Who Own The Church? Go And Get The Twelve Heirs, Before Its News, Israel! The Whore And Beast Separated, BEAST!

 Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Nuclear October 29, Apocalyptic 2021

-Territory, Jordan's desert City Petra; Territory, US Georgia's Atlantic COAST, CROSSOVER; Territory, Africa's Southwest Atlantic COAST; Territory, Territory, Territory cried, Big June 27/28, 2021, Angel Gabriel; also leaving references to the Number 7, a Fast and Furious, Movie profile;  Quebec, and some bout two messages, woe is all unrepentant, especially by their rebellious, procrastination, blessed are those stampeding toward the first resurrection, Apb, The RAM

YouTube, The rage of Earth, what happened to the Earth October 27th through 28th, https://youtu.be/Cl92LI-qoc8 (-Frightnight to Feb 12 13, 2019, Anubis demon mummifiers to undertakers posing as policing German Shepherds all around. Know also, while witnessing Dec 29, 2019, Holy Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM like in a running race to put a since Happy Holidays Dec 24 25 2001, weight of blood guilt judgement sentence back on track for another approaching Mid October, like this photo there were men, women and children waving through waist to thigh high flood waters, a predicted for years Noah's cousin to Aqua Age, HBOW/Apb The RAM

Who Own The Church? Go And Get The Twelve Heirs, Before Its News, Israel! The Whore And Beast Separated! BEAST, NO MORE DOOMSDAYS PASSOVERS!!! Thus Saith Jan 22-29, 2018 Rev 10 Mighty Angel, Plainly Allied By, Rev 17, 7th Angel and His 7 bowl Judgements

-To show their disapproval, not only had THEIRS again been put in imminent danger, but while yet going on like normal; in a territory, US Florida's coast not counted as US Georgia's Atlantic COAST crossover.  When by early morning June 27/29, 2021, I  was looking at Angel Gabriel, like branding three times, the word territory, territory, territory on my mind's heart; some bout a number 7, now Oct 17, 2021 a huge enough to block out the sky, word SEVEN, forewarning, Mat 24 Jesus, speedy flight from the abomination that maketh desolate, is here.

-Odd to eerie, like an advertisement, dark profile of the fast and furious movie Franchise, again whatever we are to do, is to be done with ultimate speed. Just saying if you pay attention to social media like those two unveiled up there, crystallized Godzilla Beast, one an Egyptian Sobek, efforting to keep everything appearing as normal. Fast and Furious, Vin Diesel and Paul Walker's daughter have taken the stage, days now.

-Only right behind something Oct 11,  and again Oct 21 2021, bout Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie children; there is no more normal. Apostle THEY call me  been forewarning since Bush and Cameron were in office, all  going bout normal just forget it. THEY don't care who you are, nor where you are, if you're American to Western, Ezekiel 9 commanded reapers target for one strike the telling heart, with mass disasters your everything, everyone normal.

- Stop being deceived stop deceiving others, get it, get Jesus, get up yonder or get to one of the three designed, assigned territories mentioned above. There's July 6, 2020, Rev 12, arriving just in time to see the newborn snatched off the planet, out of  Red Dragon and star warring fallen Angels, hands. Portraying a kept by Holy star warring Deliverer Angels,  safehaven for a duration of 1, 260, days. Apparent blessed passover, isn't just the prophet's of old, Israel, but 21st century Apostle, Prophets Americans to, Westerners, Tribulation Saints.

-Marvel not, just as as African born father son was taking the White House, near a billion in American refugees were instead pouring into Africa's' Southwest Atlantic coastal cities. BLESSED, commanded Hemingway Exodus revisited July 6, 2021, as escaping Bride's Chariot to Triangle craft. Unimaginably is detoured to inspect American refugees now living in exile luxury, got Him yet, got Jesus and gone up yonder or even denying HIM, got JESUS and gone over yonder? HBOW/Apb The RAM, see more here, Rev 6, 6th seal also a  sixth matrix count www.thephoenix1012.blogspot.com, also pieces of Desrek Alum and Soledad Maurice here, https://thehemingway2028.blogspot.com/2021/10/phone-comments-pieces-of-phearson-mycal.html

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the Beast's Mark: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Knightly Tristian Troy  and Queen Bride Kyyle Erianna Rapha

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036 The... 

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy Temple Apil 17, 1986/2016-2026/3036 Into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign 

Unto Patrick Jamal Mortinsin and Aabriella, Aphrodite Syechelles Rapha was born a son, Patrician (Trician) Jokim Mortinsin a godson, Hathor Freyr Mortininsin, goddaughter Eerrianna Herodite Mortinsin, Rapha

Unto Nicole (Cole) Sebashian Bolf and Megan Lorene Smits was born a son, Donavon Federico Bolf a god son, Tyson Vincent Bolf and a god daughter Erin Morgan Bolf, Smits 

Unto Cassiphia (Cass) Tennesen Utop and Nichlolas, Nickie, Anastasia Bolf was born a son, Tiriq Mempis Utop, a godson Enrick Januel Utop and a god daugter Damian (Dame), Chesney Utop, Bolf     

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, Noah's Ark, Flood, now A Noah's Cousin, Nuclear, Natural and NEO's, XVII and VII

"There's plenty of thanking and dancing hallelujahs all around in there," seeing Kyyle is to speedily move two persons over, at the sound of Knightly Tristian entry, "yes, news that Grand Sia is safe, is returning as soon as noon tomorrow, is rather fantastic, nearly Abra as fantastic as this place," Knightly Tristian, thinking Kyyle was more and more unsociable, wasn't just his imagination after all. "So does that mean Abra we'll be leaving soon? I could see you back Kyyle, if you like? I was talking to Abra, ah right, I'm going for something to drink, apple juice perhaps, any takers, Kyyle? I'll be inside then, what in the world are you doing? I don't want to appear as leading him on, plus maybe Abra I'm tried of him following me around like a little lost puppy, you may fool others, even Knightly Tristian, but you like that boy. Making you Kyyle the fool, I'm calling transport, you coming or no? No, we're animal watching to star gazing from up here, and you can't enjoy how otherworldly it all is because you lil sis is crossed about something totally disproved, can you see how much you're just tearing him?"     >>>"May I sit, you promise not to bite Kyyle, right? Please, it is only fair, if I've wronged you in some way, please, pray tell, tell me, I don't wanna talk about it, I knew I should've stayed in my room, what if Kyyle it was you being mistreated by me and pleading for my advice? Good day Troy."      {{{"This is Troy, we're almost there, you two? Nothing Abra even close, she's not having me, so how can she have a double date with us? Please Abra, if you know, please advice me, I don't know, I only suspect, if you Knightly Tristian is willing to forgive, let me commy her first, agreed, all is forgiven."     {{{"I thought you'd never answer, look, Pat just told me Kyyle, he only designed one of those bracelets as a marriage proposal, plus, Knightly Tristian was totally unaware of what he was doing, only he and the jeweler. Who Kyyle, thought he'd not seen such a thing as a pinky swear, diamond, engagement ring, asked Pat could he use his ideal? Took all his information, been blowing up his commy since. So you can stop treating that boy like crap, he's not trying to propose to you, and just in case, he's already agreed whatever the miserable wedge between you, its already forgiven. Now go grab him and get to the Mempo Pub, Pat and I are waiting, we'll kinda all here, still celebrating Grand Maaseiah's safe return, bye, ah hurry, we're getting hungry, waiting for you two!"     >>>"Abra just called, said she and Pat are getting hungry waiting on us, the Mempo Pub, I'm ready Kyyle when you are, I love this dress, this hair. Yes, thanks, the commy has researches Troy, on the latest styles, coupled with like your own Troy stylist ideals. I would love Kyyle to walk there hand in hand under this amazing starry night but since they're waiting, right our transit is already here, but we could hold that idea, the walk back, wow, like that. Excuse me, I guess Kyyle, I been weighed down so mightily with thoughts of my brother, I think hearing about those African refugees, entering in. He didn't want to come? Of course, he and grand mar convinced me," opening the door for her, watching that she slide over to his own entry, "not that I sneak away Kyyle on some cruise ship. The authorities said the impact was so tremendous, the crash didn't settle Kylle for the length of a football field, only when it did, five seniors were horribly, unimaginably dead, including my big brother Socrates, Socks for short and my cousin Spartacus, (Spark), for short, closed casket for them all.  How beyond heart tearing, tingling, burning tear forming, yes, that's Kyyle when I researched and learn around the time Grand Sia received those graduating tassels used as toe tags for the dead. Other than drugs and gun violence, even teen suicide on the rise, car crashes too were also one of the number one killer of teens. N'all, it was Socks ideal to one day store away on a paradise cruise, into Canada's and soon US's Mid Atlantic, to get away still into it's Georgia's coast, crossover from there, waiting as we just were to be transported to translated here, this indescribable spontaneity to surrealism, as US of Africa. I know what you're thinking, how fast it can all happen, Pat said the same happen to Abra hearing about those 2012 (1996), nuptial, prenuptial temples T-KAMB bombings, how fast those so young with long lives planned ahead were by the tens of hundreds terrifyingly dead. Ah, Kyyle, like, thankfully from bitter to sweet, how about, do you think we will ever get to meet any of the 300rd? That's what they're being called by the way, ah, I know for sure, I heard godtriplet, Mahaseiah assure they will per a certain count each, to be introduced into Nextus Juttah reveals, I bet we know what they did today, yeah those 7 conferences into the otherworldly skyfall.  Actually Troy, that's where they're living, ah my god is Christ, so they're now with Sia Captain, Jr Darius, Brightville Space Center them, wow, wow wow! We're coming up, our destination I mean, which look to be pretty crowded, yeah Abra said they're all here, still with reasons, celebrating Grand Sia's safe return and the arrival of the 300rd, as you Troy, said, they're being called."     >>>"I should just come with you," lovingly twisting her ring curls around his fingers, with darling hers, a passionate kiss of his silken wires to perfumed forward, "you tried that, the tribunal council didn't agree. Don't we know why, since they'd given Dai and Dai and Chodne such privileges they didn't want it to appear they were showing godtriplets favoritism, so Maha and I suffer in compassionate drought while they're given every leeway. I don't like seeing you like this, you need to tell Dai, Dai how you feel, that animosity toward him don't build Eli in your loving, special heart. Winter break is spiraling toward us as we speak and I'll be here for at least three months, you me sure Elyon Coogan suppose be event planning it all down to seconds.  I have been," tailored tan skin, his Jamaican, Indian mother, squirms of acorn curls to play in, these marble eyes, and priceless, priceless smile. "I'll commy you the list, I even put in a request unto Jr Darius watchful eye, we Adija, get to spend two weeks at skyfall, Brightville Space Lab, ah my Eli, I can't wait, plus its gives us something so wonderful to look forward too. Please don't go Adija, don't leave me, I have to go El Elyon, I'm in Ezekiel temple training, you can't do this every time, make it impossible for to leave, wouldn't that make it impossible for me to come as well?" An African American, flawless beauty, was Adija Jasir, Luks, so striking as to have to take care not to stare, silken, buttery skin, to ring curls, these piercing eyes and artist nose, edible mouth, "so that's why you often hesitate coming, I truly make departing such bitter sorrows. I'll commy you when I arrive, and we can discuss winter break events calendars until Eli, we can no longer keep our eyes opened, love it, love you, miss you. I'm gonna run, Adija Jasir Luks, get comfortable, wait on your commy," both waving and throwing goodbyes kisses until they couldn't. Soon as promise, godtriplet El Elyon, suddenly this mad dash to the elevator, his suite, the frig, snacks, his comfortable lay, this anxious, anticipating wait for her commy. {{{"This you already? It's Dai, Dai, Adija get off okay? Yes, I thought this was her calling, I know how it pulls your heart right out saying not so long next time, its okay, we'll spend the rest of evening going over winter break event calendar, that sound fun, blessed night brother, sweet sleep, you two as well beloved brother, sweet sleep."  {{{"Adija," cut your visuals on, its me, Maha, so I don't have to ask, well be assured days are shorten baby brother, meaning she'll be back to you before you know it. For now Eli, know and pray for us, we're in another request to Tribunal Juttah, to enter into the second phase of our Juttah Tombola vows, I will pray, pray for us both, thanks loving sister, sweet sleep, you too, tell Adija to pray as well, I will, bye!"}}} Why Speak in Parables? Jesus disciples ask him, with him quoting prophets of old, themselves having said, He the Lord said, go, and tell this people, Hear ye indeed, but understand not; and see ye indeed, but perceive not. Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and convert, and be healed. Then said I, Lord, how long? And he answered, Until the cities be wasted without inhabitant, and the houses without man, and the land be utterly desolate, and the Lord have removed men far away, and there be a great forsaking in the midst of the land, beware, HGOW/JCOR, HBOW/Apb The RAM 

Unto Akuna Camael Foxster and Aarin Zadkiel Memphis was born a son Langstrom Aeon Foxster, a son Colbra Harirel Foxster and a god daughter, Azrael Adejumoke Foxster, Memphis 

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear October 29, Apocalyptic 2021

YouTube Full Spectrum Survivor this is bad I've never seen it this bad before

https://youtu.be/m-_GQj_mgss (I know, it's like Noah just drove the last nails, putting in all supplies they need, bringing in all of the animals. None of the people around him can see the extinction level event that has come, even to the point of making mockery of Noah them; beware, Apb The RAM, see more here, https://thehemingway2028.blogspot.com/2021/10/who-own-church-go-and-get-twelve-heirs.html,

This could be BIG! Earth experienced this exactly 18 years ago ALMOST to the hour! https://youtu.be/RBNT4ee9WQU

-Earlier yesterday, Oct 2021, we got a hand writing 821, possibly meaning August 2021,both the UK/BC/US combined will lose 100 million its Inherit; as is the reminder, we would take 190 out of this area, out of this area US Georgia's Atlantic COAST crossover to the American Continent and if we're talking saints that's 190 million vs 190 millions in losses The American Continent.. August 2021 reminds me of two World Systems, One skyrocketing one fire-rocketing off the planet. As so my  phone just now, October 28, 2021, unusually pinged once the hour hit 7:17 am, marking 17 and 7 is Noah's day related and thus it's predicted Noah's cousin to aqua age, related.

-Admittedly, there'd be this habit of mine to respond first to the title getting my attention before the content. Though Aug 5, 201 we had a standing over sleeping beds anxious, ANCIENT OF DAYS HOLY FATHER HIMSELF, no longer waiting on the sideline, of star warring Archangel Michael THEM. Posthaste, when I read you say 18 years ago, I thought about waking in heaven, (June 17, ({2002}), during this phenomenal celebration in God's Throne, suddenly, brought to a screeching halt, of course with spreading concern all around, of God's extraordinary Throne going silent.

-Until soon we could hear, it was Heavenly Father crying, His People were dying, how they were being stripped of everything his Christ Jesus had brought them, how He'd strip their leaders and leave them as  in the day of their birth. The next I know, a Holy One approaches me saying, "he want to see you; marvel not Romes Pope since argued, God is never referred to as he. So I'm assuming its suffix Elo (Him), with Jesus CRYING CROSS calling Him Eli, (ELOHIM); I said who? He says, him, next I know I'm standing before a mountain in heaven and all the while to myself I'm saying, there is a mountain in God's Throne.

-Truly I can't get over it, there's a mountain in God's Throne, do you know how enormous God's Throne have to be for there to be a mountain in His throne? Soon an illumination like the sun rise from behind this mountain and begin to speak as to Moses Hebrew Pharaoh days, "let my people go," and the demonstration passes from me. Only mrmbb333 phenomena reveal, revisited exactly 18 years later, ({June 17th 2020}), once procrastinators of commanded exodus are now witnessed crossing over the old Arkansas bridge down on all four penance into also witnessed my once Memphis grands now translated into US Georgia's Coast, they're now coming toward us.

-Still, I just had a jaw dropping alert just a day again Oct 28 2021, while writing a prophetic parable, raised the question when was it Juneteenth 19, 1865 was made a national holiday, June 17, 2021, by Obama them? Only with staggering awe to realize also, it's  the date June 17th 2021, for those of you who don't know Juneteenth celebrates for centuries the freedom of American, African slaves. Indefinitely, like the freeing of Moses Hebrews, I know, I know, marvel not Sunlight of God commanded Hemingway Exodus was demonstrated (June 17, 2002), as today's of Moses Pharaoh to it's Hebrews Exodus; only with THEM during a July 27. 2009, mocked nations summit, Dan 9/Rev 17, having declared ebbing and flowing still, world leader, Senator Obama, "the One!"

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the Beast's Mark: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Maximin Persephone Lagoon Longknives and Bridegroom Maison Kiefer Palace

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036 The... 

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy Temple Apil 17, 1986/2016-2026/3036 Into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign 

Unto Kophiel Abiodun Bishop and Afamma Liahah Dogma was born a god daughter Lady Cadaver, Haniel Bishop, a son Amobi Muriel Bishop and a godson Banjoko Raziel Bishop, Dogma

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, Noah's Ark, Flood, now A Noah's Cousin, Nuclear, Natural and NEO's, XVII and VII

"Nicholas, my commy just pinged, it would seem only that its the hour (am Oct 28, 2021), of 7:17, wow, yes, I don't have to tell you it's indication, deliverer angels standing Maaseiah over sleeping beds anxious asking us are we ready? Like too asking Noah and his are they ready to come into the salvation Ark, extinction level event come, now Christ's Cross, Holy star warriors to deliverers getting us to safe haven territories." As one sitting up, along side the bed, fixing his feet into chilled house shoes, readying for the bathroom and soon the shower. One of the most important days in the African Juttah Septennial, more of Mother's Africas' cradle, signed over for various faculties, nuptial, prenuptial dorms, more and more young, Genesis marriage worshipers pouring in. "Presently Maaseiah, what they call a Noah's cousin only nuclear, natural and NEO's, you hearing as far back as Bush's error Pres Hussein clear thru to Hussein's error Col Qaddafi, "mark 17 and 7." My beloved, which is a sum Noah's ark related.  Yeah," resting hands, to chin to his stout perfumed neck to shoulder, Maaseiah remember this one Memphis, day, they sat behind another car, waiting for the apartment gate to open, whose tags was the number 717. Sat thinking how totally arranged all things that day for her to arrive back home, just in time to wait behind a car with tags with that particular number to mockery. Then of course there's when they stayed on a street name Spring Morning, with a duck pond, were reminders of Syed Farook hijacking resurfaced, as so there's an intrepid car parked down the street wearing US/West Rule to go off the planet, Oct  2017, tags. Clearly nothing but from predicted beginning to predicted end, revisiting here, street, pond, Syed to car was 30 plus years of spring rapture demos. "Soon Nicholas Edin, grand, grand said, not only is 7:17 am the time recorded on his death certificate, when Rev 17:14, Lamb of God, granddad, was glorified in the heavens. Eerily, how soon 717 was the amount of the mortgage on the Memphis home he left behind, the Memphis home Maaseiah," sticking his head out of the bath, as he readied a hot shower, "while granddad was fading away to divinity she was visited twice, then live, by both guardian angels all around, and soon again live, by star warring angels all around, seeming inside, up and down, all, come to her defense. As so Nicholas, a year later, 2013, a live re-visitation of hearing Rev 12 described a star wars being wedged in the heavens, were it's shown to be seen with our own eyes, six years later, from a US Inauguration to its State Of The Union Address, Jan 20,  2019, Rev 12 holy and unholy angels, Archangel Michael THEM verses Red Dragon, Lucifer THEM, seen to be battling a star war in the heavens.  I'm going for the other shower, the reminder Maaseiah, the kids are no longer here, right, right, during all that warring up there that was when I heard Michael is setting his all around, so Nicholas, ah lord what to wear? Those called either by HIS name, or those called American to Westerners, no matter where they are on this planet if they're not escaping to one of three assigned territories they are procrastinating (June 17-19, ({2002})/2020/2021), blessed Hemingway exodus. They're being targeted as those rebellious portrayed Ezekiel 5, revisited Aug 2020, by  my head shaved off into those four ponytail judgments, before one suddenly disappeared, to self made labor camps. Darling man, you hear me hesitate, I just saw a hand writing 821, and thought Nicholas, of other things, it could mean Aug 2021, topping it all Aug 5, 2021 standing over sleeping beds anxious HIMSELF, Rev 11, portrayed ANCIENT OF DAYS, HOLY FATHER. Nicholas, what I didn't expressed the most, ({Aug 5, 2019}), two years prior, is when I watched those two world systems disappear, just as one of those Aug 12/13, (2020), ponytail judgments, anyway, they can't run, hide, where they are, they and those areas are being impacted by recurring natural disasters. Fright night to rolling twilight skies, as portrayed of commanded grim reapers to take no sympathy, on those old or young, as of Ezekiel 9, anyway. Does this mean loving girl you're riding in with me? Only if you sweet, sweet husband Nicholas, will have me, let's hurry, we could stop for breakfast, can't tell you how delicious that all sound, I'm hurrying, I, am, hurrying!"    >>>Equally tickled out loud at Jeremy and Est Wes Anderson (Andy) now grinning ear to ear, yeah uncle Nicholas them too were about to lay hold on more of Mother Africa's stunning landscape, for the African Juttah Septennial, whats not to smile about, even dance hallelujahs, about? {{{"The Coogan Firm, Attorney Syefan Coogan, Attorney Syefan Coogan? Yes, hello this is Sia Tribunal, Apache Arrow, The Juttah, Paris Globe, ah, how do I say? Sia Tribunal, Maaseiah haven't showed up for her last two reveal classes and without a word, wait, ah, without a, ah, yes, I called you in case its just a mishap, didn't want to alarm the husband, right."}}} "Ah Nickie, come here, I know Maaseiah haven't been well, did she take sick days and not inform the center? No, she and I road into the center together, whats going on? Here, {"Hello, hello Mesure Attorney Nicholas Coogan, ah, we're concern, Sia Tribunal, Maaseiah missed two reveals classes and nothing shows of her on the monitors even being at the center besides her first class, confirmed by her own students,"}}} "Dad, what's up? Seems Danny, Jason, your aunt Maaseiah is missing, missing?" {{{"No, I'm on my way there, what is Specialist Veneer take on all of this? He Mesure Coogan isn't here, put in for a leave months back, one of his sergeants, a Mr Doogun is here, there's nothing, her leaving, coming, other than her first class, surely our on edge concern,"}}} "What dad can we do? Did your aunt Jer, Jay, Danny, the rest of you, just disappear without a trace, the greatest technical age this planet? No, she did not, get with all your local contacts to snitchers, I'm going with your uncle Nickie, I'm coming, we Brad, no, you two need too be in that conference. I'll take Daniel, North, South, right behind you, we gonna find her, it maybe nothing at all, uh Sye, speaking of nothing at all, Veneer is on a leave he put in for months back, on it, on it. They did Nickie have that odd encounter in her class, yes, my thoughts exactly, thank you guys for coming with, what was that uncle about monitors, down, all of them Daniel, that can't be a coincidence, there's something there we're not to see, yes pray its not T-KAMB, (terrorist, TO KILL A Mockingbird)."      >>>"We, well I believe its forming it's own sky fall, ah my god is Christ Jesus, a plasma world wind, that's Maaseiah reinventing itself regularly, and if you wait. See, every now and then, there's a structure up there, in it, like a portal even, I thought both about your solar plasma sky blocking word TRIANGLE, we know its triangle craft related, your very wrist, triangle scar for godsakes, put on the spotlight lately and the structure has to be the one up there you found Maaseiah a Holy Throne away from the Paradise of God's, Throne, right? Confused you, that you guys had only ascended only two thirds the way, yeah a decade or more before Holy Lords come Cullen pouring into my kitchen of reveals, giving us an ascension assignment, how from up, is that someone interpreting everything I'm saying? Goja is laughing and so are the rest, as he just repeated you asking that question, right, THEY were saying Cullen, soon the Church Bride would go off the planet and from up there, look down here, praying for the Tribulation Saints as they're given over to the Antichrist, as says Revelation book, 13. When first Maaseiah I saw it, it look like a very creative child with a bag of crayons and markers drew all this, it look so animated, terrified the villagers here. Kinda until I explained some of the things Maaseiah you'd seen up there, like what John is describing Rev 12, a war in the heavens you saw as Archangel Michael and the armies of heaven battling along a star wars up there, marking off three specific territories.  So surely you see Maaseiah, this phenomenon I couldn't explain, and since the villagers didn't believe you existed, why Goja is interpreting us to them. What is it? The leading female Cullen, she look like the African female I thanked for singing with me in that recent demo, little Miya birthday, May 22, just now, The Chosen characters. I'm talking those Africans that entered into a chorus of Selah's 'How Great Thou Art," that has an African language in it. Then the way she looked at me, yes, it's Maaseiah, like she recognized you as well, yes listen, they're chanting and cheering in agreement Maaseiah. I have so got to get used to you calling me Maaseiah, and knowing all these reveals as the Global Tribunal, and I don't, you calling me Cullen instead of Mike? Right so, its getting late, if we gonna make it back at a descent hour, another thing Maaseiah, I could't tell you, our guides don't travel at night, well after a certain hour, ah this certain hour. Ah god Cullen, there you go killing me again, please don't be mad, I couldn't bear it, please don't have divorce papers dancing in your head. There's a crossing of 300 plus freed boys I want you too see, whoa, wha, say that again, then I have this, you call your misters and began to explain and there's pictures and videos to show. Come again with me please, just so you know, that plea sound eerily like Olaff, we're not the same, when Maaseiah he's waiting right there to take us to see, Olaff is here? Right there Maaseiah, waving his arm off, smiling ear to ear, I have a thing to do, go Maaseiah, go to him, ah, call your misters."     >>>"I say like extinction level, legal and illegal drug, pandemic, like the legal, illegal pandemic of gun violence, this guy Princess Nibewe demo, referencing pending Makhia Bryant police shooting. Wait, wait, wait, Chynna dude, extinction level, yeah, ah Nicole man, when Chynn, said such,  I remember Memphis Caden hearing Grand Sia describing, once those, sword like syringes, as in the war on the Rite Aid Pharmacy period, one strike the telling heart, reapers were done on US soil, nothing was left of The American Dream nor West Rule but a manner of memorabilia one in a distant land is to hang on a fridge, also a pending ELE, yes even the fridge, even freezer trucks used as makeshift morgues just now. Thanks there Sven Dude, anyway, this supposedly villain, dressed like a 21st century black rapper, dreads all, he wasn't the threat, the evidence is the tiniest water gun he has. No, his is more like a non violent body guard, we know as all around Deliverer Angels now standing over sleeping beds anxious; we already know, instead the danger, those family, friends to pastors procrastinating blessed escape, here seen come to rescue Princess Nibewe from they knowing better than escaping Lot and family, Holy Star warring Deliverer Angels. Think, that year before Juneteenth 17, 2020, before these same her Memphis birth family to church family are seen by Princess Nibewe crossing over the old Arkansas bridge down on all four pendant. Seen, first right,  two days prior, Juneteenth 19, 2020, as to offer Grand Sia a witches brew stirred in of car trunk running shoes in exchanged for going on as Noah day normal. Fright night, this lead uncle pastor who has since, the morning the stone Anubis shot a single arrow, lost his eldest son to gun violence, its very evening to night. You all don't forget before pastor uncle, opened his trunk to whip up a witches brew, as you say beloved Maha, he was facing a grand Sia, who'd just climbed up out of an otherworldly dungeon, where she'd lost a Memphis sister, and fought off an Anubis demon dog, freeing, to disappearing a mid school Memphis niece, the ah, Maxton  man, same grand niece in that refrigerator demo, with grand Caden, just mentioned, ah live demo at that. They're all being reminded, that is how incorrigible as their skin stain with a pandemic taking the look of the leopard's spot. Know this, the backward letter C pandemic, under that 2004, lab microscope Grand Sia just realize not only look like a mutated 1918 flu pandemic but the mockery of God's people sins being as incorrigible as the leopard spot. We need note, Sailors, Cruisers, Memphis Colin here, one of the three beast she saw posing the home just as other friendly house pets, the Lion, a demon dog, but also the incorrigible 
leopard skin curse, the leopard. Fright night, when soon come the command to Ezekiel 9 slayers, kill all parents by, finish all schools, send my sword, stampede the rest. Presently, you all know by visiting June 27/28 2001 Angel Gabriel, West Rule's slow motion exodus with a fast and furious movie profile, those three territories where. Hey we getting those as Jeremiah, King Zedekiah burning forewarning scrolls with Apostle John, Apostle Peter and Apostle Grand Sia all seeing crystal skies consumed by the heavens itself come as a forewarning scroll. Know also, social media, they're again blocking our reveals, not realizing if unforeseen technology can't be used to minister God's righteously, then it can't be used, get it, then it can't be us. I say, that's like Sven dude, taking the school building from school students, with school students the school building only reasons, to exist, again they've given heaven stretching technology credit to the creature instead of the ALMIGHTY CREATOR GOD. Remembering the man in linen saying way, way, way back then, and knowledge shall increase, with Grand Sia during that intrepid dream 2001, its many millennia later, seeing a lost of 190 years of it, perfect Pat, man, perfect, all of you. You all know that scare me, you all saying Pat man, I just know that's gonna transform to pacman some kinda way," with them all laughing out loud even Patrick Jamal tickled to explained. "I see that, how about Pat dude? Perfect Troy dude, man, Grand Sia last seen our morning classes, I guess no mystery the godtriplets not here, even wayyyy serious, T-KAMB, think they got a kinda revenge taking with her. I guess, the bombing of those Juttah Temples, the teen prom promise the 2012 (1996), graduating class wasn't enough. every time I think of TKAMB, that's terrorism. I think about how Moses' Pharaoh and into the Roman to Britiah Empires to follow, all thought they too were getting away with all the bloodletting not realizing God was taking pleasure in their rebellion planning to use it all against them with unforeseen plagues coming, one like both Apostle John and Apostle Grand Sia, Pale horse pandemic, a bringer of death. Y'all do know, both Darius Juttah's king, Queen were caught up in all that deadliest of terrorism, yeah did y'all know, First and Second Prince Darius' even the African Juttah, all exist because of it? Just saying, what, like thousands of teens died, right? Some would say, the first of fulfilling grand Sia's graduating tassels, used as toe tags for the dead, see Preecest Cottie, I've never considered that, I don't think any of us did, Ken Ken man. Mannnn, what happen to her, where Grand Sia? I say we go run over the chapel praying for her safe return, yes Sven dude, let's all do that, Abra, hey you coming? Sure, I think I am. what is it? I did't know about any of that, I guess I'm stun, we could just sit here, all those future plans, how many nuptials temples, all of them in one way or another. But not the Artelon House? If I'm not mistaking beloved, Abra, this madhouse happen before the Artelon House, you know what? That's not right, beside the Paris Global, Frances' nuptial, prenuptial dorms, the Artelon House was it first US's, so no, it wasn't touched, you know until US/Canada W Pacific, volcanic apocalypse. We can go, should we get Kyyle? She volunteered for births, I'm pretty sure Troy went after her, right, that sound like him, I think I wanna visit the parental Juttah, later, what you think? Perfect, good, I love you Pat, I, so been wanting to say, I been thinking for the longest, I could fall in love with you, and indeed I have. There's Abra, my love for you was at first hearing your voice, second being near you and third, all that coupled Abra with how beautifully adorable, generous you are. Will you Abra marry me? Opened the silver charm, open it, I didn't know it," with her next breath, words filling with tears, it was this most remarkable pinky swear, engagement, diamond ring. You okay? Stumbling into a seat, tears flooding her cheeks, not believing now finance Patrick Jamal had done it again, stun beyond speaking, shhhh, laying a dampen by his own tears, kisses her silky cheek, spreading to corner of her sweet mouth, soon, much desired lips, even the tip of her expert nose. We gonna be okay, right? You did it again, don't tell me this has been here since the Nexus wedding supper? It has, yes, waiting Aabriella to hear those three words," stretching stinging eyes, a shake of her head of disbelieving all around, thinking just how romantic is this young, young boy? "Excuse me, okay, I need to ah, go to the ah, ah, you know, I'll be right here. My god in heaven, this boy just gave me a diamond pinky swear, engagement ring," talking to her yet to stop crying self in the mirror, urged to call her sister, {{{"Kyyyle, that's you? Did Troy come for you? Yeah, we're on our way to the Chapel, you there? That's what I figured, I'm on my way as well, alright love, yeah," additionally perfecting herself in the mirror, thinking she'd instead hold off telling Kyyle for now, "see you there."     >>>" Any one seen Preece Eli? Ah Heus, he's back here, laying in my lap, playing sleep, I know you guys don't know me, I'm Eli's Tombola's, Adija Jasir luks, I been away training, and that's all I can say about that." Breathtakingly beautiful as her name, they all wondered about El Elyon and whether he had a special someone and mouth gaping awe, did he? I'm right here Heus, I had the worst headache, thanks all of you for coming into the chapel, praying for our mom. Any news, is that why you're here? I can't say, only I was to find you two and get to our parents house, you all are welcome to come. All of us? Yeah, its quite spacious, come, come all, whatsoever happen, we face it together, guys, guys, he was there, the promise prom bombings, Darius, Heus Agurus, Coogan. One of the godtriplets, older sibling, man, he look so much like their dad, I've seen pictures anyway, yeah he and El Shaddai, right, right, him too, mannnn, I can't wait to see their home, its said they can watch migrating African herds 24 seven, and they're right off a killer beach and their mom has a secret garden to die and go to heaven in." Why Speak In Parables? For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them, see more more here, Isa 6/Jesus, Mat 13;

Unto Zerachiel Amandi Bari and Chioma Joy Ariel Ugsme was born a son Ji-Noon Metatron Bari, a son Azunuyma Daniel Bari and a goddaughter Chinyere Abebi Bari Ugsme

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear October 30, Apocalyptic 2021 Sister In Christ, La Palma Is Now Having Landslides https://youtu.be/hJy3Hqmqlco, (-October 11 2021, Brad Pitt and children demo was about an encroaching guerrilla war, of their unbelief; know once Eze 5, HGOW/ JCOR had sent out two Judgements, pestilence and famine, the final was His Sword/WAR... I've witnessed both Flaming to Syringe, heart stabbing, like, Apb Slayers, From The Higher Gate North, Kill All Parents By, Finish All Schools, Thus Saith Feb 12 13 2017/ Aug 5, 2021 Ezekiel 5/9, Rev 11, Holy God Of Wrath -Holy Spirit, Deliverer Angel's, sister in Christ, been stampeding hundreds of millions of American refugees for decades. Presently set to fast and furious, May/June 2021, as they're to escape from US/Canada W Pacific volcanic apocalyse, including its Midwest, a predicted 101 Yellowstone eruptions. Basically running them into US George's Coast, crossover, eventually THE AMERICA'S into Africas' Southwest Atlantic, The American Continent is to be no more, I know eventually near a billion in American refugees, migrating toward Mother Africa. -Know, I've seen this decades now, as in reverse, ({2018}), witnessed them pour into US Georgia's COAST, ({2009}), witnessed them pour into Africas's Southwest Atlantic. Remarkably just as Apostle John witnessed Tribulation Saints pour into Jesus' Throne, our ascent into heaven are given to intercede. Hear Apostle THEY call me, Archangel Michael THEM, THEY'RE not star warring to get THEIRS to safe haven as to run them all into an equally deadly tsunami. -Yeah, I know here is the trying of our, FAITH/fate, Psalms 37:1-6/Rom 12:1, 2, Rev 17:14 and faithfulness not since we gave it all over to Holy Father God. Though if you also take lead from Holy Jesus Christ, Mat 24 and Rev 18, clarifying during the abomination that maketh desolate, HIS are known by blessed, speedy flight, beware, HBOW/Apb The RAM, see more here, Rev 6, 6th seal/ a Jan 22-29 2018, Rev 10 Mighty Angel, 6th Matrix tenth day count, www.thephoenix1012.blogspot.com
