There's Abbas And His Threaten 8 That Send Elephants Of Staying Unaware Stampeding Dec 3, 2021 Rev 3 Jesus Just Revisited, These Ebbing and Flowing, Four Years' Here's Ukraine's 5 Step Peace Plan. My Hearing 03/20/22 You Have Four In A Contract, Come On Rev 19 Jesus Descending, Invading Authentic Peace, For A 1000 Years
Article, Tornado strikes Louisiana who's on my US states of those being commanded targets for natural to cosmic disasters,
Targeted US states by name California, Hawaii, MEMPHIS TN, WISCONSIN, Texas, The Midwest, hearing, "major, major earthquake West Pacific Canada," the Eastern Seaboard, Oklahoma, Hearing, Breaking News report, "after 101 Yellowstone eruptions," Like Putin allied by Chernobyl, or Damater with a 7.3 Fukushima, WELL, THERE GOES THE PLANET!
KILLER TORNADO TEARS THROUGH KENTUCKY, FLATTENS A PHARMACY, Tornadoes rip through Texas, more storms threaten US’s south, 22 hrs ago,
-Been warning mine, this is what happens to your American dreams when you try to use mortgages and leases as an excuse to stay in condemned, damned areas. The Gulf coast bible belt, had hurricanes repeatedly thrust at them, now tornadoes, LET'S NOT EVEN MENTION TEXAS A COVID 19 HOT SPOT NOR A FREEZE AND GRID DOWN, that killed many. Recurring mass disasters proving Pastor Dollar, THE GOD WHO'VE WIPED OUT ENTIRE WORLDS AND EMPIRES, IS ANGRY! Here HE'S wiping out Rev 17 18 described 7th failed Kingdom, the Roman Empire WHORISH, vampirist lineage, Mystery Babylon, WEST RULE!.
-Shown to be evident also, just as mass disasters can be put on hold, Rev 7, they can also be commanded as guided missiles. US Gulf Coast, like 49 and two thirds other US states of barbecue, like California to Florida they aren't the assigned, designed safe havens of star warring to now circling Bride's Chariot, Archangel Michael THEM. Hearing Feb (2017), Eze 9 commanded reapers directed; kill all parents by, finish all schools; heard, Aug (2005), separate Britain, America into itty, bitty pieces, wipe Canada off the map!
-Apparently, Rev 10, MIGHTY ANGEL allied by Rev 17 7th Angel explained, they aren't safe-zones, 49 and two thirds US states, not with fiery doomsday apocalypse burning and consuming no stop from the West Pacific into the mid Atlantic. Soon taking the entire American Continent, stampeding it's near a billion inherit, you know where. Here's Joel 2:3, not Joel Osteen, Prophet Joel, describes, A fire devoureth before them; and behind them a flame burneth: the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yea, and nothing shall escape predicted since Bush's error Islam, they'll come with fire, Babylonian, Chaldeans, even a dirty Mede, with unnumbered in described, torture vehicles, mostly for burning US cities to citizens, with China and Russia more to the rescue.
And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down/presently protrayed as the little Miya girl surveyor/translator but once a back seat baby Angel Gabriel explained to me, your prize, *possessions (WHIMSICAL CREATIONS),vone day you wouldn't be able to give them away; THEY also said"pray for all the human beings at the Wailing Wall, see more here Eze 9, GOD'S command to six assigned slayers! HGOW/HBOW
- Whatta-you-know? As teased, rumored and taunted for centuries we're expats, we're the crossing over from US Georgia's Savannah COAST, repatriation of Africas' Southwest Atlantic, its blessed WEST RULE, Brexit, Briexit, Blaexit. Fright night, like right now, no further delays being mocked fast and furious, Ludacris contagious and spreading; while packing boxes, we were just mocked with world ender Yellowstone, being on our heels, see Nov 11/21 2021 EZE 5/9/Joel 2/ Zech 13:7-8/2 Pet 3:11; WHY DIE? WHY PERISH? WATCH! RUN! LIVE! TRIPLE GREAT TRIBULATIONS, here, Thus Saith Dec 3, 4, 5, 2021 Rev 3 JCOR/HBOW/Apb The RAM, see also here, Rom 10:9/10/
YouTube, AMTV, Economic Collapse Of Biblical Proportion... Days Away,
There's some just now, March 21, 2022, about a G7; Undoubtedly the seeing, Christopher the authentic blessed day of skyrocketing, to crossing over, 4 years, March 13 2021, ARCHANGEL MICHAEL and its circling Bride's Chariot to a red bull can and a tossed shirt, woe, woe, woe, for triple Great Tribulations...HGOW/HBOW
PS, HASHTAG, ETCETERA, Nuclear MARCH 21, Apocalyptic 2022,
Jim Baker/Paul Begley, Armies Of The Anti-Christ,
Hearing Jan 12, 13 ({2017}) One Hour With The Beast; Hearing Jan 12/13 ({2018}), Whore And Beast Separated, hearing, seeing Jan 12 thru 20 ({2019}), Archangel Michael THEM battling a star wars; hearing Jan 12/13 2022 some bout encroaching guerrilla war, Pat-Brad-SHILOH, niece; ALL US ENEMIES NUCLEAR, NATURAL, AND COSMIC, EMBOLDEN! Let It Be Known Oct 17/19 2021 Genesis Thru Revelation Jesus Assured We're In Three Great Tribulations Of The Final Week, Of Daniel, SEVEN YEARS/BEAST RULE!
-The Feb 12/13 2019 hybrid Alexander the Great/Hitler's Germany Antichrist, had Scorpion King Anubis Armies all around, posing as policing German Shepherds; so two significant references here to Germany and masses in war dead, alone; HBOW/Apb The RAM
-Know also Pastor Begley, when I ({2013}), heard live, a star wars battle in the heavens, this is what I would've heard,; when I ({2019}) looked up and saw a star wars battle, heard Michael, Dan 9, is setting his all around, this is what I've seen; only spiritual warfare, between Holy Angels and fallen Angels, as in revisiting the WAR IN HEAVEN, Rev 9/12; WATCH! RUN! LIVE! Thus Saith Aug 3/4/5 2021 Rev 11 star warring, AODHF and Dec 5, 2021, SUNLIGHT OF GOD, WITH HEALING WINGS, Rev 3, 17, 18, JCOR
-Article, Former Ukrainian president calls for 5-step peace Former Ukrainian president calls for 5-step peace plan amid Russian invasion: 'Putin attacked the whole West' plan amid Russian invasion: 'Putin attacked the whole West' Former Ukrainian president calls for 5-step peace plan amid Russian invasion: 'Putin attacked the whole West' ( (marvel not predicted Oct 3, 2021, BIG ONES COME, also predicted a date of Ocy 17, 2021 that also predicted, here is the final week of Damiel, start out as much needed peace accords but in apocalyptic wars, from solar, cosmic to volcanic. fiery doomsday to WW3 to Armageddon, leaving home planet inundated with near two billion dead. WHY DIE? WHY PERISH? WATCH! RUN! LIVE! Thus Saith, Dec 3, 4, 5 2021 Rev 3 Jesus/JCOR.
Give: $patann1258
Article, Zelensky: 'I'm ready for negotiations' with Putin, but if they fail, it could mean 'a third World War', ( There's something March 6,7, 2022, about hearing the Asian language and liking the color pink, only it's God thrusting in wine press for 175 miles of its flood water down, martyred blood, pink, see Rev, 6, 5th seal/
12/3, 4, 5/2021 Rev 3 Jesus, saying WATCH! RUN; LIVE! Soon confirming 10/17/2021, the next 7 yrs is BEAST rule mean President Zelensky, you Putin and other warring nations are forced toward a Trump Abraham Accord/Islamic/Israeli non aggression pact; soon in a world without GENOCIDER, US/West Rule. The long anticipated it's hundreds of millions Inherit repatriation of Mother Africas' Southwest Atlantic, those who're fast and furious Ludacris contagious and spreading to fast and furiously as a Tokyo drill, Into US Georgia's Atlantic COAST crossover.
-Unbeknownst to near a billion of them, they're stampeding, that's fast and furiously as Putin threatened nuke the world Chernobyl, to its Tokyo Drift, 7.3 quake threaten nuke the world Fukushima , just days ago. Unknowing American refugees worldwide; they're escaping 49 and two thirds US states of barbecue all while skyrocketing to fire-rocketing off the planet; marvel not DELIVERER Archangel Michael to Trump of God, 7th Angel, Angel Gabriel THEM and the Bride's Escape Chariot were shown LIVE, midnight March 13 2022, 30 plus years its blessed Brexit, Briexit, Blaexit, circling the Royal Priesthood for divine resurrection, ascension and 7 years in, it's phenom descent, GOT ANY OF THEM? AODHF/JCOR
And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the Beast's Mark: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom Chawla Chaela Monessen and Queen Bride Chantel la Goff
Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, Noah's Ark, Flood, now A Noah's Cousin, Nuclear, Natural and NEO's, XVII and VII
"Yeah, what was it grand Caden you saw, blessed exodus to escape mid-night March 13 2022? Grand, grand Sia described it as going from having standing over sleeping beds anxious DELIVERER Archangel Michael THEM to having the Bride's Chariot now circling all around us, our nano second escape, The Lord Himself, voice of the Archangel and Trump of God. Though what I saw Aleth, right out that window, was Archangel Michael, now standing in the place I'd witnessed that May 31 2021 fireball hit before he took us into God's Throne. Then inconceivably by a hole grand Sia says possibly left by the reigning Bride possessing, prepping and launching Dan 2 stone from there, presently Ethiopia phenom skyfall? You all know, since May 31, 2021 Archangel Michael rapture to escape, she's witnessed a huge explosion Feb 6/7 2022 at that same front door since, heard and saw the two quarters on the table down there splatter and shatter and the entire neighborhood left of nothing's but ashes and skeletal heads. Graphic, I know, but no less, as she seeing charcoal arm's being examined Kobe Bryant's crash morning, but mocked NBAS California Dreaming, Kobe's fiery crash did remind them of US states of barbecue, come. Oh, oh oh and grand, grand waking since from a spotlight shining down on her face, what, ah my god, what? Why didn't she, yeah, like the one Grand Caden, she witnessed shining upon the triangle shaped scar on her wrist? Okay you two, but was that before or after that huge enough to block out the sky, SOLAR storm, plasma, single word TRIANGLE; like which came first? The spotlight on her arm, its triangle shaped scar come first and lately speaking of solar events they just photo captured its largest ever recorded in modern times, if it'd hit us we'd be in, I don't know, dino days compared to western days." Why Speak In Parables? That you be aware, that you know GOD'S HOLIES OF HOLIES are among you, that you return from whence thou art fallen and repent! Jesus Christ CROSS, Is, HBOW/Apb The RAM
PS, HASHTAGS ETCETERA, March 20, 2022,/Reminder Jan 20, 2022 we got the loosening to tightening of screws/ Feb 20, 2022 the pour down of a collection of those fast and furious Ludacris, nuts and bolts!
The Dying Of Schools, Is Painful, Cast A Stone Into Middle Schools Suffer The Children, Bring Them To ME, JCON/JCOR
-Frightnight to rolling twilight skies presently by rouge African sandstorms, until Jesus Christ Millennium Reign again sits Mount Olivet. Know also both my Memphis grand Darius and now Georgia Grand Caden just Match 13 2022 revisited when something so cataclysmic happened to Hawaii it left into apocalyptic Memphis; itself just revisited by a collection of endangering, procrastinating Memphis mothers, including WHITEHOUSE moms like Michelle Obama, Memphis again by world ender Hawaii left with orphan children, who's orphan children, the future Royal Priesthood were just shown March 20, 2022, coming and coming to me, Apostle THEY call me, Holy Bride Of Wrath THEY enchant to entreat me; JCOR/HBOW/Apb The RAM
-Proven to be evident we're March 17, 2022, five months into Islamic/Israeli ANTICHRIST REIGN, and America, WEST RULE is no more. Then I found this Article, Russia, Ukraine moving toward agreement on 'critical' issues, Turkey says,, (Islamic, Israeli reign predicted since (Happy New 2001) as again, this world's leaders, forth with, WEST RULE skyrocketing fire-rocketing off the planet; see Dan 9/Rev 11/Rev 13/Rev 17; Understand, the 7th Kingdom Apostle John sees wiped out and is followed by an eighth, Islamic Israeli ANTICHRIST REIGN,.
Clearly those ten heads, mostly Islamic we heard being named to ordained Kobe Bryant's fiery crash morning, let it be known, Apostle John, Rev 17. described 7th Kingdom, is The Roman Empire, into The British Empire into Western Civilization/West Rule/America, THE AMERICAS; Here presently its since (Happy Holidays {2001}), judgment, sentence finale, as a fiery doomsday apocalypse, ON GOD AS IN ON AUG 5, 2021, Rev 11, STAR WARRING, AODHF, they're sent skyrocketing to fire-rocketing, by earth enders, SOLAR/ COSMIC/ VOLCANIC, see more here Eze 4/5/Dan 4/5/Joel 2; see 2;10-13, Peter, KNOWING, WHY DIE? WHY PERISH? WATCH! RUN! LIVE! Thus Saith Dec 3, 4, 5, 2021 Rev 3 Jesus, GOT THEM? HBOW/Apb The RAM
And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the Beast's Mark: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom Chawla Chaela Monessen and Queen Bride Chantel la Goff
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036 The...
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy Temple April 17, 1986/2016-2026/3036 Into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign
African Juttah, The Nigerian, 300rd Unto Braselton Evans Ever and Soren Pelican Asif was born two godsons Zion Gabriel Evers, Asif, a son Deja Jericho Evers, Asif and a daughter Lioness Payden Evers, Asif
Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, Noah's Ark, Flood, now A Noah's Cousin, Nuclear, Natural and NEO's, XVII and VII
"See, see, see, that's what I don't understand, grand Sia, the Oct 21, 2021 flashforward only seeing the driver side of Brad Pitt's stranded as tens of millions of others, truck, how is it she know the one Zoe Salada is fast and furious in, in The Movie, the Adam Project is its complete replica, except, except Pitt's is Red trimmed in White? Come on Gimel man, it mean she also interpret dreams. But look, bet you guys don't know what all the leading characters in the Adam Project, have in common? No, what Daleth? They all at one time or another played Demi-gods, super hero characters, you're right, all of them, ump what that mean? But look also, Grand Sia mom heard nights past, call that man back and wondered did it reference calling Brad Pitt? What do you think Maha love, I mean don't you God triplets know better than us all? Something Grand Sia didn't press, in that demo, the consumed, but wasn't consuming, the flaming, blazing, frying pan, flying saucer liftoff of President Biden and Vice President Harris, she held roles as Day After Tomorrow's Dennis Quaid and 2012's Chiwetel Ejiofor, she just little mentioned it, but why love Maha, why not mention it? Who knows, who shall believe? No, it's about her role but ours, will we, well they hear, repent, escape? You know what? No El Eli what? The demo, Jan 17, 2021, of a male calling her name, thrice, waking her from sleep, didn't the phone begin to ring, only to ring in real time? Suppose grand Sia was thinking just as much as she wanted to call uncle, he wanted to call her, but Eli man, which uncle, the one whose birthday it was or the one whose voice it was? Excellent Dae, Dae, but wouldn't it be both, or all of the above, knowing the high probability of what it all meant, 100 million dead US soil alone? We could throw in Hemingway African beleaguered, Land owner, those the hundreds of millions escaping into US Georgia were to be taken to, as so from there into Africa's Southwest Atlantic, by him. Ah my God Maha, I'd not considered him, okay now God triplets speaking y'all own language, we're lost. The male Beth, calling her name three times, waking her, we're African Juttah again right back to grand, grand, Senator Obama's first campaign, being brought out to that pier by an African native male showing her hundreds of Millions of American refugees pouring into African Southwest, Coastal cities, only in the March 2018 version, they instead poured into Georgia, where Grand, grand was and she witnessed herself past them to an unwilling African beleaguered landlord from there, which a decade prior was an African native son, soon president Barack Hussein Obama, being described, THE ONE! So, ah, the fun house, play house just now, come on god triplets, I know Aleph love, right, Grand Sia thinks it revist better anticipated living in exile luxury, fun houses, again reassurance, they're only being relocated to repatriated, right, right! Yeah, what was it grand Caden you saw, blessed exodus to escape mid-night March 13 2022? Grand, grand Sia described it as going from having standing over sleeping beds anxious DELIVERER Archangel Michael THEM to having the Bride's Chariot now circling all around us, our nano second escape, The Lord Himself, voice of the Archangel and Trump of God. Though what I saw Aleth, right out that window, was Archangel Michael, now standing in the place I'd witnessed that May 31 2021 fireball hit before he took us into God's Throne. Then inconceivably by a hole grand Sia says possibly left by the reigning Bride possessing, prepping and launching Dan 2 stone from there, presently Ethiopia phenom skyfall? You all know, since May 31, 2021 Archangel Michael rapture to escape, she's witnessed a huge explosion Feb 6/7 2022 at that same front door since, heard and saw the two quarters on the table down there splatter and shatter and the entire neighborhood left of nothing's but ashes and skeletal heads. Graphic, I know, but no less, as she seeing charcoal arm's being examined Kobe Bryant's crash morning, but mocked NBAS California Dreaming, Kobe's fiery crash did remind them of US states of barbecue, come. Oh, oh oh and grand, grand waking since from a spotlight shining down on her face, what, ah my god, what? Why didn't she, yeah, like the one Grand Caden, she witnessed shining upon the triangle shaped scar on her wrist? Okay you two, but was that before or after that huge enough to block out the sky, SOLAR storm, plasma, single word TRIANGLE; like which came first? The spotlight on her arm, its triangle shaped scar come first and lately speaking of solar events they just photo captured its largest ever recorded in modern times, if it'd hit us we'd be in, I don't know, dino days compared to western days. Yeah, yeah so imagine waking to a spotlight on your face, not only so a spotlight shined overhead, even over Her the kitchen sink the other day, she not realizing, until it went out, she thinking's the light blew when it wasn't even on until I entered, cut it on and she's like I thought that light blew, thought how'd you have to to change it, at first you guys, not having a clue it was actually THEM! Grand, grand also think the Chinese language she just heard interprets one of them saying they like the color pink, as in, flood water down, martyred blood pink. Oh oh oh, grand went out to see was there evidence of what we'd seen, saying both Daniel, and Ezekiel's man in linen visiting her left behind enough salt for sweeping, as we walked away talking about sand, there was left, to the left side of the driveway a Red Bull can and a baldup shirt, grand said it could be a Red Bull, BLOODY Market where many will lose even The shirts on their back, grand Sia Memphis Caden, did witnessed weeping HOLY FATHER promise HED strip them as in the days of their birth. What's grand Sia saying about her Memphians slash New Madrid Obama's contracting Coronavirus? How Daleth, like Romans Pope he and Biden need repent of legalizing same gender marriage abominations, and find a way to get hundreds of millions out of the way of Cosmic to Volcanic Apocalypse, when tens of millions are instantly dead, most burn alive, as of those two West Rule would systems skyrocketing to fire-rocketing." Why Speak In Parables? For those rebellious procrastinators today, as those Ezekiel 5/9 days, yet say the Lord seeth us not, the lord is ascended, yet according to Revelation 18, own type, lamentation, we hear, Aug 5 2021 to March 13, 2022, circling Brides's Chariot all around, ANCIENT OF DAYS HOLY FATHER, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities. Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double. marvel not a predicted one quarter dead by the pale horse/recently visited twice in two days, backward letter C pandemic, alone, now its double, a predicted two quarters are suddenly by fast and furious, recurring apocalypse, no more this planet, blessed are hearers and doers of the word and not listeners only, stop being deceived, stop deceiving others! HBOW/JCOR!
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