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See,, The One Lost Sheep/
Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear March 17, Apocalyptic 2022
Article, Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Ruffalo, Scarlett Johansson Sign Petition Urging Bank to Stop Financing Canadian Gas Pipeline
-Marvel not waking days past, 03/13/2022, with the HUGE word GAS to RED BULL blocking my view and some bout lost shirts; any wonder seeing US Election ({2008/2009}), Rev 13, Apostle John two great beasts rise. There's one from land, one from sea, too referred to US, Hussein filling stations, an outbreak of ambulances and death tolls Obama/Clinton WH into heaven's ceiling by the Biden/Harris WH, WHY DIE? WHY PERISH? WATCH! RUN! LIVE! Thus Saith, Dec 3 4 5 Rev 3 Jesus!
-GET UP OR CROSSOVER! Yeah, fast and furious as a Vin Diesel profile to Tokyo Drift, stay ahead of a contagious, spreading fast and furious Ludacris. No question, this include you celebrities too, especially you and those endangered multi-millions, your fan base; thus Saith 2021 Aug 5, Dec 3, AODHF/JCOR , Aug 5 revisit Keanu Reeves, The DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL and two world systems skyrocketing to fire-rocketing, to a handwriting clumsily, Escape Yellowstone, EARTH ENDERS, revisited Nov 11/21 2021 by a Ben Affleck Armageddon; while, Dec 3 revisit an any day now, ELE in Hawaii stampeding Memphis, actually while Memphis ELE stampede elephants of staying unaware.
-Miraculously, a shaky, shaky shelter earth to erupting floorboards, for as far as Mother Africa, dirt paths. Fright Night world ending, revisited Oct 21, 2022 by a Brad Pitt and kids, WWZ, flash-forward of hundreds of millions stranded to snared in North American traffic, Frightnight in the same model truck, actor Zoe Saldaña is fast and furiously driving, in the, movie, The Adam Project. Again we're in flash-foreward Oct 21, 2021, Only Brad Pitt's truck is red trimmed in white, he's on a cell phone, actually to me, I presume as to his mom to divine, Angelic adviser/Deliverer. Marvel not I Thess 4/Rev 12 Michael's List, the flaming, blazing, frying pan, flying saucer liftoff of the Biden Harris WH;
-Undoubtedly, as of the repatriation of SW Africas', Atlantic Continent of near a billion American refugees to the BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE Ps 139/Rev 18/Rev 20/ Here, just now, LAID AT MY FEET, SHOD WITH THE PREPARATION OF THE GOSPEL OF PEACE BIBLE! marvel not, (Jan 12/13 {2018})/Hawaii missile alert/ Nov 11, 2021 Ben Affleck's Clear And Present Danger Demo played out like Ezekiel's 5, type barber's chair/A DESPERATE MAN MIRRORED AS GOD'S BACK TURN THRONE as ELOHIM is shown again Aug 5 2021 star warring with Archangel Michael THEM; blessed are hearers, REPENTERS, doers, STAMPEDERS, and Mat 24/Rev 2, 12, 18 Jesus' Overcomers! HBOW Apb The RAM
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And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Teth lod Judah de' rossi and Queen Bride, Alyssa Crissia Skydance
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, April 2/17 1986-2016/2026/3036
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign
"No, nall, no no no! What Karis man, what? I just, wait you're grand triplets, ah your grand Sia mom, something about receiving text like messages, like saying Jesus is on his way here? Yeah and that following July 27/28 2016, was with Him, well THEM, when THEY, Jesus Millennia descended into a described Royal, the Obama's White House. Wait, the same July 27 28 2021 she, well grand Sia mom woke from THEM calculating Britain with 25 million dead, Canada with 25 million dead, yes with US error Islam totaling, 50 million dead, that's 100 million gone before they're out the gate running. Thing is Karis man, from Genesis to these six thousands year God has shown HIMSELF coming to see what the matter is down here, like Karis man for HIMSELF. Just think about what HE'S saying Rev 18, like news of your sins have reached unto me, and I hath remembered and will judge you accordingly, so both HIS, ascending Holy Saints and crossing over Tribulation Saints come out, unless they wanna suffer the rebellious faithlessness, fate, even double upon them double, just described triple Great Tribulations. So is Russia gonna do this or not? Yeah, as long as they got bloody, hypocritical genociders adding nuclear power to US's fiery doomsday apocalypse. Grand sia Mom, Karis man, has witnessed China to Elon Musk kind, reach as far into heaven as God's Throne, they could hear Him blessing the first resurrection. You know, HE'S TO WIPE TEARS away from their eyes, no more sorrows, death, no more pain, and next like they lose their footing and they and entire families, come crashing into earth's surface, no more this planet, nor they its memory. Think, thats not only climbing up some other way, with Jesus threatening outter darkness, but flesh and blood can't inherit God's Throne. They don't wanna die, they don't wanna go to heaven, they don't wanna go to hell! They're immortal in corruptible flesh, can't inherit God's Kingdom come unless they repent, they've put on Jesus, redeeming cross, blood. Understand, they don't want that, Jesus Millennium, the Royal Priesthood, nor God's Kingdom reign, they all been star warring spiritual warfare about it for many millennia now. How you do that, know all that, El El man? I don't know, we, we don't, God's glory to wisdom restored, still, still, how Sia Mahaseiah, how that look, text like messages from Holy Lords. Thing is a drafted Islamic, Israeli Abraham Accord, non aggressive pact is brokered first, April 2 2022 put us three years into its two weeks and 7 year prediction timetable, with another, like the timetable is reset one year and 18 days in, April 20, 2020. Anyway, that for millennia Dan 9:27 United Nations ceasefire is Archangel Michael THEM star warring that's gonna turn Russia and not with war crimes to martyed blood guilt their own, the West. So look El Shaddai man, did Jesus appearing 4 years Dec 3, 2021 the first matrix ten day countdown award, saying WATCH! RUN! LIVE! Did HE just declare that divine intervention done? THEY just Memphis Carter man October 17 2021, put us in the most biblical, prophesied to historical timetable of all times, as in those wounded saints under God's Throne crying HE finally take their vengeance and ANCIENT OF DAYS HOLY FATHER HIMSELF, showing us just now HE'S too star warring the taking back of planet earth. I think Daniel's last week of Beast Years, fulfilling take precedence over all, other previous timetables; but look Memphis man we're all still here, with fiery end day as imminent as to have Archangel Michael THEM presently circling the SUNLIGHT of God, designed, Bride's Chariot all around. So you're the Memphis, that's gonna suffer an apocalytic event from Hawaii that's gonna stampede elephants in Africa? Okay, okay, that ginormity of a world ender has to explain that neverending line of orphan school children coming to grand Sia just now, like she's a school office nurse to nursery. Frightnight with grand Sia thinking the moment MIGHTY ANGEL assisted by Rev 17 7th Angel forewarn beware the Mid West the Eastern Seaboard, all that US/Canada real estate was post apocalypse territory, onward for the American Continent; now what Memphis Carter man did you say, Dec 3, 2021, Rev 3 Jesus just forewarn? Was that again, WATCH! RUN! LIVE! What grand Memphis Caden, did you see? I saw Archangel Michael THEM, circling the Bride's Chariot all around, the same area THEY deflected that May 31 2021 fireball and by my hand, only I'm thinking by our hand lifted up into what appeared a war torn throne of God, there you guys was a hole in heaven by which Archangel Michael and I entered,, only question is, did Reigning Bride launching into the planet, that Daniel 2 prescribed meteor stone, from within God's back Throne, cause it and is that where hearing, I don't care what the heavens do anymore, fit in? Yeah, grand grand said for procrastinating parents endangering children to forget themselves, and think about the children, the pending royal priesthood for a change, probably because domestic issues with children is so serious, she's even getting ghost children,cas in real time." >>>"I was in my kitchen, stressing over the painful slaps that come with outreach, asking a holy father who's been outreaching to the rebellious for over six thousand years, HIMSELF, into this very hour to please stop me, how it's all getting a little redundant don't you think? Even menacing for, until I realized, imminent fiery doomsday, apocalypse, death, resurrection and ascension, Holy Bride sky rocketing, unholy, adulterous west rule simultaneously fire-rocketing. Honestly Juttah Preece and Preecest, next I know, I'm looking at Malichi 4 described Sunlight of God, like a trumpet, Rev 4 described, saying, come up here. Amazing is, when Jesus the Bridegroom appeared with healing wings, grand, grand and I hardly understood, Chernobyl melt down, was threatening to nuke the planet. I know, imagine knocking grand out of bed just now, breaking news of Russia taking nuke the planet Chernobyl, as of US, WEST RULE, seeing the Mat 24 Jesus forewarn as a signal to run, its all over, the abomination, that maketh desolate. So run! Understandably, no further delays, THEY'RE snatching us out, marvel not, Archangel THEM, shown circling the bride's chariot all around midnight the authentic date, four years ago March 13, 2022 THEY showed me, inviting all US states, including endangered Georgians, into US Georgia's Coast, Atlantic COAST. Understand, the authentic spring rapture, I was with my grand, I couldn't have been no more than 4 years old," cutting a grin at stunning hers, El Shaddai, cutting a sparkling approval her way, "I know, I'm telling my age but truth is, if we'd been taken then, The African Juttah never would've existed, none of us, none of you would've existed. As well, we know, the procreation of the royal priesthood, genesis man marriage doesn't continue into God's Throne, but we also know, glorified, the second Adam Jesus still has his capacity to do so, as so would his, as of god's kingdom descending into a phenomenal newness, I mean THEIR spiritual intercourse was a million times, enraptuous, than any imagining, wait, are you Grand sia saying what we think you're sayng? No, that's not what I said, only that Ancient of Days Holy Father, original purpose for Eden' s garden, senous, orgasmic recreation brings with it wonderful, amazing procreation, all to be realized the new heaven, earth come. Ah, let me see, who's inquiry is upon us? That'd be me, Preecest Ella, grand sia, first, ah grand caden at one time waking with a US quarter in his hand and days later, a quarter has replaced his bed lay, what does it all mean? I could Preecest Ella say its all about those two US quarters, the toll booth for crossing over into Jesus' Millennium and surely it is, but designed with grand Caden in mind, said revealed is more reassurance no question THEY'RE circling the Brides's Chariot all around, THEY'RE taking the children, they come to me is to like sheep answer Archangel Michael's voice, again, again and again, fiery doomsday apocalypse come, beware a targeted two quarters earth's inherit, including first of all, 100, million in westerners, suddenly no more and admittedly, yes, I'm yet to resolve hearing them say, THEY'LL take 190 out of the area, the area at the time being US Georgia's Savannah, COAST; know the 190 sum, was the weight of US marytred blood guiit, Dec 24 25 2001 until 190 months be fulfilled, so far, there's been four years of Matrix ten day countdowns since. Here's Preece Brighton, well of course, ah thank you grand Sia, like I clicked on you tube, amtv, and though he realized these are mightily dangerous to deadly times, coronavirus alone, he's showing pockets of land, the predicted to go nuclear, the Hawallian Island, what you call such reports, as campaigns of going like normal, fiery doomsday apocalypse come. First, raise your hand if you ever knew western civiliztion would end; raise your other hand if you ever prayed God's Kingdom would descend in it's place, now with both hands raised thank god for knowing and praising only HIM for what you know. When grand was in Memphis, over a sister's shooting murder, even this murder revisiting two of her reveals, one, the Syed Farook hi-jacking as far back as Feb 2015, yet another, as recent as Nov 10/11, 2020, arriving Memphians rescue, sparkling, red monster trucks. Anyway her knowing Memphis son asked, what if instead of escaping into US Georgia's coast, crossover, as escaping to Archangel Michael THEM, they just relocate to a better part of given over to BEAST RULE, Shelby county? I know, sorta like Noah asking can't he just build a raft or Abraham's Lot asking, can't they just hide in the basement? Only like Noah's day, the Noah's cousin of volanic apocalyse will swallow up the entire American Continent and during the great white throne judgment, all call its attendance no human presence, its fiery doomsday will consume the whole planet, replenishing it like gold is replenished; Undoubtedly, explaining why fiery mass disasters come from beneath and from the sky targeting both underground shelters to those highrise mountains to those loosed four winds, all around. Apparently like many procrastinators, youtube Amtv is beginning to suffer from the curse of delusions, especially fast and furious Ludacris, contagious and spreading. What grand Sia, did you see, just now, April 5, 2022, you entreated like a school, office nurse, again just now? Honestly like obliviously coming into the naming and ordaining of those ten heads, speaking of that grand Sia, you waking from looking at Israel's Shimon Peres was he one of them? Sorry Claven man, first Preece Claven, I was looking at this line upon line to a never ending line of injured to orphan children before it was clear what I was seeing and waking from that I saw. Your question Sia Mahaseiah, remind, the cataclysm in Memphis, stampeding African elephants, also reference, the flight from the notedly abomination that maketh desolate, that was then, Palestine's Abbas threaten eight leads, wouldn't the question then be who are they? Because once I was given notice, I was ejected, woke only with a name sounding like Solomoni' I know President Trump's most recent US's own, Islamic Assassin's Creed. But getting back to Preece Claven, the school nurse reveal opens, I'm standing a school office, realize more and more kids are lining up outside, walk over to see better, notice take up the hall for as long. So even more curious, I move out the office, walk along the hall for as far only I see by the windows looking out, there's nothing but kids all about. Further thinking I'd investgate the more only horrifyingly realizing, the line is neverending. And, this, ah grand Sia, school office reveal was after for days since, you was getting visits from children, and twice Preecest Tanasity since, even those my own grands, know, again, these are orphans, meaning like hundreds of thousands to millions in covid 19 victims, their parents, grands, aunts and uncles, are just as suddenly no more, and there's your first warning, the command kill all parents by. Did we grand sia mom hear you express in the home recently you had ghost children playing around you as you moved, about and don't these visitations of children revist you pictured casting a knotted rope in after them, the dark places their rebellious parents had gotten them. First I've had troubled to injured children come to be decades before the knotted rope deal, I believe that one was being threaten by abortion, ah my God, the backseat surveyor, translator, little Miya girl, yes El Mahaseiah, you're right. Ah, know, grand, grand, El Eli, thinks, they're being kept either in or something similar to that Jesus described as Abraham's bosom, and descended as, to ascend them, even as HE ascended, ah, my next class is teaming at the door, ah blessed day, sweet sleep, we will revisit these inquiries, our next meeting, just know, when it was explained, to Rev 17 John, those 7 kingdoms fall, the 7th kingdom, was the Roman Empire, into the British Empire into what we know as America/ West Rule, and why their diplomacy has been such a bloody one, western civilzation was included when John witnessed the great beast with iron teeth commanded to rise and eat much flesh, fret not its sudden apocalpyse come, put ye on the whole armor of God, stand on, for your prayer, God's Kingdom Come! Here's my end of reveals classes inquiry, THEY just laid the book of rememberance the foot of my prayer bed, what could it dare mean and does Sunlight of God, walking me through Revelation have anything to do with it?" Blessed, is it true Grand Sia you almost married into the Hillsfeet Tribunal? No, Preece Lightwolf, while not exactly like that, then how exactly? What are you talking about Light man, where you going with such non-sense, isn't that your grand Sia mom, El El man, am I asking her? This is none of yours, this class is dismissed, as far as my godtriplets, I'll see you for dinner, well can I come? You can get out of my class, all of you, blessed day, sweet sleep." Why speak in parables? Jesus' Disciples asked Him with Him responding, saying, in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which saith, by hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive: For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them. But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear. The Stampeding tug of turf wars to WW3 to Armageddon, Memphis to African Elephants, they were described as those used to purposely keep you unaware, that as the days of Noah's unforeseen extinction level event even after a century of remarkable evidence, taking those knowing as though they're unaware, beware all governments, industries, parents, pastors to social media accused of being accomplices to near a billion in American procrastinators, HGOW/JCOR, HBOW/Apb, The RAM
Article, Why are US gas prices soaring when America barely uses Russian oil?
Let No Warriors Deceive You, For Four Years Escape Day Midnight March 13, 2022, We Got Right Outside, A Chariot Waiting, Archangel Michael THEM!
-Like life blood, so is Oil use, any breach, disastrous, deadly; I woke Escape Day, 03/13/22, the word GAS blocking my view; some bout the color pink, (FLOODWATER DOWN MARTYRED BLOOD, Pink); that Rev 6, 4th seal, quarter of the earth in losses, with a quarter to go; ASIANS INVADING, to red bike riding, crashing and towing, but that's better than the Mayans predicted, ebbing and flowing, Dec 21, 2020, horse and buggy days again approaching; WHY DIE? WATCH! RUN! LIVE! Thus Saith, Dec 3, 4, 5, 2021, JCOR,
AODHF Says HIS GRACE is Sufficient, For Its Works Sake, Give Away To Help, Here, $patann1258,
Article, "Former president Barack Obama tests positive for COVID-19", (ALL designed rag to riches sickbeds and sleepovers, Jan 12, 13, 2022, described Pat-Brad-SHILOH, niece, you see this? This is why I told you all in that dream, including an Obama, including the dream I had Dec 23, 2021 about your cousin. Shown are those like murdered auntee, being sidelined, losing their value, procrastinating obedience.
-Further meaning their houses are just as endangered with endangered loved ones, including yours. Jonah knew, understood, mass disasters were pending, threatening but didn't care, his refusal to use that knowing even to lead by example, endangered him and many others and infuriated Nov 11 21,2021,Ben Affleck's, YELLOWSTONE, Eze 5/Rev 11/18, described, HGOW/HBOW
Pat-Brad-SHILOH niece response, I hope it doesn't escalate for them, ... hope niece like faith is furtile without work's of truth and faithfulness...Apb
-They handing you those keys, niece, mean exactly that, just as for Dec 29, 2021 Auntee, it escalated for them, especially all first born parents, grands being expendable, expect something similar the more you procrastinate what you know. The more they, S. T. Paul/Paula, C., you, etc; THE OBAMA'S, even my MEMPHIAN Darius, procrastinate what they know, the worse for them, for others that may benefit.
-When you tell what you know, you free your hands of their blood, even their endangered souls, that's what GOD told the Prophet Ezekiel. Nevertheless resistant Jonah was haunted by the mass disasters he was to forewarn, marvel not Americans being designed Brad Pitt WWZ to Fast and Furious Ludacris contagious and spreading. Like its now on them Pat-Brad- SHILOH niece what they do with knowing, God the messenger, you described K's apocalypse come, four years now, her BD, Jan 12/13 2022, Pat-Brad- SHILOH, niece, you're the message, HBOW/Apb The RAM
Article, RUSSIA Will BE SLAUGHTERED; WRONG US General witnesses handing his war horse off to the Prophet Jeremiah, 37:8. Shown to be evident, the March 10, 2022, huge enough to block out the sky, in blinking yellow lights, the word of caution! Let No Campaigns Of Going On Like American Dream Normal, Deceive You, HBOW/Apb The RAM
-Marvel not 12:00 midnight of a four year revisit March 13 2022 of inviting to witnessing hundreds of millions escaping a US/BC West Pacific barbecuing into US Georgia's Atlantic COAST; Archangel Michael THEM, revisit just now, March 13 2022, midnight upon grand Caden showing Him, how just after commanded exodus escaped hundreds of millions into safehaven Georgia's crossover, Grand Caden too witnessed again just past midnight,03/13/2022, the taking by the hand by star warring,Archangel Michael THEM, of hundreds of millions of righteous up, into second heaven intercessions, see more here, I Thess 4:16-18/I Cor 15:51-55/;
Fast And Furious Ludacris contagious and spreading, US Inherit/HD, 5G and Social Media Screening;
-Marvel not the huge enough to block out the sky, yellow blinking light of caution, the single word WRONG, regarding all branches of US/WEST RULE religious, political, SOCIA/MENTAL, It's BLOODY, BARBECUED MILITARY, monetary and educational Leads, being stripped AODHF say, as the days of the their birth, naked and bear; Marvel not they're designed riches to rags sickbeds, sleepovers; marvel not the flaming, blazing, frying pan, flying saucer, liftoff of President Biden and Vice President Harris;
-Marvel not Mat 24 Jesus saying when you shall see the abomination that maketh desolate, like Russia taking Chernobyl and China to Asians invasions of US soil. Frightnight to rolling twilight skies until Jesus Millennium descending, to Memphis Dunlap St/California Dreaming Obama being diagnosed with Coronavirus; they too, like various Memphian Mother's to Grands, The Obama's were just weeks back accused of be as procrastinating Memphian parents who're endangering a world of hurt upon children; marvel not Dec 3 2021 Mat 24/Rev 3 Jesus saying WATCH! RUN! LIVE, the Dec 3, 2017 as of wars and rumors sending those, Memphis into Africa elephants of staying unaware, stampeding;
-Marvel not I woke this morning, with the single word OIL blocking my view, and something in the Chinese language I was explaining June 27/28 2021, Angel Gabriel's May 22, 2021, about loving the floodwater down, martyred blood, color pink; a crashing red bike and a crashing Red Bull Market; blessed are hearers, REPENTERS, doers, STAMPEDERS, and Mat 24 Rev 2, 12, 18 Jesus' OVERCOMERS; blessed also are those in the first resurrection, Jesus said pray you're found worthy to escape predicted Oct 17 2021, three great tribulations, worth.
Youtube Full Spectrum Survivor, STOCKPILE CAN FOOD!
A fire devoureth before them and behind them a flame burneth: the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yea, and nothing shall escape them, Joel 2
-This is what I saw, the as a Christmas carol, flyover US soil in fiery doomsday apocalypse, only the land behind after US states Alaska, Hawaii, California into Yellowstone inherit states, were no more; more like highways and byways for hundreds to thousands of miles were piled up of scorched cars and drivers, soon hearing, and soon waking hearing, "AND THIS SHALL BE THE END! Some like I revisited just now, the month of exodus, March 13, 2022, nothing was left but ashes into their skeletal heads. Marvel not THEY, star warring Archangel Michael THEM just picked up my Memphis grands, 7 years, June/July/ Sept 2015 and delivered them to a granddaughter station at the time, around, June 27/28. 2021 deliverer Angel Gabriel's reminded, Savannah, Georgia's COAST!
-The most recent, huge enough to block out the sky, blinking yellow, single word IS WRONG! You're taking national to international events the wrong way; when all of a sudden mass disasters happen , that make your shelter and stores non-existent. Forthcoming, your prep is suddenly furtile, its all burning and if you're not running Jesus suggestion now deliverer Angels ebbing and flowing date today March 13, 2021 and ebbing and flowing date, 6 years June 27/28, 2021 Angel Gabriel, Trump of God marvel not with the sun erupting every day Nuclear February, Apocalyptic 2022.
Just saying, any wonder I got more references to extinction level events upon us, including types Brad Pitt's WWZ/Ad Astra/Ben Affleck's Armageddon. Soon twin world enders broke out, with warning they're to produce something planet ending, just before breaking News Russia, Putin has taken my first witness of BRIDEGROOM JESUS DESCENT, SPRING 1986, Chernobyl, the first nuke the world Scenario and a MIGHTY host of Heaven Zech 14, with Sunlight of God having healing wings its THEMSELVES a more apocalyptic thing, snatching the Bride's, Diamond, Dove Chariot out!
-Presently planet ender Chernobyl compromised by one of the most powerful nuclear powers on the planet, marvel not the barely past midnight, fourth revisit of March 13 2022, authentic the American exodus, pouring into US Georgia's Atlantic coast, and we again have standing over sleeping beds anxious, Archangel Michael THEM, more proof even our nano-seconds are being counted! Four months and 13 days into the Islamic/Israeli/ ANTI-CHRIST's Daniel 9 Gog and Magog Trump's Abraham Accord. Today's standing over sleeping beds anxious, Archangel Michael THEM, leaving behind THEIR most valuable calling card.
-Remarkably, the US penny reminder, our SUNLIGHT of God, diamond carved, crystal dove Chariot, skyrocketing into second heaven intercessions, reminding like Mat 24 Jesus of alien dangers, as Musk Skyline satellites raining down from above, divine escape Chariot, await us, vehemently so. Marvel not when I woke this day, (03/13)2018), I'd invited 49 and two thirds US States from a barbecuing into US Georgia's Atlantic, SAVANNAH, COAST presently waking with one HUGE single word in my eyes, OIL already a predicted 50 million US dead, going on to hearing the Asian language, I was shown explaining to children May 27/28 2021, saying, I chose the color pink.
-Frightnight to Hybrid Anti-Christ, with the scorpion King, Anubis armies all around, only its described flood water down martyred blood, the color Pink, even when God's wine press is done, there's 175 miles of reaped, floodwater down, pink, guilty blood. We know, reminded ebbing and flowing date two decades, even NBAs California Dreaming, July 27 28 2019/KOBE BRAYANT, which remind I just now, March 12, 2022, saw a charcoal body, left nothing but ashes and again a skeletal head, reminding of the female to child charcoal arm I saw raised to view before waking to breaking news of Kobe's fiery helicopter crash.
-Surely we know now FSS, a sure indication of how tens of millions and their entire families, staying put will die, then HGOW would say, then judgment, then hell, then come HBOW throwing a knotted rope in fishing out innocent children. Only that's after damned parents and damn grands are being tortured by demons and such, 1000 years of JESUS AUTHENTIC PEACE ON EARTH, MILLENNIUM REIGN! GOT HIM? Here its July 27 28 2021, we're reminded even while Jesus Christ Millennium is descending, and AMERICA, WEST RULE is hardly a memory, gone under oceans of volcanic magma and we're seeing the earth is littered with the dead, we're reminded again 07/27/28/2021.
-Clearly FSS, because they didn't mobile their stores, get to safehaven Georgia's Atlantic, Britain loses sit at 25 million, I'm seeing these staggering tolls 21 years we're told SENATOR Obama is the one and five years now it specific date we witnessed Jesus Millennium peacefully take over rule of the planet from ebbing and flowing President Barack Hussein. On to totals to tallying continuing, Canada's loses sit at 25 million, combined with America's loses, reminded President Trump also aligned to earth enders people eaters, Gog and Magog, 2017 Inauguration morning of 50 million loses. No fault to imaging my own, I'm soon looking at a totals, signed sealed and delivered by Rev 11 also described, Aug 5, 2021 Rev 12 star warring, ANCIENT OF DAYS HOLY FATHER like it, believe it to accept it or not, HIS RIGHTEOUS even as if only an example to procrastinators, THEY are running.
-Like star warring Archangel Michael THEM, WE too, have three assigned, designed territories to gget you all to, and seeing to either our skyward to crossover escape, the voice of the Archangel and Trump of God, Michael and Gabriel are just two of THOSE star warring DELIVERS leading us safe-haven way. Those FSS, they mean well and can make Youtube money doing so, staying put preppers, have just been proven WRONG as error Islam Presidents from Bush to Biden, types Social media, types Bill Gates and types Astra, Elon Musk; for vain is the help of man. Death rider from beneath morn, thus saith King Father Solomon.
-Amazing grace to dancing halleluiahs all around to I hope you as well dance, as with King Father David suggesting, with 101 YELLOWSTONE'S on our tails, even our Jan 2022, packing boxes, TRUST DELIGHT and COMMIT, GOD WILL DELIVER; as in Apostle Paul saying, press toward the mark, of the prize, of high calling of God, which is Christ Jesus The Lord, thus Saith the HOLY WORD OF AODHF, from Genesis to Revelation! Saying my nuclear December, Apocalyptic 2021, Dec 3, WATCH, Dec 4, RUN! Dec 5, LIVE! After HE'D reassured us October 1, 2021 BIG ONES COME, Oct 7 2021 we're in SEVEN years of BEAST' rule come with triple Great Tribulations, WATCH! RUN! LIVE! AODHF/JCOR, HBOW Apb The RAM
Al Of Suddenly, Texting My Procrastinating Memphis Grands, This Sudden Reminder, March 12, 2021
It just dawn on me, Jesus suggesting we pray we're found worthy, (Holy and Acceptable, by HIS CROSS of redemption) to escape described Triple Great Tribulations, we're now in, especially Memphis TN.
-Describing ALL first borns in the billions to perish, exact Jesus Millennium descend, only my eldest grands were only found worthy to escape by divine translation as far as US Georgia's Coast soon crossover Into Africas' Southwest Atlantic; pray, LIVE as Jesus suggested, you escape human extinction by instead escaping into HEAVEN? APOSTLE, Grandma Pat
Responding to YouTube mrmbb33, SHOCKWAVE!
-I'm in Lithonia Georgia, packing, relocating to safehaven Savannah, reminded 101 Yellowstones are coming, around the time, date you say, we got flickering light's back to back, thought it was really strange, there wasn't a storm. Extremely LOUD booms didn't come until hours later, like 1:10/15 AM, no question it was during a thunderstorm, you could hear the rain pouring and pouring.
- The loudest sound I ever heard, thought it'd leave me deaf, was after I heard what sounds like a star wars battle being fought in the heavens. Like, if I walked outside, looked up, I'd see a star wars battle, see Rev 12. I did eventually see it, a star war battle up there, but it was six years later, (Jan 29, 2019), I also heard, Michael is setting his all-round, presently Feb 2021 designed a Michael's List of those destined for exile luxury, Africa's Southwest Atlantic, HBOW/Apb The RAM
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