ANCIENT OF DAYS HOLY FATHER, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear April 4, Apocalyptic 2022, plainly, beside grand Caden only moments ago describing he woke with a us quarter in his hand, I shared how its March 13/14 2022, getting up, head out the door, a few moment of answering him, a US quarter was laid in my bed, for those who don't remember, or just weren't paying attention. Know also, two odd US quarters revisited the Rev 6, 4th seal/Rev 18, double its toll, a translated for thousands of miles, grand little Miya girl and I had to pay
We're looking at a toll booth and again two US quarters are needed to cross over into what's so apparent, seven years into Oct 17, 2028, Jesus millennium reign: only I woke April 5, 2022, just now, with those two quarters, saying two quarters of the earth no more, being reminded of APOCALYPSE, an ebbing and flowing two decades, fiery doomsday A Christmas Carol, predicted, beginning US/Western soil, US/BC West Pacific, right now, even the word NOW, also decorated with multi-colored, blinking lights of caution, fiery doomsday apocalypse here! HBOW Apb The RAM
As The Days Of The TV Series Jericho, all attention turn this way, Only EXTINCTION LEVEL EVENTS, A FIERY DOOMSDAY APOCALYPSE, NATURAL, SOLAR,, COSMIC! HBOW/Apb The RAM
CHINA PIVOTS FOR MAJOR GLOBAL EVENT; is that the same Christopher, as the world soon shooting all its attention, those rolling cataclysmic events happening the Northern Hemisphere, North America to the American Continent/African Continent? Just as soon I'm futured a March 28/27 2022, as a school office nurse, with a line upon line..
--Fightnight to tossing in knotted ropes after them, here's what's clearly a neverending line of injured to orphan school children coming to me as to skyrocketing into second heaven intercessions, Holy Church Bride; even more alarming, it's time, (Feb/March 12-19, {2015}), we witnessed the Lambs Book of life, Rev 20, protrayed aa a school name, roll call. Amazing grace bitter to sweet, as back then, I woke feeling like I'd ran many its marathon.
-We're talking, a since the days of Adam and Eve, what has to be its for six millennia, billions upon billions its calculations; marvel not being reminded though the next 78 months left in BEAST YEARS, will claim near 3 billion, 100 million in procrastinating AMERICANS, Westerners, blessed is Christopher, billions of SAINTS are descending with Jesus, surely their replacement,: and that's dancing hallelujahs all around blessed Brexit, Briexit, Blaexit! WATCH! RUN! LIVE! HBOW Apb The RAM, see more its telling prophetic parables here,, how like for six millennia, its ALL been ending prophetically, Apb The RAM
Article, At least 29 injured in Brooklyn subway shooting, undetonated devices found, (over a decade past, I saw US streets as chaotic with these abrupt, deadly kinds of terrorist attacks as those the middle east; as I woke, I also heard it declared and I quote, "and this shall be the, end!
-First, the prophet Ezekiel was explained, he's sent because his people won't listen but they'll know a prophetic messenger of HGOW is among them; if I'm not mistaken, I just witnessed one of this planets most proficient financial advisor; YouTube AMTV Christopher Greene, building Condominiums right alongside Noah's Cousin of escaping fiery doomsday apocalypse, building blessed Brexit, Briexit, Blaexit; Marvel not knowing procrastinators, are deemed fast and furious, Ludacris, contagious and spreading.
-Second, ask yourself what is it so cataclysmic that it takes the planets attention from Russia and Ukraine tug of Nuclear WW3/Ad Astra and focus it all on North America, to The Americas to Western Civilization? Brooklyn subway shooting, concerning, a Memphis relative Dec 2021 murder, with many similarities to the Feb (12-19, {2015}), Syed Farook hijacking, come with text like messages, saying Jesus is on his way here. February 2015 Syed Farook hi-jacking, demo, fulfilling since Dec 29, 2021, which did reference an outbreak of ISLAMIC terrorism on US soil, that was also the outreaching church Bride sent skyrocketing, simultaneously with West Rule, sent fire-rocketing,
After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, May 31 2021, Open Book, (Jan 22-29, {2018}), Rev 10, Mighty Angel, little book, Apostle John...
-Thirdly, marvel not, four years now, its authentic African American exodus from US states of barbecue, midnight March 13, 2022, Archangel Michael THEM are circling the Bride's Chariot all around. So, THEY'VE gone from star warring ALL our BLESSED ESCAPE, to standing over sleeping beds anxious; HE'LL COVER YOU WITH HIS FEATHERS AND UNDER HIS WINGS SHALL THOU TRUST! To showing American refugees living in Southwest Africa's Atlantic exile luxury to circling the Bride's Chariot all around, blessed, Brexit, Briexit, Blaexit, GOT THEM? HBOW/Apb The RAM!
Give: $patann1258
And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Daleth ben Jacob Swanson and Queen Bailey Rana Krishnan
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign
-I'm just saying, wait, you finish with that? After May love, such a good night's sleep, you don't appear that rested. Plus I know you still got a couple hours, a few Nicholas actually, while I'm in the shower, decide huh? {{{"Grand, hey sorry I called so early, I woke just now (March 31, 2022), feeling like I'd ran a couple marathons, need you guess, way? That, my, our Maaseiah just now, March 27/28 2022, school office, nurse never-ending line of injured, orphan children. Undoubtedly all there answering the Lamb's book of life, also a school, name roll call, with Grand, lyrics, Worthy Is The Lamb, sitting on the THRONE, playing all around; all all, all reminding, revisiting May, cataclysmic, fiery doomsday events upon earth's inherit. Four years Maaseiah, the matrix ten day countdown and STAMPEDING Memphis to African elephants of staying unaware, Dec 3, 2021 Rev 3 Jesus says WATCH and see want I do it, cataclysmically end all sin and rebellion, and next we know Russia takes nuke the planet Chernobyl; on your birthday Maaseiah Adonai you get RUN, MEGA churches refusal and deception, but just as Mat 24 Jesus for Millennia and you been advising Americans for decades. Then even getting LIVE, by Dec 5, 2021, that's exactly four months May, Aug 5, 2021 since ANCIENT OF DAYS HOLY FATHER, showed Himself star warring as with, Archangel Michael THEM, the taking back of planet earth, combined, that's WATCH! RUN! LIVE! I know, I know, that's after they confirmed rather firmly, we're in Triple Great Tribulations, but can you grand believe we're four months into Daniel's final week, 84 month timetable? Where's the shining, knight Husband? I don't hear him, telling me to lay back down as he shower for work, wow May, that Lamb of God school, name roll call alone, that's grand two references to Jesus calling His home twice in a month and that's May not including Archangel Michael THEM, shown circling the Bride's Chariot all around! Need I tell you also May, the last two days revisiting a for three years, Trump's Abraham Accord, two-week and 7 years timetable, only both April 1st and 2nd 2022 just now revisited the pale horse portion of the backward letter C pandemic and those orphans I just saw visiting me all around were my own grands whose Memphis Obama to Memphis parents seem to be no more. You get more sleep, you and me both May love, yeah, I'll call again around lunch, okay love, blessed day! Who's that, Grand? Yeah, I had to tell her about something, look at you, please do, I temptress don't keep a twenty's built body, just for your playing ways. Reminding me, anymore craziness with Global Sioux Noel lately? You'd the first I'd tell, but no, oh how'd that meeting with Preece, Preecest Noomi go, they were both Nicholas so flabbergasted, not only that his, Noomi family had been discovered, but hers, Preecest Tanasity's as well, it was dancing Hallelujahs all around after that. Where are you going? The shower, I'd thought you'd sit it out today, oh is that what you thought? Look Mesure Coogan, you don't trust me anymore or what? It's not that, Nicholas Edin Coogan, don't you get it, authentically, no fairy tales, we're forever. Then let's both take the day, fly off some inconceivable place, just hearing those words, fly off Nicholas Edin some inconceivable place. I can only corral you like this, and both tell you and show you how beyond description sexy that sound, but no, May, really, you can't be doing that, May, May, come back here, May!" >>>"I'm just saying, y'all can't know what kinda jubilant news that was, being born here, but Noomi most of us weren't born here, we're between skippers and cruisers, ah Silverton Nicholas exodus here, only global to Nextus Juttah were born here, those the Original, to Descendants to Septennial are all expats Noomi, kinda like you. Which Miapo remind me, we were there, some part of the Grand Canyon, what? Yeah, I heard Grand Sia been getting reveals about it, we didn't know at first, we were too busy trying to get, anyway it was about what Brandy, 10 to 12 of us? Hard to know, King man, some coming, going, I most of all remember we were lost, scared, ah, cold, hungry and soon like grand Sia say, they come with help. They come with help? They El, El man, Hopi Indian, braves, wait, ah my god, what? Memphis Carter research, said Hopi Indians thought the Grand Canyon was a pathway to the afterlife. For some miraculous reason we knew how they were offering to show us a better way. Wait, wait, wait, why you two never told us this before? Honestly, Mahaseiah, its like it was all forgotten until just now, Grand Sia's inquiry: anyway, they were Hopi braves, showing us their way and next we know, we're in some Georgia, mountains, cabins campground. Yeah King man, falling to our knees crying, we were too late, all the heir Juttahs were like blocking out the sky, just leaving us behind, but you guys not just us but dozens of others. I too was devastated not knowing an Aqua Juttah Septennial was coming for us, though Tatum man it would dump us Africa's' Nile, the trying of our faith, Moses, exact path of EXODUS. Yeah but soon we'd know, more about the Mount of transfiguration of the 144 thousand specialty Saints. Yeah ah grand Sia mom, a few morning ago now wonder was that the Mount of transfiguration, she was brought back to her senses, actually its the mount of Olivet arrival, Jesus second return? What El Dae, Dae man, that's even more messed up than all the other confusion, yeah said further its mysteries all come up a global conference that included Moses type, First Prince Silverton Nicholas. My Lord is God, we could've been the Mount of Olivet return, I don't know, moments later we were all by the thousands translated into the Septennial Juttah, just saying, who else could've done that? So hearing your testimonials, that's what you all mean, only the Global and Nextus Juttah were born here, which god triplets you are, right? Surely Knightly Tristian, to Patrick Jamal, you two being so young, no like Brand and King we were snatched from between an escaping to Canada to Americas Mid-Atlantic yacht to cruise ship. Even Pat man, a Nextus, surprise wedding ball, and next we know we're here, ah phenom Septennial Juttah, Ethiopian Skyfalls to its Parental Juttah. Miraculously where yours Noomi will soon be, so in some respect, we do know how you two feel, like both astronomically challenged to dancing hallelujahs all around.". >>>"What do you mean Mesure Coogan, she's missing? I mean Global Apache Arrow, one moment she's readying for the shower and the next I can't find her anywhere. You do know THEY can take her, you dare talk to me after what you pulled! NICHOLAS! Grabbing him furiously, violently taking off, after Sia Sioux Noel, surely a hateful, dangerous thing. "Have you lost your mind, that's global Juttah Sioux Noel, only second to Sia Maaseiah, you told me yourself, please Nicki, please calm down. I was only Mesure Nicholas Coogan saying, who she is, what she mean to THEM, THEY can take her at any given moment, you were once present and joined in, on its otherworldly happenings,; "Will THEY, Global Juttah bring her back? That's Mesure Coogan's question, THEY, Mesure Syefan Coogan, as in Archangel Michael THEM, now circling the Bride's Chariot all around? Undoubtedly THEY'RE showing both their adorance and authority, but being another ebbing and flowing timetable, a building four months into Daniel's Final SEVEN BEAST YEARS, honestly Mesure Coogan we just don't know and are all the more at their overall mercy, Lord Urusalem's return. Though just in case we're in error, let's get Mesure Veneer, Mesure Veneer already here, and too, how convenient, Nickie, please. So as Specialist Veneer, I have combed all its footage her disappearance as usual is a supernatural to paranormal event, so not you Specialist Veneer dragging her off to another developing African skyfall? Since you're the last her presence and she's missing from your bedroom, shower, you would Mesure Coogan be the most likely suspect, like what have you done with our Sia Maaseiah? I'm on the case until she's return, but there's no kidnapping, just another abnormality concerning her, thank you Mesure Veneer, bring us better news when you have it. Let's get outta of here, right behind you Nickie man, hold the elevator, please excuse this intrusion, when its urgencies about our Sia Maaseiah you're welcome Mesure Syefan Coogan to interrupt us, please, please do, offenses to trespasses all forgiven, that I promise you." Why Speak in parables? Watch! RUN! Live! HBOW/Apb The RAM, see more pieces of Lord Urusalem here, "its obvious global Apache Arrow you're displeased with my performance, more Sioux your like of compassion, regardless of how phenomenally important she is to us, she's that man' loving wife, think of how maddening its to be if you look one restive morning and suddenly Sioux Evelynn is no where to be found, you have no ideal, in this reality right here, if you'll ever see her again, so yes it is your like of compassion. Then I should commy and apologize, you stay away from me sure Coogan, for both of your souls sake, don't be deceived, there are persons yet being lost to Negeb Ophel, these reckless trespasses of theirs. You and I Sioux, and the entire ascending royal priesthood, including now those millions, a never-ending line showing up for school office nurse's attendin. We know, no one who isn't in Christ Jesus and in Mal 4, (June 17, 2002), SUNLIGHT of God commanded African American exodus its proof and evidence, isn't having their best life, but their best, reckless life. Unquestionably causing them their most costly souls and their mostly costly children. Can you believe she saw that? You mean believe THEY showed Lord Urusalem all that? Yeah Sioux, while looking through a mirror darkly, grand Sia says, and that she woke a day later, feeling as she's run many other marathons, these arriving orphan children, own Lamb of God, school, name roll call, just after, she'd witnessed the Lamb Book of Life, being laid the foot of her bed, emphasis, no doubt Sioux, the feet as described both Daniel 2 and Eps 6, And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace, and no doubt her, reigning Bride own book of rememberance; I said while busying around with Evelynn, hearing about Russia's invasion, why don't they Apache. Like, just leave it all, it's prophesied will to ways, pray Jesus millennium descending, then the billions left alive will be alright, at least for a thousand, years, what? Grand Sia, described an odd short vision, her word, that brought attention to her stubborn hybrid uncle/Brad Pitt, auto travelers, part of the feet, for the truth shall mode them free, thus saith Jesus Christ of Nazereth, of The Book of Revelation. I'm to commy him, you're right, my response with Attorney Nicholas Coogan concerning our Sia Maaseiah, but Sioux his unimaginably treasured marriage bed." Why Speak In Parables? For those rebellious procrastinators today, as those Ezekiel 5/9 days, yet say the Lord seeth us not, the lord is ascended from the earth, yet according to Revelation 18, own type, divine lamentations, we hear, Aug 5 2021 to March 13, 2022, circling Brides Chariot all around, ANCIENT OF DAYS HOLY FATHER, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities. Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double. marvel not a predicted one quarter dead by the pale horse/recently visited twice in two days, backward letter C pandemic, alone, now its double, a predicted two quarters are suddenly by fast and furious, recurring apocalypse, no more this planet, blessed are hearers and doers of the word and not listeners only, stop being deceived, stop deceiving others! HBOW/JCOR!
For God (Aug 5/Dec 5, 2021Star Warring, AODHF/HSOG) has put it into their hearts to accomplish HIS purpose by agreeing to hand over to the beast (a Feb 2019/Oct 17 2021 DRAGON/ BEAST/ hybrid Alexander The Great/Hitler Germany's Antichrist with Anubis undertakers, mummifiers all around); (during a Nations Summit, Kobe's Jan 22-29 2020 ten are becoming ruling kings); and give their kingdom unto the BEAST, ( Oct 17 2021 SEVEN YEARS OF BEAST REIGN) until the words of God shall be fulfilled. Rev 17:17
-I FSS, woke morning last, April 5, 2022 with a clear image of Israel's Ex President Shimon Peres in my head; we been getting refers to Japan, to Asians and China, mocked also is a fast and furious Tokyo Drift, since May 27/28 2022; there's even a NUKE the planet, Fukushima area, 7.3 quake, two weeks past after Putin threaten with a NUKE the planet, Chernobyl, both cataclysmic events, BOTH 1986/1992 world ending events, Jesus and an ALMIGHTY host of Heaven descended to snatch the Bride out!
-Marvel not, we have four years, the authentic African American exodus, midnight March 13, 2022 Archangel Michael THEM, now circling the Bride's Chariot all around, a pending nuclear to volcanic event, apocalyptic everything. Know also, there's even a mocked my waking March 31 2022, from father's escaping with their sons, I'm at one time speaking Japanese, another time speaking Chinese and yet another time speaking Spanish!
-Marvel not (Feb 12 13 {2015}), I woke from being a part of the Rev 20 Lamb's Book of Life made a school name roll call; the oddest thing still, I woke April 2 2022, three years its Trump era/error, two weeks and 7 years timetable, I'm as a school office nurse. Little by little I'm watching a never ending line of injured to deceased orphan children, coming to see nurse me; question is Full Spectrum Survivor, what happened to their tens of millions in procrastinating parents, grands, aunts and uncles, huh? WHY DIE? WHY PERISH? Dec 3, 4, 5 2021, Rev 3 Jesus saith WATCH! RUN! LIVE! You know three designed, assigned territories who, what, why, when and where to blessed Brexit, Briexit, Blaexit, HBOW/Apb The RAM
Article, U.S. seizes mega yacht owned by oligarch with close ties to Putin see more here, -Revisited a third year of a two weeks and 7 year timetable, April 2, 2022, Zech, 14 Mal 4 and II Thess 3, again Mal 4 just days ago revisited, with Grand Caden waking just now, April 4, 2022 with the US quarter for decades reminding of the quarter of earth's inherit wiped out suddenly with a quarter more to go; all Three biblical prophecies describe the wrath of Jesus second coming as the force of a gamma ray burst? JCOR/HBOW/
For evildoers shall be cut off: but those that wait upon the Lord, they shall inherit the earth. For yet a little while, and the wicked shall not be: yea, thou shalt diligently consider his place, and it shall not be.
Article, U.S. seizes mega yacht owned by oligarch with close ties to Putin, Good, possibly Hearing, "The LAST SHIP," now bring it too, to the one US Georgia's/Mid Atlantic Coast crossover, hundreds of millions UK/US/BC having escaped fast and furiously from Hawaii to Yellowstone, fiery doomsday apocalypse: wait for it, there, there, well, Archangel Michael THEM star warring your blessed Brexit, Briexit, Blaexit.
-Of course, don't actually wait for it, Jesus said like the days of Noah, cursive is you won't actually see it coming until its ten of millions barbecued to death, too late; marvel not Frightnight is I just witnessed tens of millions of your now orphan children, a neverending line, a school office nurse/the Rev 20, Lamb's Book of life, school roll call; marvel not, Dec 3, 4, 5 2021, Rev 3 Jesus also said WATCH! RUN! LIVE! Only, like my 30 plus rapture springs demos in reverse, that'd be, LIVE! RUN! WATCH! AODHF/HBOW/Apb The RAM
Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear April 4, Apocalyptic 2022, plainly, APOCALYPSE, an ebbing and flowing two decades, fiery doomsday A Christmas Carol, predicted US/Western soil; NOW here! HBOW Apb The RAM
Putin-Zelensky Meeting in Turkey Now Likely, Says Ukrainian Official
March 31, 2022, There's Some Bout Malichi 4, How By The Rising SUNLIGHT of God, The Ashes Of The Rebellious Are Now Under Our Feet! HBOW
Revisiting Jan 22-29,2018, standing one foot the earth, ono foot the sea, here advising N America, Rev 10 MIGHTY ANGEL come saying, no further delays US soil, desolations predicted now come; Jan 22-29 2020, waking from charcoal bodies, recently revealing a charcoal skeletal head, how millions US soil will die, Kobe Bryant's fiery crash, but also from Daniel 7/Rev 13/ Rev 17 mentioned ten heads, mostly Islamic, here also, they're being named to ordained; waking Jan 22-29, 2021 Frightnight to Scorpion King Anubis' armies all around, a hybrid Alexander/Hitler's Germany's Antichrist; there's a flaming, blazing, frying pan, flying saucer liftoff of President Biden and Vice President Harris; waking Jan 22-29, 2022, to a fading run signal, the screwing to unscrewing, the word cancelled stamped on all fooling and playing around, when days later we hear, GAMES OUT; Marvel not nor dismiss, Aug 5, Rev 11 described ANCIENT OF DAYS HOLY FATHER HIMSELF showing HE'S star warring with Archangel Michael THEM, the taking back of Genesis planet; marvel not still by Dec 5 2021 Rev 3 Jesus is suggesting we WATCH! RUN! LIVE!
- Apostle THEY call me, Rev 16, Spirit and BRIDE saying come, THEY entreat me, advised to reminded just last week we listen to Turkey or others Islamic leaders encouraging cool heads, how Putin and Zelensky would come to peaceful settlements, I also reminded following Russia's invasion is an shutting down all US tech and such devices, extinction level event; further, I predicted a Hussein White House during Bush's error Saddam Hussein, Rev 11:1, 2, knowing prophetically THEIRS and mine, Daniel 9:27/Rev 11/Rev 17 to Trump's Abraham Accord, they, Islamic/Israeli/Antichrist rule, are now our world advisers; knowing no further delays, the fulfilling Oct 17, 2021 Daniel SEVEN BEAST YEARS, ebbing and flowing date two decades marvel not by its Oct 17 2017, West Rule/THE AMERICAN CONTINENT all skyrocketed to fire-rocketed off the planet and by it Oct 17, 2020, left as nothing but a fork in spreading itself planet wide, sahara sands; WHY DIE? WHY PERISH, see Rev 18, AODHF/JCOR, HBOW/Apb The RAM, blessed are hearers, REPENTERS, doers and STAMPEDERS
Article, 17 solar flares cause Sun blast to hit Earth at nearly 2 million mph, Read more:
Could A Solar Storm Destroy Modern Civilization,, (-No doubt the predicted for years nationwide shut down I sensed happening (June 27 28 2021), when Trump of God Angel Gabriel ran us out of Florida's Coast for Georgia's Coast, and I couldn't get home fast enough. Something cataclysmic did stand the world still, that (Aug into Sept 2019); before Coronavirus.
-Now, though Rev 18 ANCIENT OF DAYS HOLY FATHER, says it'll only take an hour, and Mystery Babylon is no more. As testified, seems more fast and furious, though its only (Dec 24 25 2001), still like as quickly as one is to be ejected from one of, let's say, Elon Musk driverless cars, still that speedily, its two world systems are skyrocketing to fire-rocketing off the planet, and we're as the western days again, beware, HBOW/Apb The RAM, see entire prophetic demo here,
Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Nuclear March 28, 2022, know also, after waking March 24, 2021 from being with three separate fathers on the run, talking to their sons, I woke from speaking Japanese, then Chinese, then Spanish; only just now I woke speaking Dutch (see youtube dutchsinse), again, saying "Dah," as in Like you I couldn't help thinking it referenced Dan 7/Rev 17/18 Mystery Babylon/ASTRA/Elon Musk, Babel, that's equally prophesying America, West Rule, any day now, fiery doomsday apocalypse, leaving the word DISAPPEARED frozen in, as all endangering children, HD, 5G, Social Media screening, HGOW/HBOW,
Youtube AMTV, Banking collapse on the horizon,
-When Jan 12/13 2018, Rev 2 Jesus, designing abominable, detestable lives, lands and churches riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers, endangering their children along a mass die-off. Possibly, when HE and a HOST of heaven, only in comparison to what the divine masses Prophet Zechariah 14 is describing. So Mighty Christopher an intervening host, the mount of Olivet THEIR arrival cleaves in two along a new topography the area wide, also clearing a path for stampeding refugees. Undoubtedly stampeding hundreds of millions into Georgia's to Africa's Atlantic, a similar phenom crossover is building to pending, recently near a billion, arriving Africas' Southwest Atlantic Coastal cities, shown in exile luxury.
-Clearly , equally so MIGHTY A HOST, let alone would Memphis TN be removed out of it places, but North America to the American continent, even. Though approached, asked by curious deliverers, what's the secret of Memphis? I don't clearly know, but if an unnumbered Host of Holies are star warring to translating Memphians into blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT to Blaexit, whatever it is, all Americans to earthers need to get some, see more here,; Those Holy ones, again intervening here, as having made THEIR appearing Christopher in Holy Scripture; Psalm 35, Psalm 91 Guardian Angels, Rev 2, here since there's appearing, a predestined Rev 13, perfect, dangerous man, here is perfect man Jesus; here's Rev 10 MIGHTY ANGEL, crying no more doomsday pass-overs; inconceivable, Rev 11, like standing over sleep anxious, portrayed, star warring ANCIENT OF DAYS HOLY FATHER, as with Rev 12 Star warring Archangel Michael THEM; see entire prophetic parables, here, (
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