The Huge Enough To Block Out The Sky, In HUGE, Bold, Black, Capital Letters, The Single Person, Place, Thing or Pat-Brad, SHILOH, Ebbing And Flowing Date, Jan 12, 13, 2017-2022
Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear January 18, Apocalyptic 2022, Pray Your Flight, Your Fast And Furious Getaway Into The Commanded Hemingway Exodus, into US Georgia's Coast, crossover, isn't In The Winter! MAT 24/REV18 JCOR/HBOW
The Tonga Underwater Eruption,
Youtube mrmbb333,
(I saw the earth opened and a rider, a bringer of death, just leaped out of it! Soon hearing, Behold It Is Death, Rid Against, abominable, detestable, lives lands and churches!
-Doesn't the Tonga Eruption remind us of those death bringers coming at us from US West Pacific, just as from the beneath; marvel not Nov 11/21 2021, Eze 5 type, Ben Affleck's Armageddon to Clear And Present Danger reminded of those for decades into the prophesied day, hour to nano-second 101 Yellowstone's; WHY DIE? WATCH! RUN! LIVE! JCOR/HBOW
"When was the last handwriting, those 821 numbers, right? I thought it was a writing about a dime and penny, no, no, no, since there's a hand writing WATCH; plus New Years Eve a huge enough to block out the sky single word WATCH! No, no, the recurring since dime and penny reveal, that was a vision, so was seeing the words WATCH, then RUN, then LIVE! I just say no wonder there are cries for better clarity, only Mempis Carter, Grand Sia mom says no, the parables are both a curse and an act of grace for those supposedly walking by faith and not fear. I know Caden man but how many family near misses were there before a a muderered family member? One work place shooting, a post office at that, actually two, the Walgreens shooting was also the victim's niece work place, and we don't believe in conindiences, grand sia has a pharamcy parking lot reveal when islamic terrorism hijacked the Brides outreach which is the seven year duration of Isalmic, Iraeli, antichrist rule. Just think, Angel Gabriel intervention, June 27/28 2021, brandishing a reminder of those three designed, assigned territories had at its root building domestic gun violence, I remind with standing over sleeping beds anxious Rev 11 portrayed ANCIENT OF DAYS HOLY FATHER HIMSELF, also bout mounting gun violence. Then the Memphis aunt murdered is the same one sitting her ready to escape that get away from Memphis, sixty's blue Ford, was the one mocked Feb 12 13 2021 as forfeiting 50 Million US dead for Biden's build back America better plan. So does that mean the handwriting 821 was the last of its forewarning, ah type? And do tell us Preece Noomi it's meaning, I mean wouldn't you have to revisit all its previous types of handwritings, one dting back as far as Bush Clinton Bush? Ah, uhm, you mean like to channel us all back to Aug 5 2019, the skyrocketing to fire-rocketing of those two world systems Aug 5 2021 star warring Ancient of Days Holy Father also revisiting the authentic moment the world stood still 25 millions Britain's, 25 Million Canadians and some 50 million Americans either dead, running or missing? Frightnight Noomi dear a total of 100 million dead revisted Grand Sia sleep as THEY calculated it all into 100 million total and since used Celebrities like Brad Pitt and Ben Affleck to ease these inconceivable wake up calls, I mean Ben Affleck's barber chair along arrived warning there'd also been attempts at invasions, the trusted WMD of HD viewing, yeah, yeah love, its forewarn ancient ago would turn zombified parents homicidal toward their children, then by gun violence, a head wound at that. then come confusion and every evil work, Noomi, husband, we better get, yeah, yeah what, three appointments? At least love, at least, one of our own brutally murdered, we need think with 100 million westerners dead to dying why should any of us or ours be the exception with an outbreak of mortuary in the land? Only with further demos, one including another aunt a fast and furious get away in that same sixties Ford, so is she next or just a distraction, a detour of sorts, while another is targeted and what's Pat-Brad, niece to niece? Pat is the name used to bring further alert commanded exodus into Africa's Southwest Atlantic is imminent and does the Brad stand for Brad Pitt and the encroaching guerrilla war? We must realize after they showed both grand Sia and Brad Pitt the approaching guerrilla war, even a back turn watcher, deliverer, they both went on to share what seem a fallout to bomb shelter, yeah, of protecting her. Yeah, but her the holy Church or her the pending Tribulation Church? Wow Knightly Tristian, no, its only that by this extinction level the Holy Bride is gone days, weeks to even years, its gonna happen as surely as Jesus is the spirit of prophecy and as apostle peter asked of imminent earth enders, knowing, what manner of man ought you to be. Hey, South to Central america need warning, even after millions the America's Covid dead, a for four months erupting La Palama they answer these deadly trials by legalizing Noah's day abominations, clearly as he send triple tribulations at them, these are the evil they follow, Rev 18, Holy Father God is, get away from them, you know where ,into your most southeast to southwest Altanic border, even star warring ANCIENT OF DAYS HOLY FATHER,see, hear and judge them, no further delays say both Rev 3:3 Jesus and Rev 11, portrayed, Ancient of Days Holy Father. Still, still, still, Fright Night, the question is, did grand Sia Mom just dream her procrastinating Memphians are being prowled by a beast who kill by day and hide underground by night, then is she suffering physically in her heels, its leaping from high places, Antichrist's prosecution come? Where you going Eli man? Appointments my own, I want the Brightville Planetary Lab, yeah that'll take a miracle, well Dai, Dai man, we all here believe in those, yeah I know, why its to take a miracle?. The Brightville Planetary Lab, take like one recruit per family a generation right, okay that's our Jr Darius. But, but, but, wait, since we are the Nextus Global, Juttah, that rule may not apply to us, ah man Eli, how genius you are, I guess Dai, Dai, we'll see, huh?" >>>"Tell me ,you all are seeing this, she has seen her grands translated as far as Africa's Southwest coast, Acelese are you hearing this? Yes, yes love I know, you know? My mom and grand, they didn't follow her, but they read behind her discussed it among themselves, among us, actually Cleary, she's seen her grands translated as far as US Georgia's, Savannah's coast since 2015, whoa, what are, watched okay, watched the Bride skyrocket off the planet just after they're made safe, there. Then that's where she was just after Christmas until a brutally murdered loved one brought her back to predicted to go nuclear itself, possibly a New Madrid 10 plus quake, here Memphis TN! Ah my god, again loving husband, what are you talking about, did you just become another person overnight, who are you right now? I'm me Cleary, I'm me, the man you've kept from me, you mean, not like that, did you not hear, my mom and grand talked about these things all around me, until even that mentioned beloved being murdered has prophetic fulfillment, where, how, down to the type of car she ws driving. Stop it, stop it, you're freaking me out, crowding me, I don't wanna hear this, grand Sia is saying Clear, we're in what's predicted for many millennia, the prophet Daniel, last week of seven years before Jesus second return. That Clear we been in its two 42 month intervals, countdown, since ebbing and flowing, date for over two decades, Oct 17, 2021, its the evil powers that be Red Dragon Lucifer, millions in fallen angels, millions in devils and demons, Gog and Magog, last attempt to genocide the genesis man marriage. Clear, please," seeming she's to leap up, run off begrudgingly, no doubt thinking how has he kept this side of himself, even his heart from her? You should hear this, please wait, Clear, never ask a question you can't handle, I guess so, trigger man, Clear, you really gonna run from me, you begin, you stated, ah, it's, how do you know all that and still be trapped here like you know absolutely nothing? So aren't we Americans, pretenders at that, ah, building California dream houses,Cleary right alongside Noah building the ark, an out right rebellion disguised as Biden building back America, better? See, see, if this is the final extinction of humanity, and we should be as far away as US Georgia's Savannah's coast, then going on like 7 years now, then my god Acelese, why aren't we, ah my god, why aren't we? You really Cleary don't know the answer? Come here, look, shoulder for crying here, okay tell me, why does Grand Sia describe getting great tribulation three times in the form of them taking ones shoulder and shaking them into its belief? Because Cleary as Mat 13 Jesus described, they have blind eyes, deaf ears, hearten hearts to heads, I would scare you, but one of grand Sia's nieces, has lost a specialty uncle and specialty aunt responding to procreating commanded exodus by saying, forgive both their ignorance, only God Clear haven't accepted ignorance since the early apostle to church. Then their hard headiness, that's Eze 5, revisited by a Ben Affleck's barber chair, guided mass destruction, like Armageddon as 101 Yellowstone's target The America's to Planet earth? Get away from me with all that, stay away from me, I don't know who you are, but you're not the man I've known for a year and married over three months ago, Cleary, get the hell away from me, yet you wonder why I wasn't so opened, blessed sleep dear Cleary, good morning then." [{{"Let me speak to momma,"}} easily turning away, getting away, thinking she had to touch bases with her apparently endangered US West Pacific loved ones, {{{"momma, you all heard about this Tsunami wave coming into Southern California? No, you're saying no? Well, keep an ear to eye out, apparently there's extreme dangers about the US West Pacific States, until most are relocating as far as Georgia's coast, said some will go as far as Africa's Southwest coast, Africa, did you hit your head or something, why are you babbling such non-sense? Well the threat of a killer wave is real enough, so check the news and stuff, listen for sirens and I'll call you later, alright dear if you say so, later, right, love you."}}}, >>"And I'm just saying, underground Tonga eruption, those death bringers from beneath, grand, grand been seeing come decades now, those Jesus said, except by faith, we couldn't be aware of, taken by them before they even know an extinction level event is happen. Well El Eli, I brought the 11 o'clock news hour, release with me, if you all want, I can read it, just be warn, Memphis could be stalled on the edge of an extinction level event, by an 8000, piece appeasement to release, burnt offering, dwindling with every ticktock of the clock, into once stalled earth enders come. come and come. Anyway ,here goes Grand Sia mom, responding to youtube News, Biden Calling Texas Synagogue Attack An Act Of Terror, so Grand Sia Mom comments begin here, saying, "Pending since seeing one Beast rise from the sea and one from the earth, no not John's witnessed, but me, my own, witness, during Senator Obama's White house run, causing a debate about Hussein filling stations in the land of America, an outbreak of ambulances, Covid 2020 just revisited. Actually, right into ebbing and flowing date, since (Jan 12, {2017}), Rev 17/18 saying some like "one hour with the beast and "beast and whore separated," that exact date a year following; the apocalyptic beginning to the end of Western Civilization; marvel not Mother's Day (May 9, {2020}), those three reveals, the prophesied hour, Rev 3, 17 18, instead manifested in multicultural flesh. Forfeiting to Fortifying Archangel Michael THEM Star Warring Intervention, Which Are You? That's the Grand Sia question I like to ask the Nextus Global, you and your choices, do they frustrate or allocate deliverer angels efforts to get THEIR assignment so fast and furiously to one of three designed to assigned territories, don't you know where? Let me instead ask you, El Shaddai, how long it's been since Holy Lords yet warn The Americas wouldn't that be as recent as ebbing and flowing date Jan 1/12/13/2022, blocking out the sky, the single word SHILOh; referencing star warring the Holy Land, star warring, the Abraham Accord and Star warring, Southwestern TN? Marvel not, Holy Watchers on approach upon Memphis Grand Sia, asking, her, what's the secret of Memphis, presemtly hats the secret of Pat-Brad-Jolie, SHILOH? With, with El Mahaseiah, Grand Sia mom, ending it all with her usual sign off, BLESSED ARE HEARERS, REPENTERS, DOERS, STAMPEDERS AND MAT 24/REV 2, 12, 18, JESUS' OVERCOMERS! Fright night with Anubis undertakers all around, the Dec 29 2021 Walgreens parking lot shooting death of Juanita Washington into the Jan 12/13 2021 reveal Pat-Brad niece to nieces. I, Apostle THEY call me began to say, said brutal murder revisited a Syed Farook demo, (Feb 12/13 (2015), also a pharmacy parking lot, also a Chrysler 300 of setting West Rule death tolls 5% into 15%, a total of 100 million predicted West Rule dead, again verified, Jan 20, 2017, Feb 12/13 2019/July 27/28 2021, UK 25 million; BC 25 million; US 50 million, a revisited calculation, July 27/28, 2021. I know, I know, I just thought I'd bring it into conferences, mainly because I could, the ah, El Shaddai, 8000, piece burnt offering appeasement, release of temporally debunking dangerous travel bans, you know that's as Rev 7, the four winds being held up until the elect are safe, just saying El Shaddai, just saying; marvel not back turn Rite Aid Pharmacy revealing mounting death tolls come, instead saying to her, THEY''LL wait on her, again grand, god-triplets, just saying as Apostle Paul's 2 Thess 2, he who let, will let, until he be taken out of the way' marvel not bother El Shaddai, when Rev 17:14, Memphis grand dad return for her, that diamond carved, crystal dove chariot waiting, question to her yet outreaching to billions, was, ARE YOU READY? My God is Christ, Jesus, Nextus Global, I bet Grand Sia mom haven't even realized, she's just working at her faith as she stand upon Holy Father God Promises, asking that He extend His Grace as she gather her procrastinating as Lot and Family, Memphians, ah my god is Christ Jesus the Lord! At king Nebuchadnezzar's witnessed, instantly an ebbing and flowing , mid Oct date, 2020, leaving nothing of Dan 9/Rev 17, Kingdom, Nation building but itty, bitty pieces, what Nextus Global; No wonder, the reigning bride herself, possessed, prepped and launched from God's Throne, that stone, cut out without hands; then any wonder, its described the Antichrist murderer? " <<<"Do I even want to know what's meant by Grand Sia responding to a Pat-Brad nieces' text that's Psalms 2:4, lol? Knowing Psalms 2:4, Holy God of Wrath (HGOW), mocking it'll be HIS turn to laugh when they're all running from eternal hell enlarging itself into those 101 Yellowstone's, even crying Rev 6, 6th seal style, mountains fall on us, hide us; a hand writing a grand, grand Memphian BD, (Aug 7, {2019}) escape 101 Yellowstone's: Whoa, wait, one of the hand writings of judgments is about Yellowstone, and 101 at that? After, after Jess, two days prior (Aug 5, {2019}), showing a standing the world still, two westernized systems skyrocketing to fire-rocketing off the planet, then taking 190 years of tech with them. Wait, wait, ah, didn't a July 27/28 2021, also a handwriting, numbers 821, revisit, Aug 5, 2021, Dan/Rev 11, described, Ancient Of days Holy father, star warring with Rev 12, described Archangel Michael THEM, at that? Yes apparently, ask my husband Acelese no question he'll tell you no lie or what's hitting the planet right now, prophetic events, targeting to killing millions. You put me out once you knew, but I'm The trader, plus who knew Cleary, this woman knew what she was even talking about? Then what are the chances thirteen ways of bumper to bumper traffic pouring into US Georgia's Savannah COAST was about her for decades forewarning, get to safe haven US Georgia's Coast? My Lord, and where did that all come from? Wait, 13 ways of traffic, bumper to bumper, coming into Savannah's COAST? Yeah, like two days past Christmas, Dec 27 2021, and she's seeing this all in real-time, as she sat her prayer bed, like ah Acelese man, any relations to her described seeing (March 13 {2018}), after she invited 49 and two thirds US states from a barbecuing, when she witnessed every kind of vehicle you can think of loaded up and pouring into US's Georgia's Coast? So Rhy, there you go, does everyone know about this woman and I know nothing, just squat? Can we walk, talk? Not even Cleary about any of this, whatever you want to talk about, look I read somewhere during the second portion of that Brad-Pitt demo, wherever capital THEY, look refuge from those approaching guerrilla wars, they too found themselves literally sitting on top of massive, to and fro traffic. Marvel not his, Brad Pitt's ten matrix days later Oct 21 2021 was about Jess man, like being stranded in traffic, on his cell-phone to her, but Acelese to her saying what, now stranded Brad Pitt as stranded celebrities, hearing what?!" Why speak in parables? Jesus' Disciples asked Him with Him responding, saying, in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which saith, by hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive. For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them. But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear. The Stampeding tug of turf wars to WW3 to Armageddon, Memphis to African Elephants, they were described as those used to purposely keep you unaware, that as the days of Noah's unforeseen extinction level event even after a century of remarkable evidence, taking those knowing as though they're unaware, beware all governments, industries, parents, pastors to social media accused of being accomplices to near a billion in American procrastinators, HGOW/JCOR, HBOW/Apb, The RAM
YouTube News, A Terrible Blizzard In The US; Washington State Shut down,
-Seen to be turning on a street Jan 12/13, 2022, filled with entering and exiting dump trucks, possibly revisiting Jan 11, 2020 huge, sparkling red Munster/MONSTER trucks arriving to the rescue of escaping Highland Park area, Memphians; marvel not seeing Jan 3 2022, a table top filled with boxes of Tide detergent, revisiting Aug 5, 2005, build up of dark orange tide containers, right before hurricane Katrina hit. Though, with triple Great Tribulations forewarn since Oct 17, 2021,as I been predicting and predicting, all types of extinction level events are inevitable; are in fact, launched, incoming, impacting, JCOR/HBOW, see more here,, how like now for six millennia its ALL been ending prophetically, Apb The RAM
There's something bout the huge enough to block out the sky single word, even Oct 11/21 2021, Pitt-Jolie,daughter to Jacob' son Judah, even the Lion Of Judah; there's, something about, SHILOH/even a warring to star warring regrading violence, drugs and Covid-19 schools, Southwestern TN, HBOW/Apb
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: AS MYSTERIOUS AND UNEXPLAINED DEATHS IN YOUNG PEOPLE RISE, IT’S TIME TO REVISIT THAT GREEK WORD ‘PHARMAKEIA’, ( The May 9,2020, Mother's Day offering made of a brew right out of his car trunk and me right out of an Anubis' underground; his bloody imbibe of various remedies, was a choice to forfeit the souls of men in exchange for Biden/Harris GENOCIDAL agenda of building back America, better?
-Just as US leads, error Islam, are aligned to 50 million US dead, we've been showed plenty US West Rule death tolls 5% into 15% at the root is pharmaceuticals; even see I King, asking additions to Rite Aid Pharmacies, is there no God of Jesus Christ in the Land? Actually once those Eze 9 reapers were done, one strike even STAMPEDERS telling heart, some ascended but most first borns, descended.
-Know also, said medically to surgically induced genocide was protrayed as a lost war on drugs, Frightnight, a mass kill all, that left nothing of America, of Westernem Civilization but a manner of magnetic memorabilia one in commanded Hemingway exodus, the repatriation of Africas' Southwest Atlantic, coastal cities, hangs on a fridge, once predicting Jan 12 13 2017 ebbing and flowing date, a Dan 9/ Rev 17/18 style, occupation of West Rule. Why DIE? WATCH RUN, LIVE, Thus Saith Dec 3, 4, 5, 2021 Rev 3:3 Jesus! JCOR/HBOW
Dec 3, ({2017}), We Got Stampeding elephants of staying unaware/Dec 3,2021 We Got Rev 3:3 Jesus saying WATCH and see what I actually do!
"When THEY again Jan 3, 2021, showed us a tabletop build up of Tide containers,THEY are again showing us a building tide to a building clean up; to go along with May 22, 2021 both building around The Chosen Series, building storms and building rescuers. Only this time, Dec 22/23 2021, the question by a group was asked SHOULD THEY PRAY? It's again May 22 2021 demo, we responded to one saying pray by a group of African natives singing with me, Selah's, HOW GREAT THOU ART!
The first of its kind, its vision, a pile up of dark orange tide containers, right along the side of my prayer bed. This was right before hurricane Katrina, no more normal THEY'D said again as right before New Years ({2000}); campaigns of going on like normal to travel bans and traffic jams, just as damaging, deadly and damning; WHY DIE? WATCH! RUN! LIVE! Thus Saith Dec 3 ,4, 5, 2021, Rev 3: 3 JCOR/HBOW
Pray for all the human being at the wailing marvel not, all around policing German Shepherds were actually Egyptian Anubis mummifiers, undertakers, once men come the devil's and demons they worship
Article, Chile Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage at Fraught Political Moment,
-The 7th of ten things that happened predicted Jan 12/13/2022, Dec 7 2021; oddly as Rome's Pope wash his hands of Genesis marriage genocide; even with North, Central, South, America imploding,, that's with 101 Yellowstones imminent, they're legalising Noah day abominations also, with a Noah's Cousin incoming, impacting; AODHF, indeed, sending them strong delusions, cursing them with Dan 4 madness; WHY DIE! WATCH! RUN! LIVE! Dec 3, 2021, JCOR/Apb
Prophecy Links Fulfilling
There's Something, Nuclear January 8, Apocalyptic 2022, about the blocking out the sky, in black bold capital letters the single word, Oct 11, 21,2021 Pitt-Jolie SHILOH, see first Holy City, see Jacob's son, Judah and some bout warring Southwestern TN
Article, Desperate to fill teacher shortages, school districts ask parents and various staff to become substitutes,
Undoubtedly should read, hundreds of thousands US Covid 19 dead, there's a growing desperation to fill shortages in every category of building back America better, a rebellion described as procrastinators all the more endangering their children; stop being deceived, stop deceiving others; WHY DIE? WATCH! RUN! LIVE! Thus Saith Dec 3, 2021 Rev 3:3 Jesus, JCOR/HBOW
Fauci: “Just About Everybody” Will Get Infected With Covid, Due To Omicron
-Then is omnicrom herd immunity by another name, like the immune system over obsessing trying to mend itself ? Here to stay, say some, soon a distant memory says others; WATCH! RUN! LIVE! Says Dec 3, 2021,Rev 3 Jesus, triple Great Tribulation here, WHY DIE! Spirit and Bride sayerh come!
Article, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signals he's open to a Mississippi-style 15-week abortion ban
And Those Who Didn't Die By The Plague, Repented Not; Great Tribulation! Great Tribulation! Great Tribulation!
-Reminded of Pharm scene telling same sexers keep at it, at those marriage abominations, that caused Noah his earth;that got from Sodom to Atlantis to Pompeii to US W Pacific States wiped out, beware the Mid West, the Eastern Seaboard; working at our own salvation, WHY DIE! JCOR
Article, A sci-fi sequel that bites off more than it can chew lasers in on streaming success, (-Marvel not after seeing two westernized world systems skyrocketing to fire-rocketing off the planet; saying we're to screen earth ending movie scenarios, including, super hero movies. As a reminder, coming at us from the Interstellar heavens is a common enemy; we're getting Nov 11 2021/ Nov 21 2021, Armageddon's to Batman VS Superman, Ben Affleck; marvel not Nov 11 2020 it was those sparkling red Munster/MONSTER trucks all to the rescue of Memphis Highland Park, Memphians.
-Clearly here come Ben Affleck first warning of clear and present dangers, here being used as an Ezekiel 5 mirror image to barber chair of head shavings measured into three mega disasters; one, for over three decades HGOW showing HIS THRONE back at us; two, for three plus decades coming, homicidal parental of domestic GUN violence; three, for over two decades beginning UK/US,BC soil, volcanic apocalypse, designed US states of barbecue; WHY DIE! WATCH! RUN! LIVE! Aug 5/Dec 3,2021, AODHF/JCOR, HBOW/Apb The RAM
Fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth:
-Witnessed Geoffrey, predicted Oct 3, 2021, Oct 17, 2021 Dan 9:27 final week is here; soon given the huge enough to block out the sky, single word SEVEN, soon hearing, Great Tribulation! Great Tribulation! Great Tribulation! Followed that Oct 19, 2021, with a huge enough to block out the sky , the single word ,BEAST! Marvel not, (Aug 5 2019), those two world systems skyrocketing to fire-rocketing off the planet, HGOW/JCOR
Article, Tennessee spent nearly $1B on underperforming schools program, data shows it's not working,, (-There's something Jan 9 2021 bout the blocking out the sky single word, name Pitt-Jolie, SHILOH, that's also a warring, Southwestern TN, related, GOT HIM?
GO INTO THE CITY, SLAY LITERALLY OLD AND YOUNG, AND BEGIN AT MY SANCTUARY!!! Aug 5 ,2021, Rev 11, AODHF, also standing over sleeping beds anxious...
-Imagine Prophet Ezekiel seeing six slayers being told ebbing and flowing date ({Feb 12/13 2017}), kill all parents by (first born parents) finish all schools, (same gender homes, churches, GOVERNMENTS and school, oh, and celebrities); begin at HIS SANCTUARY (The Chosen series mocked, Little Miya Girl, (a for 14 years back seat watcher); May 22, 2021 more religious than HOLY BLOOD REDEMPTIVE); Look out, here comes even African related, both building storms and building rescuers.
-Maybe, just maybe, a writer, director Dallas, like yourself need to finally show a pregnant with brother James Mother Mary hand in hand with a one year old SAVIOR Jesus; commanded, purpose driven, reapers, after one strike the telling heart, giving chase to even stampeders like their ({Dec 3, 2017}) stampeding elephants of staying unaware,; WHY DIE! WATCH, RUN, LIVE!, Thus Saith Dec 3/4/5, 2021, Rev 3:3 Jesus, with a Jan 30 ,2021 huge enough to block out the sky, single Rev 3:3 Jesus warning, WATCH! HBOW/Apb The RAM
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