From The Flash-foreward Oct 21, 2021, Cell Phone Call, With A Stranded BRAD PITT/ To Texting Memphis, Family Members! THE CAR IS RED!


Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear April 30, 2022 YouTube Full Spectrum Survivor, THIS IS HUGE, NUCLEAR SUBMARINES ON THE MOVE, RUSSIA DECLARING IT A WORLD WAR,

Article, 10 things you need to know today: October 11, 2021

A Navy engineer is charged with trying to sell U.S. submarine technology, the U.S. calls Taliban talks "candid," and more,; just as I didn't know, waking Wednesday, April 27, 2022 from hearing 72 hours, this was the amount of time Russia also, as Dec 3 4 5, 2022, gave Americans to WATCH !RUN! LIVE! Equally it would be days later before doing this research, I'd realized during the Oct 11, 2021, Brad Pitt and kids encroaching guerilla war/ fallout shelter demo.

-Soon thinking when I heard, and quote, the the mystery advisor again rather loud, "that's because she should've been on the 57th!" How hearing the 57, that it referenced a US submarine, again days later I  find this article, and Frightnight it references Islamic terrorist; Since Dec 24 25, 2001, US/West Rule, own weight of martyred blood, judgment, sentence, I remind all incoming enemies natural, nuclear, NEO'S, all coming bringing fire; WHY DIE? WHY PERISH? WATCH! RUN!LIVE!Thus saith, reminding of three designed assigned territories, ebbing and flowing date,7 years blessed Brexit, BETA, Blaexit, June 27/28 2001, Trump of God, Angel Gabriel,  beware HBOW/Apb The RAM

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The SEVEN YEAR BEAST REIGN OCT 17 2021/Oct 17 2018,

"But wasn't Ben Affleck's, Sum Of All Fears, movie edging into a tug of Nuclear war, the bombing of Baltimore, just revisted in real time, the down played inbound missile alert in Hawaii? Which maybe upon Ben Affleck's Nov 11, 2021 as Eze 5, barber chair entry, he spoke of an already failed, home intrusion to invasion. Though Preece Noomi, mentioning Baltimore, remind of a long past mystery, I'm like standing outside a nightclub, and I hear very discreetly, his name is Balt Ti More, like first, middle and last name; her name is Cy-Buna and I never knew what any of it meant., Sound like a case for you Memphis Carter, I know, Hunte Bull man, right. Now, f you did Sia Lord Maaseiah,get a call like that, like, from Brad Pitt even, struck in fiery doomsday apocalyptic, highway  traffic what would you tell him? "Get back to escape, no, no, no! Grand, grand yet to return to US Savannah Georgia's Crossover, heard that of out her sleep, months back. Though Preece Lightwolf, not to be confused with Eze 9 command Reapers, one strike the telling heart; since Archangel Michael THEM are also all around, ascending the righteous, plead to them not your ignorance nor your blame, last a procrastinating niece did that, mocked they're ignorant, stubborn and proud, she lost a specialty aunt and uncle within two weeks of themselves; but repent to them  you, your own deadly procrastination and watch THEM snatch you all out as well; wow, wow, what fantastic advice. I know Grand Sia, times up, but, okay, we're pretty sure what the huge can opener is about, but the huge rose, but you know Preecest Brystal Monique what I'm to say, let that be your commy inquire for today, but a hint, grand Sia. I don't, like refer to the poem, The Night Before Christmas, saying, there ROSE such a clatter! I know, there rose such a clatter, as the deafening sound of Jesus, shout, the voice of the Archangel and especially the Trump of Angel Gabriel. I suspect, surrealistically all of the above Preece Gideon, blessed day you guys, sweet sleep, and mostly excuse me, running away so!" Why Speak In Parables? Jesus disciples asked Him with Him responding by repeating The prophets of old, saying, well see more here, Mat 13:10-17

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, after I disagreed with Bill Gates instructions to suggestions regarding COVID, that's killed hundreds of thousands this country, to millions this continent, the huge enough to block out the sky, single word following seeing Covid 19 in RED Alertwas the blinking in yellow, caution, huge enough to block out the sky, the single. just how WRONG on the back-letter C bio-terrorism, killer, Spanish flu to extinction level, new pneumonia 

Youtube mrmbb33, CHAOS,, ( Actually as one is to take one shoulder, Oct 17 2021 shaking sense in, saying repeatedly, Great Tribulations, Great Tribulations, Great Tribulations, on the prophesied date Oct 3 2021, THEY predict BIGS ONE'S COMING by Oct 17, 2022

Riches to Rags Sickbeds and Sleepovers,  BY 101 YELLOWSTONE'S Skyrocketing to Fire-rocketing Skyward, WATCH! RUN! LIVE!  Thus Saith Dec 3 4 5, 2021, AODHF/JCOR

-The grand Memphian, who called me half asleep, about the Dec 10/11 2021 Kentucky killer tornado, knew things or these trials and greater were come. Especially massive flooding, we'd discussed weeks before predicted to go nuclear ebbing and flowing two decades, Thanksgiving and Christmas, 2021.  Actually days before Christmas, dreams that left me  temporarily cripple, in my heel, leaping and landing from high places, the Dec 23 2021 reveal. 


-Know also, said Dec 23, 2021 reveal end with a child, Memphis Highland Park area  where RED MONSTER TRUCKS ARRIVED TO THE RESCUE, ({Nov 10, 2020}); right here said, that for a favor, to his family  I bring back clean drinking water. There's the night of Feb 22/23 2022, with those passing around a near empty water bottle, there's also some bout Memphis Raleigh area,  erupting floorboards; marvel not soon come a Memphis, report, warning about a New Madrid quake and the danger of an inundation to liquifaction by the Mississipp river!  WHY DIE? WATCH! RUN! !LIVE! JCOR/Apb The RAM

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, March 8, Apocalyptic 2022

-Seen to be seeing a more, weird thing, revisiting some seen secured in the repatriation of Africa's Southwest exile luxury, those now playing a carnival, a fun house of a fun house, including and get this, both Twilight and Batman presently premiering Pattington. Actually, double is the fun they're all having, surely the reminder decades back seeing children in heaven playing under a stunning, twirling, spiraling into God's Throne, pearl staircase. 

Seems, possibly where I witnessed golden boy Caleb, hospitalized from birth, learning how to ride a bike before those at Le Bonheur, repeatedly jump starting his brittle heart, kept bring him back, this torture, marvel not they're designed, parental, dangerous, damaging and damning, rebellious to procrastinating parents, WHY DIE? WATCH! RUN! LIVE! Thus Saith Dec 3, 4, 5, 2021, Rev, 3 Jesus/Jan 12/13, 2018, Rev 2, Jesus!

Texting Memphis, Family Members, Including, 2009/2013/2020, Memphis Dunlap Street/California Dreaming, The Husseins/Obama's

-GET BACK TO ESCAPE/GET BACK, TO ESCAPE, a hand just wrote, March 5, 2022, Hey Pat-Brad-SHILOH, niece, HIS mocking procrastinators fast and furious Ludacris, contagious and spreading, marvel not the pour down of nuts and bolts, Feb 19/20, 2022, the loosening to tightening of screws, Jan 19/20, 2022; marvel not the mid oct, 2018/2019. Dan 4, madness curse, pretty much THEY saying, rebellers cursed with strong delusions, don't even let the sunlight fool you, every hour on the hour rebellers are growing more blind, deaf and dumb; I'm kinda like Prophet Ezekiel, sent to those who can't listen, let alone won't, taken unaware.

-I ask you to call, I have an update on that dream you had weeks back, even those handicap license plates dumped on us, auntee's burial morn; THE CAR IS RED! The car keys hand you by Mother's sidelined like auntee, cause they endanger a world of hurt on children, including your house, right up into Michelle Obama's, ebbingh and flowing WHITEHOUSE! There's Dec 23, 2021, auntee's, daughter, goes with hers, your sister, older auntee,, auntee by marriage, house, endangering BIG JUNE'S children goes with hers, even they and BIG JUNE'S grands, Jan 30 , 2022, shown with erupting floorboards, etc; marvel not, the huge enough block out the sky, single word, Brad-Pitt/Jolie/THERE'S A SPIRITUAL WARFARE OVER SHELBY COUNTY, single word; SHILOH!

-Thing is, they, all like Walgreen auntee, one way or another, sidelined, the car keys they hand you is to a red car, the red car, representing both martyred blood and redeemed martyred blood, only Jesus Christ is. The red car, I've revisited since the late eighties, first met Rev 17:14 Jesus Husband, come to the rescue of Walmart Niece, and I, from prowling, EARTH ENDERS, PEOPLE EATERS, GOG AND MAGOG THEM! Marvel not Daniel 9, watchers approached inquiring, what's the secret of Memphis? 

-So apparent, no longer the pharmacy parking lot, Chrysler 300, Dec 29,2021 Auntee's/Walgreen niece surreal nor my Feb 12, 2015/2019, Syed Farook/Little Miya girl, odd reveal; no longer the blue sixies Ford uncle prepped for getting out of Memphis; no longer the blue sixies Ford auntee sat ready to leave Memphis nor the Feb 12/13, 2021 blue sixies Ford, your mom was in, speeding behind uncle, 49 and two thirds US, getting out of Memphis, US/Canada's cosmic/volcanic, fiery doomsday a Christmas carol  here  


Ten Things You Need To Know Happen Presently Ben Affleck's Armageddon Nov 11 2021, shown to be our most endangered human species, American children,, no 6, 

6. 900,000 children ages 5 to 11 get 1st vaccine shots; as Rev 2, WHORE, BEAST, Jezebel, aligned to riches and rags sickbeds and sleepovers, except they repent their children like parents and grands, the pandemic of death! Aug 5, 2021 AODHF/Dec 3/4/5, Rev 3, Jesus! 

In prophetic hindsight, The, volcanic, apocalyptic, end of described Abominable Detestable lives lands and churches to described riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers, from the flaming, blazing fraying pan, flying saucer liftoff of the Biden, Harris Whitehouse in reverse;

 -Playing a ginormous fun hour in a ginormous fun house, during exile luxury;

-Doing a divine suspection, Found Living In Exile Luxury;

-Escaping Into Africas'Southwest Atlantic

-Escaping Into US Georgia's Atlantic COAST

-Packing boxes while 101 Yellowstone's bear down on us. 

-A hand writing clumsily Escape Yellowstone, Invited From A barbecuing, 49 and Two Thirds US States, 

-The flaming, blazing, frying pan, flying saucer liftoff of President Biden and Vice President Harris, 

-Witnessing the standing the world still event, the word Disappeared frozen on, as all HD, 5G and Social media screens.

- During Jesus' Millennium Reign, 5% into 15%, West Rule losses, the earth was littered with post apocalyptic dead; HBOW/Apb The RAM

Article, Father fatally shoots 4 people, including his 3 children, inside Sacramento church, police say


-Some of that growing domestic gun violence June 27 28 into its Aug 27/28 2021, Angel Gabriel to Archangel Michael THEM interfered by a  lingering deliverance, May 31,2021,we get to one of three designed, assigned territories or likewise perish, especially children. Though so was the forewarning, Mother's Day, May 9, 2021 400 plus shootings.

-Just as of Mother's day May 10, 2020  prior three references to the prophesied hour, Dec 3, 2021 Rev 3, Rev 17, Rev 18, manifested in multicultural flesh, clearly, just as more monstrous storms come and come and come. Hence the reminder, if your mothers and grandmothers shall forsake you, even during coronavirus by the hundreds of thousands, get to hands, knees and prayer closets of repentance, the only Ps 51, sacrifice to blessed escape Ancient of Days Holy Father, (AODHF), will accept!

-Only, like running to mountains, crying fall on you, hide you, though running to church would seem the thing to do, but no. Actually, the last few years mass assembly like homes and schools have been shown with pulpits infiltrated by great beast, to possessing devils to seducing spirits, onto choirs for locking some into highchair type feeder, chairs. 

-Surreal is, warn over thirty years parents of the most progressive technical age would by its wicked devices HD, Social media and 5G screening come gun violent, homicidal toward their children. Recently a Trump era, curse of Dan 4, madness presently described fast and furious, Ludacris contagious and spreading, with crossing over, the old Arkansas bridge into US Georgia's Coast, down on all four penance, the ultimate mental renewal. WHY PERISH? WATCH! RUN! LIVE! JCOR/Apb The RAM
