourself. You said, if not where, how long? The rest of this day, the rest, arh, arh, I, ah my god, I can just see divorce papers dancing around my head. This is not that, is it my dad, you know Cullen he is no longer in the parental Juttah? No, he left Maaseiah, that hill for him, isn't safe, plus I'm given Maaseiah equally as your protector, I would never put you in danger. You know what you're asking? Plus, I can't be seen leaving the center with you, here, meet me at this address posthaste. You're killing me, you say Cullen you're safeguarding me, but you're killing me, I'll expect you taking up my rear Maaseiah, our Elohim this witnessed, you won't regret it." >>>"I need to say, so intimidated by Grand Sia reveal, I want to tell you Kyyle, when I first laid eyes on you, I kept trying to remember this old article, here, titled, 'the girl with blue eyes. I thought of her, you and Abra both, only yours are lite grey, but that's not what attracted me. Truly what attracted me, we both were in uncharted territory, seem the same age, both alone, all was the magnet, but since Kyyle, I just been more and more attracted. Why so tickled? Ah, just the way you expertly put that, look we got like 30 before our next assignment, I've had cravings of walking on the beach with you, sun, rain, sleet or snow, take my hand, come, love too. There are ice shaving treats Troy, just waiting to give me a brain freeze, right, right, talk about cravings huh? Now that we're in the African Septennial, this may sound a bit personal, but have you made any attempts to research its, your, genealogy? My understanding Troy, was that you had to enter the Tombola for more speedier results, and since there's no reason to hurry. They won't let us marry until we're upper teens, plus I see the pressure on Abra and Pat, just knowing all that and hoping they don't screw it up somehow; so you Kyyle think its better not knowing for now? Don't you? I've been really wanting to ask Kyyle, what you think about the nuptials description of the skyfall? I know, because what I heard, sound Kyyle like they're describing Grand Sia, diamond carved crystal dove chariot now as a mystical beach. Yes, yes those, crystal seas and waves, the white as snow sand, and the seashell looking from crystal to diamond, which the sun rays, Kyyle actually does to sand. Remember Grand Sia witnessed the high sunbeam, change, shift shape into a metamorphosis that was soon a huge enough to block out the heavens, diamond carved, crystal dove chariot. Of, of, of, snatching us off the planet; then its final forewarning, be aware of too many to count presently, incoming NEO's t UFO's. Only it's next stop, safe-haven Africa's Atlantic coastal cities where we're to visit near a billion in American refugees now living in exile luxury; surely Kyyle, awaiting Rev 11, martyrdom, resurrection and ascension of those two olive branches, right? So, what you think Troy, Grand Sia seeing the offering July 6, 2021, of a withered olive branch, mean? I saw that, didn't Kyyle mean anything else but just to reiterate, King David THEM saying, vain is the help of man, and the new testament reminding, Jesus is the way, truth and the life, no man enters the kingdom of God, except by blessed Him. Whoa, look at this line, think we still have time?" Thinking instead Knightly Tristian Troy had kinda dodged the question, his inquiries began, was it best to know future genealogies or not? "Eeeeh, we still got bout twenty, so, well if not, we race back to reveals, try again next break, I know its gonna be worth it, I think so too, good, then we have a plan. You think its odd to naive they just expect us to behave? Well we saw during Sky-fall, they do take precautions, and we know Troy we can't just ask Holy Father to keep us from temptations without putting in the work ourselves. I just wondered Preecest Kyyle, since you never even tried to kiss me, hum, I just wondered the same, since you Knighly Tristian never tried to kiss me, guess it'll happen, when it happens, right and we'll just let it, right?" Why Speak In Parables? Jesus disciples asked Him with Him responding by quoting Prophets of old saying, well see more here Mat 13:10-17, beware HBOW/Apb The RAM, see more pieces of Phearson McPhearson and Regan Central Whitehead here,, Heart Ravishing ,
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