10 things you need to know today: December 3, 2021, Well Especially its Eighth Thing

Prophecy Links Fulfilling December 20, Apocalyptic 2020


https://youtu.be/a6wX84kAGZg, (-Remember Nov 11/21 2021 Ben Affleck's Armageddon to Clear And Present Danger, there's Oct 17 2021, predicting triple Tribulations, as Homes Invasions like the Ak, TN, Ky, killer tornado already incoming; reference was made to youtube Dutchsinse Aug 30/31 2019 BD, come a breaking of news report, saying after 101 Yellowstone eruptions, beware JCOR/HBOW

-Another ebbing and flowing date, six years (July 6, {2020}), arriving just as the Holy Newborn as the Holy Church Bride was being snatched out of (Sept BETA, 2020/Sept 27/28 2021) Red Dragon, them, hands. Unthinkable, it was how the for many millennia, adulterous, African to Israeli wife went on to be entreated; as with indescribable adoration, even her own ground up cradle and since delivered into exile luxury, Africa's Southwest Atlantic, FOR GOD SO  LOVES HER, regardless, she gave ELO-HIM a HOLY SON, world REDEEMER, and descending MULTICULTURAL, ROYAL PRIESTHOOD, GOT HIM?

YES, TAKE HIM HIS, ASSURING DELIVERER ARCHANGEL MICHAEL THEM, BUT THIS ONE, SHE'S MINE! July 6 2020/Aug 5, 2021 Rev 11, AODHFG, also standing over sleeping beds anxious, to snatch THEIRS OUT! Two months into Oct 17, 2021 forewarn, triple TRIBULATION, during those final SEVEN years, during BEAST reign. Indefinitely, what else to expect, extinction come, what's worst; massive storms for chasing you and yours, don't you know where; dropping a meteor on you or erupting a supervolcano as a fire blizzard, all around you and yours? 


10 things you need to know today: December 3, 2021, https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/12/02/europe/germany-lockdown-covid-restrictions-intl/index.html, (ebbing and flowing date, these four years, Dec 3 3021, Eze 9 reapers commanded to kill all parents by finish all schools; here's the first Rev 2 Jesus Matrix ten day countdown; there are stampeding elephant of staying unaware reacting to Trump, Abbas and Putin tug of turf wars to Armageddon, as Mat 24 Jesus described abomination that maketh ALL DESOLATE, let no campaigns of going on like normal deceived, revisited weight of martyred blood guilt combined to cost westerners UK/BC/US, 100 million lives,beware, JCOR/HBOW, Remember I've seen them star warring together, Rev 12/17:14 Jesus of Revelation and Faithful Bride, Royal Priesthood, throwing down menacing, predatory, Red Dragon them, One BEAST was and was not, with another, a greater to come, is now arrived; WHY DIE? WATCH! RUN! LIVE! Apb The RAM



8 Germany announces national lockdown for the unvaccinated

12/3/21 Rev 3:3 Jesus saying WATCH! Not only in describing the Feb 2019/ Oct 2021 Antichrist BEAST' as a hybrid Alexander The Great, Hitler's Germany monstrosity, with Anubis' mummifiers and undertakers posing all around as policing German Shepherd. Clearly was the deadliest of Merkel's Germany yet to come referred to twice, as the deadliest of warriors Alexander The Great and the most monstrous of dictators, Adolf Hitler.

Though growing national, International restrictions as Apostle I am have predicted can and will mutate into Rev 13 for 42 months mark of the beast of a GENOCIDAL,restructuring, AGENDA, a world stretching ARMAGEDDON also as the coronavirus, backward letter C epidemic mutating Into Rev 6, 4th seal pale horse, horse of Hades pandemic, ARMAGEDDON is set to claim another quarter of earth's inherit, that's two quarters worthy, of billions dead within two since June 24/Oct 17 2021 42 month intervals, WHY DIE? WATCH! RUN! LIVE! JCOR/HBOW

Texting My Memphis Niece , 10/19/2021, Only Apostleship Called Them Epistles Of Love!

-I know niece, my favorite picture in the world, only its not about the picture, I'm even reminded Memphis Carter's BD, he was in that (Dec 3 2017) stampeding of elephants of staying unaware with me. Only here come (Dec 3 2021)Rev 3:3 Jesus, four years later saying both be watchful and simply, WATCH! Fright night Tip, this also mean, like Jeremiah, Ezekiel days, THEY gonna prove me, and for many millennia of prophesying prophets something THEY been telling and telling!

And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshiped God, ( Where I was Jesus Olivet return, kneeling, kissing at HIS feet); Apb The RAM


 -Only niece twice now, before I found this picture and since, I've had demos about when momma them lived here, Highland Park, right? Emphasis on HIGHLAND, because Rev 3:3 Jesus was also a demo ten years back, about coming in as a thief leaving those behind atop High-rise buildings, again flood related. Just got me thinking the decades demo, Mighty Deluge of Memphis by the MIGHTY Miss. River, is here, even some bout a possible 10.2 New Madrid, Earthquake!

-Holy Lord's telling me about two weeks ago y'all coming here, until I was expecting something like that not for a century Ak, TN, Ky killer tornado. Plainly meaning niece, Mega disasters for stampeding, like epistles of love, are more determined to detrimental..Right until the dream just now, a 3 to 4 year old boy, perched on this same porch, told me all he want for Christmas was that I bring back he and his, some water. Yeap, niece, also massive flooding, related, not to even mention, during the maze of sin, I saw multi-millions patiently along strong delusions still, waiting a single water cooler, even describing that niece, always make me so thirsty, you?


CNN Article, 'A four-week window': Biden aims to learn from Obama's mistakes with quick moves to deter Putin from invading Ukraine, https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/19/politics/joe-biden-russia-ukraine-obama-2014/index.html

-Only this is not Obama's Putin, Anti-christ, US death tolls into heaven's ceiling, pending; I sat one of these, right across from him, still Senator Barack Hussein Obama, when he's described, 'The One!" No, this is Biden's Putin, also hybrid Alexander to Hitler's Germany's Antichrist, BEAST RULE, with Anubis mummifiers undertakers posing all around as policing German Shepherds and hundreds of Millions of Westerners predicted dead.

-As the predicted days of Noah's, Moses and Abraham's nephew Lot, even Apostle THEY call me. Know, campaigns of going on as normal that's what they are, there's only one blessed escape, (Juneteenth, 17-19 2002), into Juneteenth 17-19, 2021 Sunlight of God, commanded Hemingway Exodus farewell to all The Americas, so long to all West Rule, the repatriation of S W Africas' Atlantic. marvel not the flaming blazing frying pan flying saucer liftoff of President Biden and Vice President Harris; marvel not since declared The One, you've stampeded into US Georgia's Atlantic and I've visited you in S.W Africa's Atlantic, coastal cities, living in exile luxury, HGOW/JCOR, see more here, https://piecesoflordurusalem.blogspot.com/2020/07/and-these-are-descendants-of-beauty.html and here,
https://thehemingway2028.blogspot.com/2021/12/and-when-hed-opened-fourth-seal-pale.html, how like for six millennia its ALL been ending prophetically Apb The RAM

Listening to its Holy Spirit electrifying my blood through and though, moistening nose, eyes, Big Daddy Weave, OVERWHELMED! https://youtu.be/BiGb14tTaH4

Dancing To; Leona Lewis', 'One Moe Sleep,' https://youtu.be/j-_1-uJ6Ml4

You Have Like Five More Days To Give To My Christmas Surprising My Family, so you're the first, the only, give here, $patann1258, thanks, God bless

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the Beast's Mark: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom River Ryker Elysium and Queen Bride Albion Midison Houston The Unending Love Antidote, The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036 The... The Tombola Genealogy, Holy Temple Apil 17, 1986/2016-2026/3036 Into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign Unto Hasting Connon Hastings and Marielle, Bessica Kirksen was born a godson Canning Demarcus Hastings a godson, Manning (Manny), Demitrus Hastings and a goddaghter, Kirtsen Channing Hastings, Kirtsen Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, Noah's Ark, Flood, now A Noah's Cousin, Nuclear, Natural and NEO's, XVII and VII "WHICH IS RAGS YO RICHES SICK BEDS AND SLEEPOVERS, CRUCIFYING JESUS AFRESH HIS BLOOD TO RETURNING AS A GAMMA RAY BURST BE UP ON YOU AND YOUR CHILDREN! WHY DIE? WATCH RUN LIVE! JCOR/HBOW -Reminded of Gov Pilate trying to keep this mob from crucifying Jesus, publicly washes his hand of JESUS' BLOOD throwing it's curse upon this mob, their children and future Inherit as a KY town losing four children to a guided killer tornado, per Texas , 2020, deadly winter, grid down, Apb -Why it doesn't matter, since (Juneteenth 17 2002)/Juneteenth 17 2021 National Holiday status is the SUNLIGHT of God, Hemingway Exodus, a Brexit, BRIEXIT, and Blaexit,400 year repatriation of S.W. Africa, costal cities; as 101 Yellowstone's cause two world systems to skyrocket to fire-rocket off the planet, taking 190 years of tech and tens of millions of US/Westerners with them; -SCHOOLS OUT, FOR FOREVER, ONE OF MANY BUILDINGS YOUR CHILDREN WERE SUPPOSED TO VACATE BEFORE THEIR GRANULATING TASSELS ARE USED AS TOE TAGS, FOR THEIR DEAD, REMEMBER? ALL SCHOOLS COMMANDED FINISH, ALL, THE EBBING AND FLOWING DATE (FEB 12/13/2017), EZE 5/9 HGOW; APPARENT, DESIGNED, GUIDED MUTATING COVID 19 TO RECURRING MEGA DISASTERS SEEM TO KNOW THIS, ALL ENDANGERING PARENTS WAKE UP, GET UP, GET OUT, YOU KNOW WHERE! What my graced to life Connon are you reading? All that Marielle believe it or not, was Grand Sia responses to three separate articles,

Texas' near-total abortion ban is temporarily blocked by a federal judge, spurring the state to quickly appeal, Why America Is at War Over the History of Slavery, Georgia school district cancels school over threats made on TikTok "Admittedly I'm still Marielle so frustrated and literally kicking myself we been left behind by Seraphima them, my god Mari, how that happened? Just Hastings Connon love to answer with a question, but who are we kidding, weren't we the primary straddlers of all those left here, procrastinating, assigned areas for one and its truth of Grand Sia reveals. Truman, you wanna tell Him? Ah, I was Hastings man reading in Grand Sia's Prophecy Links where she was again May 2010, assured by a voice talking down from heaven assuring a Christmas Eve to Christmas Day rapture. Again? Right, you all know the Intrepid Dream Reveal is a Christmas Eve to day great gathering of the saints depicted the escaping, driver-less White trimmed in gold intrepid auto. Really, possibly why Grand Sia witnessed what she described as a multiplex Christmas Star on Thanksgiving Night, seeing the Intrepid Dream judgment was 190 months and forty days into Thanksgiving 2017, that's why we don't marvel that Thanksgiving, Christmas Star 2021 nor 2018 Thanksgiving also of a fast escape, like we're fire rocketing through the planetary bodies. Plus, plus Truman, Dec 3 2021 Rev 3:3 Jesus saying Watch, was itself bout a decade back portrayed as Rev 17:14, Lamb of God, Jesus Husband, come as a thief, and everybody clueless and otherwise distracted and didn't even know what's happen until like us, Seraphina them translated into Septennial Juttah, we don't know, don't even suspect until they're just gone, with us procrastinators left all devastated atop white men sickbeds and sleepovers, same gender wedding vows, also seen as abominable sleepovers, all left atop high rise buildings, kinda like it was Grand Sia's predicted Noah's Cousin to that Aqua Era all-round, you nay not care what Grand Sia say, what about allying her star warring Archangel Michael, THEM? So Paige, what you thinking, left being really, really, really stunned to Dec 3 Rev 3:3 Jesus, four years those stampeding elephants of staying unaware,saying WATCH, RUN! to LIVE? Plus Grand, Grand Sia is still here, escaping with her is still blessed first resurrection, and that's still dancing Hallelujahs all around!!! Phelps? Yeah? What's up? Resurrection, grand Sia also heard that, as those who're to ascend to Jesus first, like Dec 11, 2021, the 10th to 11th of any month, since Pitts October 11 and Affleck's Nov 11, 2021, is really telling them both dates following up with something even more catastrophic exactly four years of ten matrix days later, Oct 21 2021 and Nov 21 2021. So, so, do we hold on to britches to running shoes Dec 21 2021, Tuesday to Wednesday coming up? Adjawon, what? A voice declaring, we're in a death Wednesday, compared to the saying, a catch 22, 05/08, 2010, I'm reading it right here, as Phelps as you said Tuesday to Wednesday. I thought of seeing this, did a search, no one knew what it meant, I mean Adjawon love, what is even a catch 22? Origin Hastings, 'Catch 22,' 1960's title of a novel by Joseph Heller, (1961), in it, the main character feigns madness, in order a avoid dangerous combat missions, (as Pitts Oct 11, 2021, encroaching guerrilla war and Affleck's Nov 11, Armageddon to clear and present danger, and Biden's tug of both Russia's Ukraine and China's Taiwan, don't forget also Grand Sia got three to four refers to China, within one, May 22, 2021, little Miya girl surveyor to translator, recurring date, just saying, But, but this character's desire to avoid them was taken to prove his sanity, wasn't it rumored Trump committed some shenanigans to avoid combat missions, also committing a catch-22? Trump, Hastings man, and how many other philanthropist to so called demi-gods? Only Holy God knows, well, I thought about that, Dec 10/11 2021, following a month later Pitts Oct 11 and two months later Affleck's N0v 11, with Dec 21, yet pending, as to top a not for a century killer tornado, don't wanna say it but what's to top it, don't forget one article of Grand Sia responses I didn't share, A DOOMSDAY STORM HIT KANSAS AT 125 MPH, with Australia suffering something like it since, what? Those the areas Jan 2018 Mighty Angel , standing the Planet to Sea, said be just as aware as inundated with such fore-warnings US Canada West Pacific, yeah those areas Mighty Angel also forewarn, the Eastern Seaboard are states like commanded of Canada, Grand Sia saw take up wings and fly off the map. Wait wait, this taking up wings stuff, cataclysms come, could this be why THEY encouraged Grand Sia, THEY would instead cover her with THEIR feathers and instead under THEIR wings should she Trust? That's what Jesus promised a betraying him also Jerusalem, how like a hen take her brew under her protective wings, he so longed to do the same for her, marvel not John instead witnessed, her descend anew, the first, passed away, leaving but a remnant of one third, with two thirds predicted lost, yeah Adjawon, Grand Sia witnessed during Bush's era/error Saddam, to an enemy called in the Hebrew, Hamath, possibly Palestine's government, Hamas; probably Phelps man, the making up of those ten heads being named to ordained, Kobe's fiery death morning, Jan 2020, mostly Islamic names, Grand Sia said, the seeing you guys, hearing you guys of a US General naming its build up of torture vehicles, a dirty Mede, and an alike US General seen handling his war horse off to the prophet Jeremiah, as to show no further contest with fulfilling, biblical territory, prophecies, wow, ah Preecest Paige, where you get all that, my grand too Preece Hastngs is a follower of The RAM, Jesus, spirit of prophecy. Fretnot, right, Fretnot, Grand Sia also saw them like us escaping both into Africa's Southwest Atlantic and US Georgia's Atlantic COAST crossover, so no matter how it seems we know before they poured into heaven they poured into blessed Hemingway Exodus to S W Africa's exile luxury first. We better go, grand, grand gonna need help with breakfast and serving, it, Phelps? Yeah, going for Ronin them, be right there, don't let their refusing discouragement, I don't, she won't, hey, trust me, I do, I will." >>>"No, no, no, Chodne, Dai Dai, I just didn't know those test could be wrong, they're human Preecest Adjia, come with human trials to errors, I guess so, huh? To the skyfall for breakfast, after that Chodne has to go visit the Parental Juttah, don't you too Adjia? Been putting it off, lover boy, but yes, why doll girl putting it off and I don't know Dai, Dai what it mean, but don't you two seem more relieved? You know bro it happens, that's glorious but until then waiting throughout our Genesis Marriage beds, that's equally glorious. The expert you are Dia Dai at both putting and settling such debatable things, ah, I can smell it all from the elevator, I'm going for the buffet, I'm thinking Adjia, I want mine ready to order, yeah Eli same here, only Dai, Dai he says that cause he's to pick off my plate until his order come. Dazing off Dai, Dai, you coming? Yeah, ah, let's pile up your plate, what you gonna order! Breakfast morning to Dai Dai, sorry, ah, Grand Sia mom responded to a CNN article, Chodne, saying, 'We couldn't comprehend until we saw it in person': Kentucky store owner after tornado; Know, this was a pharmacy who only Chod four hours earlier, had a store full of families visiting Santa Claus, you mean Grand Sia Moms, hearing, "you got four hours?" Whoa, whoa, hold that pop up revel, only they're not realizing those are the kind of mass disasters that are upon them right now, that pharmacy instead being brought to smitterrings while it's being visited by dozens in families and children. Now go back Chodne, yeah, Grand Sia heard, 'you got four hours,' days before a pop up flood, laid waste to a camp of families, as she was watching, its live weather broadcast, she him say, they had like, four hours to vacate, what? Ah, anyway, Grand Sia mom, go on and say, 'what I hadn't said predictions Oct 17 2021 we're in those SEVEN last year's of BEAST RULE come with triple tribulations. A single threat, the nation goes; now Chod I'm quoting her, a double threat, that's the end of the American Continent, a triple threat, that's the end of the world as we know it. Know also, Mid Oct (2020), she remind, show all rebellers efforts from Red Dragon Them to rebellious world leaders, social media to terrorist groups all these millennia of plenty their efforts of genociders agendas as nothing but a fork in the sand-doom, then Judgement, then hell, then she reminds, now you understand clearly Jesus asking what hath it profit you gaining it all, losing your immortality? Get enough bacon for me, both kind, thought you're to order, I am, but I like Eli's strategy as well, whoa, one of those Red Apples, hope its sweet. Then Chod, she uses another Article, saying, A DOOMSDAY STORM HIT KANSAS AT 125 MPH, further saying, EVEN OUT THE BACK DOOR, ON A STUNNING, BRIGHT SUNDAY MORNING I HEARD HIM, I WILL BRING IT ALL TO WASTE! A Back Turned Rite Aid Pharmacy, was used to remind US/Westerners death tolls are 5% into 15%; revisited July 27/28 2021 said tolls clearly calculated as Britain 25 Million, Canada 25 million, combined with America's 50 million, that's 100 million total, in westerners, alone. Then miraculously, hearing when knocked down get back up she says, YOU GET BACK UP, Dec 3 2021 Mat 24/Rev 3:3 Jesus suggest, you WATCH! RUN! LIVE! Why Die? Wow, shaking my head with its astonishment, wow Dai, Dai, wow, yeah. I instead read her comments you guys on that Kentucky Town that lost four children to Georgia school closures, a tic-toc threat, her reminder children were commanded to be free of all buildings before that 2010, 2011 outbreak with earthquakes; You all Adjia, know the June 27/28, 2021, the year, month of (May 2004) Angel Gabriel come saying the fulfillment of all things is upon mankind, is the year that Indian ocean quake our 2004, US's Christmas day killed a quarter of a million people. Know, know, know, the area that just now had an earthquake event so paramount, a not for a month youtube dutchsinse responded. He has a new youtube vid, titled, The Devil." https://youtu.be/a6wX84kAGZg, then Chodne, Adjia, Eli man, on predicted Oct 11/21 2021 Brad Pitt's, Dec 18, Birthday. Related, his 57th BD to Grand Sia also hearing, its Oct 11 2021 this described Pitts' adviser among them saying, defending, "that's because she should've been on the 57th.' Grand Sia mom waking, thinking something US military, only that very date Oct 11, 2021, it was, something bout swapping US submarine intel, even revisiting her for years, Alec Baldwin's, Hunt For Red, October, like its bloodiest Mid October 2020, reveal. Still Eli man, the west Pacific areas referenced by Mighty Angel 2018 and that steering wheel, reading an article in Dutch, about greater earthquakes come, to the West Pacific, that was happy holidays 2019! But, but but, didn't Grand Sia, Oct 21, 2021 flash point of Brad Pitt, stranded in traffic, just revisit, predicted even in dutch, massive W Pacific earthquakes to massive flooding, well, so did Ben Afflecks' Nov 21, clear and present danger, as those 101 Yellowstone eruptions, also, also you two dutch to dutchsinse related. Ah, Dai, Dai , this Pitts adviser and Grand Sia mom barely hearing their conversation from a locked connecting bedroom, he's probably a watcher, and saying she should've went on the 57th refers to Brad Pitts, Dec 18, 2020, just saying that Sept 22/23 2020, BETA prior, also star warring Rev 12, Red Dragon, inquired from up, to star warring Archangel Michael THEM, also didn't Holy Bride just miss her window to get out of their Gog and Magog them time line; wasn't Grand Sia mom just reminded Mid Oct 2021 is the predicted SEVEN years of BEAST reign in progress? I been meaning to ask you loving finance, how you think Archangel Michael THEM responded to Red Dragon them clever inquiry? Shown to be evident, these cataclysmic things have to happen, Mat 24 Jesus assured inquiring disciples, and answering reigning them, wouldn't that be a June 27/28 2021 Trump of God, Angel Gabriel, come brandishing, those three reminding territories to Aug 5, 2021 Rev 11, Ancient Of Days HIMSELF, not only showing HIMSELF standing over sleeping beds anxious but just as Archangel Michael THEM star warring the taking back of planet earth, even if it all found again, black, void, and without form? So instead you two, Adjai, Eli, you're into the Parental Juttah with Chodne and I, or is this where we part ways, and reunite later? Whoa, my god, can Georgia's peace tea, get any better than that? Here comes our hostess, I wonder Chod how it's to be hot? You Dai Dai man heard Ahjia say she's been dodging her parents,I also Eli bro, heard you ask Ahjia, why is that? You godtriplets know why, most of us don't have agreeing parents, nor an agreeing Parental Juttah to Global Tribunal allying them both, right Chodne; isn't that why they sent me away to separate Eli and I, isn't that why I'm still so angry at them? I guess Eli told you our parents were found to be its, Parental Juttah, accomplices, our parents to Dai Dai to Parental Juttah or Maha and I parents? Like it or not, understand, accept to sacrifice El Elyon, Sia Coogan and Sia, Grand Coogan are as well my parents. Look, look, that's not what I was saying, you guy's with your parents, your actual founding parents or none of this exist, none of it! Plus my trial is over, I'm here to stay and I'm not the only one, just saying maybe we are the closest to ascending into second heaven intercessions,than ever before, Like didn't Grand Sia mom, a day after that killer tornado hear Resurrection, as in the dead in Jesus Christ rises first? Names could be sounding for the billions of them since Adam, Eve and Abel , out of the Lambs Book of Life, while the lyrics, how great thou art, are going and going, just as Grand Sia mom also saw and suffered its most physically overwhelming of prayers beds? Where the heck Adjia?" My god is Christ," seeing her eyes, cheeks are to fill with ominous tears both fear and trembling, My god is Christ, Eli," sweeping both, cheeks, as they all were, just imagining such otherworldly miraculousness, "I don't know, its like I suddenly saw it all like Grand Sia Herself, I guess, my god, finally, THEY'RE coming for us, those alive and reminding, like Apostle Paul described. So how is it hot, Dai, Dai, ah, wonderful Adjia, and man, so, so good, so what's originally on you all's itinerary for today? Ah Skyfall aquariums, hear the blue, luminous whale is there, then Safaris and specialty picnics, I know you knew that Dai Dai, keeping with our itinerary, yeah loving brother, but its all so fascinating I just had to hear it, th more. It's decided, we're all to the Parental Juttah first? Yeah we'll meet, no Eli, I'd love to see Adjia's parents and I'd love Eli love to met Chodne's parents, actually first. Then come one, come all, let's visit the gift shop, I'm too stuffed to walk, carry me, you know I have and will, just tell when you're ready, ooh-uh beloved Dai, Dai, I suddenly feel so energized, yeah Chodne love, that's what I thought." Why speak in parables? Jesus' Disciples asked Him with Him responding, saying, in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which saith, by hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive: For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them. But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear. The Stampeding tug of turf wars to WW3 to Armageddon, Memphis to African Elephants, they were described as those used to purposely keep you unaware, that as the days of Noah's unforeseen extinction level event even after a century of remarkable evidence, taking those knowing as though they're unaware, beware all governments, industries, parents, pastors to social media accused of being accomplices to near a billion in American procrastinators, HGOW/JCOR, HBOW/Apb, The RAM


Article, Kentucky Factory Workers Say They Were Threaten With Firing If they Left Before Tornado, https://www.nbcnews.com/now/video/kentucky-factory-workers-say-the-were-threatened-with-firing-if-they-left-before-tornado-128621125515

And thou, son of man, take thee a sharp knife, take thee a barber's razor, and cause it to pass upon thine head and upon thy beard: then take thee balances to weigh, and divide the hair. Eze 5:1, 

-Beyond how shameful to heart tearing of a trial, my 07/20, Ben Affleck's, 11/21 Eze 5 type head shavings of four into three Judgements, one reminding those 101 Yellowstones come. Those onlookers were just to busy to be alarmed, busying about their own self made labor camp, claiming alone, near a million US's annually, marvel not since Bush/Cheney/ Cameron's era/error Saddam, Western Leads are aligned to 100 million combined, westerners deaths; WHY DIE? WATCH! RUN! LIVE! JCOR/HBOW,


Article, Why America Is at War Over the History of Slavery, https://www.gq.com/story/clint-smith-year-of-the-brave

Why it doesn't matter, since (Juneteenth 17 2002)/Juneteenth 17 2021 National Holiday status is the SUNLIGHT of God, Hemingway Exodus, a Brexit,BRIEXIT, and Blaexit,400 year repatriation of S.W. Africa, costal cities; as 101 Yellowstone's cause two world systems to skyrocket to fire-rocket off the planet, taking 190 years of tech and tens of millions of US/Westerners with them; HBOW/Apb


Texas' near-total abortion ban is temporarily blocked by a federal judge, spurring the state to quickly appeal, https://www.texastribune.org/2021/10/01/texas-abortion-law-blocked/


-Reminded of Gov Pilate trying to keep this mob from crucifying Jesus, publicly washes his hand of JESUS' BLOOD throwing it's curse upon this mob, their children and future Inherit as a KY town losing four children to a guided killer tornado, per Texas , 2020, deadly grid down Apb
