-Seems to be seeing a pileup of Tide Detergent again last time Aug 2005, it was right before hearing again since Bush's 1999, there's no more normal days coming, with its deadliest, building tide to Godzilla monsters clean up, Hurricane Katrina, hitting only days later; I texted my niece, a week past, see, https://thehemingway2028.blogspot.com/2021/12/10-things-you-need-to-know-today.html, wondered which of my grands are good swimmers; is that why they were translated into US Georgia's Atlantic COAST crossover? But that doesn't matter, assuring her my for decades suffering through the Mississippi deluge of Memphis TN is here and some bout a 10.2 New Madrid quake, possibly the Dec 24/252001, extinction level event also putting 190 years of tech back to New Madrid's 1811/1812, historic earthquakes.
-I know, SUNLIGHT OF GOD's GOD'S BACK TURN THRONE, appointed Apostle/Prophet, knows, but when THEY warn June 26 27,2021 ebbing and flowing six years, escape either to US Georgia's Coast or second heaven intercessions, Territory! Territory! Territory! Here Oct 17 2021 its Great Tribulation! Great! Tribulation! Great Tribulation and 14 days prior Oct 3, 2021 revisited an exact date, month 17 years forewarning of BIG ONES COMING. Right until Dec 3/4/5/2021 Rev 3:3 Jesus, He come saying be watchful to simply WATCH, I come at an hour you think not, also a for a decade now Spring Rapture demo, those left behind left atop Trump Towers to his genocider Abraham Accord,; what y'all think was gonna happen, and happen and happen? JCOR/HBOW
You tube mrmbb333, Look like this stage is being set for another, large scale, multi-state event, https://youtu.be/IBbw66IXQdo
-I woke with Whitney Houston's upbeat JOY TO THE WORLD, on repeat in my head to heart, praying it's not blessed assurance we're missing another for two decades promised Christmas Eve to Christmas Day of being snatched out! A line up of killer monsters, just as I saw Oct 11/21/21 forewarn Brad Pitt BD Dec 18, 2021; just as warn Nov 11/21/21 Ben Affleck's Armageddon to Clear and Present Danger; beware, the Memphis niece in one of those (Mother's Day, 2020), underground Anubis reveals, recently diagnosed with Texas Variant Covid, she and her dad. Only with two Memphians in ICU to dead by head wounds, once mocking they being hard headed and HOLY GOD OF WRATH/HBOW, not being mocked at all!
-Nation enders, such as suspected before that Ark, TN, Ky, killer tornado, Holy Lords assuring hard headed mine coming to me. Of course I knew it meant an amping up of Mega DISASTERS. I'd explained it to my grand daughter weeks prior; until she call me about that Ark/TN/Ky/ event, while she was yet half sleep, knowing it was as I said, and said and said.
-The One seeing them ebbing and flowing date 18 years, (Juneteenth 17, 2020), all down on all fours, (Oct 17, 2018), Dan 2 madness style, crossing the old Arkansas bridge. One of those, of mine who wanna do like Nuclear, Apocalyptic, 2021, Matt 24 Jesus, suggest. He too like described when you shall see the abomination that maketh desolate, RUN! But she can't, influential overseers politicians, parents, pastors to parishioners, witnessed forfeiting running shoes to build back America better, are all against her; marvel not they're aligned to 50 million US deaths, yeah, easily, procrastinating you and yours.
Here's Jesus, He who come with that Dec 3 2021 four years mocking your prescribed stampeding elephants of staying unaware, saying to me, WATCH! Just know, besides Noah, Mose's to May 31 2021 Genesis 19 LOT; know also, Prophet Jeremiah and Prophet Ezekiel, they were privileged to witnessed into total fruition mass disasters they predicted. Take our first handwriting, on a wall, Jeremiah 37:8, 1998 and US General witnessed handing his Bush era/error warhorse to the Prophet Jeremiah; horrible events unfold just as they both told, and told and told, their King Zedekiah.
-Easily, proven to be evident, when we get only months apart, ebbing and flowing date Aug 5 2021 Rev 11 7th Angel Trumpet, the celebrating GOD done gone and did it, took HIS vengeance and REIGNED. Your lame excuse for not being aware stampeding elephants of staying unaware, Dec 3 2021 Rev 3:3 Jesus saying WATCH AND SEE WHAT I'M ABOUT TO DO? Marvel not waking two years the translation either to US Georgia's Savannah COAST or into second heaven intercessions:
Marvel not, its (June 27, 2017), instead hearing get ye to repentant altars GOD IS AVENGING MARTYRED BLOOD, no flesh can stand in the evil day except obedient, faithfully, having on the whole armor of God, all those things your rebellion, instead crucifying Jesus Christ Cross, afresh, forfeit. WHY DIE? When blessed are hearers, REPENTERS, doers, STAMPEDERS, and Mat 24 Rev 2,12,18 Jesus' Overcomers!
-Ebbing and flowing date, six years June 27 2021 Angel Gabriel come brandishing those three designed, assigned territories. Crystal clear those area map, star warring Archangel Michael THEM stand guard, did you know, TRUMP OF GOD, appearing June 27 2021, revisited blessed Brexit, Briexit, Blaexit, Juneteenth 27, 2015, Juneteenth 27 2017 and now Juneteenth 27 2021? All, All, ALL, reminders to get out of US states of barbecue, hell or high water, I know, but since you have a choice of Memphis, tattered, red wedding heels or those priceless, car trunk running shoes, and know three safehaven territories, where, WHY DIE, GET AWAY, RUN AWAY! JCOR/HBOW
Listening To: Its Holy Spirit electrifying my blood through and through, moistening nose, eyes, Selah's Hiding Place! https://youtu.be/u61TtDCXbPA
Dancing To: Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer', 'https://youtu.be/HQaXSIpBZNc, (-Okay okay since predicted running from mass disasters with his children Oct 11/21/21 Brad Pitt's Dec 18, 2021 BD, something about an elusive, prowling Killer Beast and I'm jumping from high areas landing feet first; I've had ankle to heel discomfort since and would be dancing to,'Grandma got ran over by a reindeer', if I could, Lol!
You Have Like One More Day To Give To My Christmas Surprising My Family, even if you're the first, the only, give here, $patann1258, thanks, God bless
And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the Beast's Mark: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom Unto Hasting Connon Hastings and Queen Bride Marielle, Bessica Kirksen
The Unending Love Antidote, The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036 The...
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy Temple Apil 17, 1986/2016-2026/3036 Into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign
Unto Cassio Fabien Andres and Rosary Faithe Talls was born a god daughter Mona Lisa, Andres, a goddaughter Ave Maria,Magdalene, Andres, and a son Maximo, Aximilian Andres, Talls
Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, Noah's Ark, Flood, now A Noah's Cousin, Nuclear, Natural and NEO's, XVII and VII
"Christmas day, what about it? Best time to travel, we're all packed, going nowhere pretty fast, think, millions in shoppers no more, hundreds of thousands visiting one fast food joint to another no more. Even hundreds of thousands who uses holidays as a time to get much needed rest, that's millions upon millions not jamming the freeways to highways, I don't know bout you all I'm not putting my girl off any longer, actually Cassio the more its thought, the more brilliant it sound. This girl, she has a name? Rosary, Fathe Talls, uh, uh, uh, Rose for short, and you're sure she's there, US Georgia's crossover? Not only by word but pics, anyway Punch man, why lie about it? She's been familiarizing me with its going ons, like they're aching, breaking through a translation that happen right under their eyes, their noses and itching ears, like Jesus warning about days of Noah not knowing what's happen until you're suffering its dire consequences. Anyway they're trying to solve a prophetic puzzle, grand, grand Sia hearing, so a day past, like Dec 21 2021 Apollo, I know Olympian Apolo or NASA's Apollo, you do know Cassio, by now all various extinction level events come it's possibly both. You say Olympian, grand Sia May 27/28 2021 fast and furious Tokyo Drift, said to mock Japan going on about Olympic games, millions dead and dying by a Covid 19 outbreak. As with her Nov 11 into Nov 21 2021, Ben Affleck's Armageddon, mocking any interstellar agenda they have, even Oct 11/21/21, Brad Pitt's Ad Astra, that's all NASA'S Apollo to predicted Kennedy Space Center. So again Punch man, who are you? I know one thing Samson, he sound like those Memphians, my girl Rose also send me recordings and right off the top of their heads they just know, call it pop up reveals, are you Punch man one of them? What if I am, and it's Ar'ron Davidson, Apollyonn, running from upper Midwest to New England states my grand, grand warn and warn us against. How, that when she witnessed her Memphis Grands translated by our for decades Rev 17;14 Lamb of God, Jesus, granddad, I was one of them. Only, only Cassio my Ohio girl is dead, she and her forewarned endangered kids, instead a procrastinating, slow motion exodus. Here it is, this is the first time I been able to speak of any of it for months, freaking knowing huh; ah, thanks for the Kleenexes. Okay, okay pinch me or something cause I didn't just dream that right, freaking right, right? Nall Cassio man unless we all did, but yet an inquiry was grand, grand just now Apollo reveal also a referral to her on the run with us Apollyonn grand son? Better yet Samson man, if he, being grand Memphian, pending divine translation, do we all, like this Seraphina them, go with him? Right, right, this described Seraphina, she didn't translate alone dozens disappeared with her. I bet Cassio man not just any dozens, right, those more like Jesus 144,000 specialty saints, thought you gone Punch man, I was only, I return, no where to go. Flood waters took her, even grand Sia predicted flood waters, took the car and kids, I was at work, I know, you wanted to know, took days to find them, yeah, so enough about that. You don't fault yourself? Yeah Kurtern I do, I knew better, we all knew better, grand, grand had just explained how Trump of God Angel Gabriel had run them out of Florida's coast for assigned Georgia's Coast, and hear I was in Ohio after they'd rescued me from suffering through California worst fires ever, grand had a fit learning I was evacuated from Cal fires to a shelter, knowing better, furious I was in predicted to erupt and burnt off the map US West Pacific states like California. Marvel not if it already appear US/Canada West Pacific into Memphis TN Mississippi River deluge counted. How THEY'RE using mega disasters to stampede all other US states of Barbecue, those the Midwest upper, lower the Eastern seaboard, New England. Right until 49 and two thirds US States pouring and pouring into US Georgia's Atlantic COAST crossover and only if we're blessed we're counted with Mat 24 to Rev 2 Jesus overcomers. So yes Kurtern, being ashamed of grand, grand Sia predictions, designing her a headcase, as the rest, staying ignorant of them, refusing to share, to warn others, to warn her, my girl, that's as much my fault as so the punisher Jonah and the whale. So a Christmas Day, mad dash, if you, ah, I like to call you Apollyonn or Apollo, if you think we have that kinda time. Yeah Punch man what you think? I'm actually reminded Feb 2018, the year she first received dutchsinse as a word; the year she's warn about flirting with Keanu Reeves movies; the year you guys she got that Dan 4 madness award. Then grand Sia waking knowing she's speaking in Dutch, but waking from her and her students at a very decisive fast food window, emphasis on fast food. They're Memphis Apollo, on the run, yes, yes and, and speaking dutch is like speaking YouTube's dutchsinse earthquake forecaster language, beware he just now predicting Dec 18, 2021 predicted Brad Pitt birthday, seismic troubles with the devil in its details. Know also with Kurtern those 101 Yellowstones back on the table since Ben Affleck's Armageddon, ten matrix days later, Nov 21 2021. Then let's go, Yellowstone tarry a few days, by Christmas day we're just have less and less traffic to wiggle our way through. So you guys, just come to me, did the flirting with Keanu Reeves movies, new Matrix just day view a predicted fiery doomsday a Christmas Carol, ten day matrix countdown? Lords as this witnessed that just come to me, see Memphis Apollo you're already shedding, spreading, upon Kurtern there, I'm gonna see, but Cassio right now, we need to go, just so you know where grand, grand now sit she sees everything approaching by air, auto, land, on foot to highway and that's all pending, by sea, only an hour drive away. I see you smiling Cassio man, it was released matrix ten day countdown Dec 22, 2021 and no wonder you tube Amtv is warning a possible Russia, Ukraine Christmas Eve invasion, grand Sia cry from heaven, May 2010, promise of a Christmas Eve escape. No wonder then, both Oct 11/21 Brad Pitt's encroaching guerrilla war and Nov 11/21 Ben Affleck's Armageddon to Clear And Present Danger, Eze 5, three Mighty Judgments come, (July 27/28 2020), Grand Sia four you all, if you count those two world systems sent skyrocketing to fire-rocketing, and Israel felled to an enemy named Hamath. Right Kurtern, right, well I'm starved, we eat, watch, run and Memphian man, we live! Thus Saith both Mathew 24 Revelation 2 and 3 Jesus, even granting overcomers a crowns of life, better than being persuaded into those damning forever beast marks, and that's Kurtern dancing Hallelujahs all around Hallelujah Father God, and let all around this Dinner table say amen! Wow grand grand gonna see us coming, wow, blessed assurance, equally, fulfilling Cassio man, grand Sia did see them all come, every kind of vehicle there ever was or would ever be and filled from rim to hood." Why speak in parables? Jesus' Disciples asked Him with Him responding, saying, in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which saith, by hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive: For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them. But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear. The Stampeding tug of turf wars to WW3 to Armageddon, Memphis to African Elephants, they were described as those used to purposely keep you unaware, that as the days of Noah's unforeseen extinction level event even after a century of remarkable evidence, taking those knowing as though they're unaware, beware all governments, industries, parents, pastors to social media accused of being accomplices to near a billion in American procrastinators, HGOW/JCOR, HBOW/Apb, The RAM
Article,CIDRAP, South Africa Omicron study finds drop in vaccine protection, fewer hospitalized Article, https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/news-perspective/2021/12/south-africa-omicron-study-finds-drop-vaccine-protection-fewer-hospitalized
See more here, https://thehemingway2028.blogspot.com/2021/12/youtube-amtv-christopher-green-breaking.html
Surely, Jan 20 2019/Nuclear, Apocalyptic 2021, Rev 12 Archangel Michael THEM setting THEIRS all around are star warring to cull any threat to exile luxury S W Africa's Coastal cities; lay all heart treasures in heaven, mobile all the rest, get to where THEY are US Georgia's Atlantic COAST, CROSSOVER/SW Africa, Atlantic COASTAL CITIES, WHY DIE? WATCH! RUN! LIVE! JCOR/HBOW
Article,CIDRAP, South Africa Omicron study finds drop in vaccine protection, fewer hospitalized Article, https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/news-perspective/2021/12/south-africa-omicron-study-finds-drop-vaccine-protection-fewer-hospitalized
(Hearing an American reporter, South Africa's omicron outbreak, maybe tapering off; marvel not since thirty plus years of foresight during darken mirrors I'm finally seeing clearly multi-millions in The Americas refugees now living in Southwest Africa Atlantic in exile luxury clearly Gen 19/Ps 35/91/Zech 14/Rev 12 star warring Archangel Michael THEM would then cull any threat until May 31 2021 opened book John witnessed them all pour HIS HOLY blood washed into Jesus Throne Bosom, GOT THEM! HBOW/Apb The RAM
Article, France 24, No country can boost its way out of pandemic: WHO chief, https://amp.france24.com/en/live-news/20211222-no-country-can-boost-its-way-out-of-pandemic-who-chief
-Once more WHO stands against Fauci advice and since Covid-19/also the ebbing and flowing for 17 years backward letter C domestic bio weapon, mutates into 12/24/01/ www.intrepiddream2001.blogspot.com, and when he had opened the 4th seal, Rev 6, 4th seal, pale horse pandemic,I tend to agree with WHO; WHO also revisits Oct 11/21 to Dec 18, 2021, Brad Pitt's encroaching guerrilla WWZ, to for thousands of miles of traffic jams; a zombified West Rule, a collateral herd immunity, contagious, easily by the multi-millions plowed down, can't be made aware until, like the word NOW decorated with blinking multicolored Christmas Lights,its too late; marvel not the country France was revealed during the ebbing and flowing for six years date, (Feb 03/ Feb b13, 2020), ebbing and flowing Pres Obama and FAMILY and US death tolls into heaven's ceiling, The One, Hussein is again campaign podiums.WHY DIE? WATCH! RUN! LIVE! JCOR/HBOW
Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear December 22, Apocalyptic 2021
YouTube, Lady In Christ, this Beast gave me chills, see here, https://youtu.be/sb20c1UlngE; we are the generation that will see the return of Jesus Christ, https://youtu.be/eMXbSxrG72c There's Been 30 Plus Rapture Springs Its Evidence Second Heaven Intercessors, BRIDEGROOM Jesus and All Around Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM, THEY'RE HERE AS CLOSE AS STANDING OVER SLEEPING BEDS, ANXIOUS TO SNATCH US OUT! HBOW/Apb The RAM -I further explained to Final Days, seeing Sept 27/28 2021 a Dragon with a multicolored as Mother's Day, May 10, (2020) multicultural man/Abraham's inherit and Josephs multicoloed coat; this Dragons multicolored breastplate; woke this Dec 18, 2021, predicted running with his children Brad Pitt's birthday, from some being prowled and killed, by a very illusive BEAST, I see also as for stampeding you, you know where, as escaping recurring mega disasters; beware, Dec 3, 4, 5 , 2021 Rev 3:3 Jesus saying WATCH! RUN! LIVE! A for TWO DECADES predicted Christmas Eve/Day Rapture; presently Oct 17 2021, SEVEN YEARS/BEAST to triple tribulations, predicted , JCOR/Apb The RAM Article, Rite Aid Pharmacy to close 60 plus more store, https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/21/business/rite-aid-store-closures/index.html -There's a Rite Aid featured 02/13/19, back turn counter reminder of US/Westerners death tolls, 5% into 15%; presently 07/27/21, UK 25 Mil/BC 25 Mil, US 50 Mil; I know unseen, not since Noah's day, but billions in all will die, fulfilling all endtime bible prophecy, even Jesus is, HBOW,
Youtube AMTV, Christopher Green, BREAKING CHRISTMAS EVE UKRAINE INVASION POSSIBLE, https://youtu.be/I1nijiY2nWk, (-Before they were suddenly hushed, like John writing down those seven thunders, told not to write; after seeing the inspection of charcoaled bodies. Fright night, I begin to vaguely see the naming to ordaining of those predicted for many millennia, predicted Oct 17, 2021, ten kingly heads, mostly Islamic I heard, King Salami, I heard, before the cut off, all Kobe Bryant's fiery crash morning, ebbing and flowing two year Rev 10 MIGHTY ANGEL date, Jan 22-29, 2020! Marvel not its there years since, Jan 22-29, 2021, the flaming, blazing, frying pan, flying saucer, liftoff of President Biden and Vice President Harris, JCOR/HBOW
And There Were 7 Kings, Five Are Fallen, One Is And One Haven't Yet Come, Beware of The Oct 17, 2021 Predicted 7 Year Daniel 9:27 US/Arab/Islamic, Abraham Accord/ Hybrid Alexander The Great/ Hitler's Germany, Antichrist!
-Wow Christopher, triple tribulations predicted, Oct 17 2021, with Christmas Eve/Day Raptures predicted two decades now. Actually everything you said give more credence to Dec 3, 2021 Rev 3 Jesus saying, WATCH; revisiting Dec 3 2017 Trump, Abbas, and Putin tug of turf wars to WW3, those stampeding elephants of staying unaware of incoming ELE'S to blessed exodus! WHY DIE? WATCH! RUN! LIVE! JCOR/HBOW
Youtube AMTV, Christopher Green, BREAKING CHRISTMAS EVE UKRAINE INVASION POSSIBLE, https://youtu.be/I1nijiY2nWk
WHAT IS YOUR NAME? SMOKE! AND THE SMOKE OF HER BURNING BY THOSE 101 YELLOWSTONE'S ROSE UP FOREVER AND FOREVER. The fire acknowledges your righteousness to WRATH; the thousands and thousands of miles of scorched autos and motorist commemorate the time of death and dying, come; the smoke of her burning from coast to coast, The American CONTINENT rivers of molten lava, we petition your response to Father King Solomon temple, burnt offering in reverse, even your gamma ray burst response; "if thy people, FATHER, which are called by thy name; who are stampeding by thy name, shall humble themselves and pray and seek thy face and turn from their WICKED Ways, hear thou them from HEAVEN, even from your Back Turned Throne, forgive their sins and by Jesus unprecedented MT OLIVET RETURN, for all eternity heal their land," GOT THEM, WHY DIE? WATCH! RUN! LIVE! JCOR/HBOW, see more here, II CHRON 15/www.thephoenix1012.blogspot.com
Youtube AMTV, Christopher Green, BREAKING: CHRISTMAS EVE UKRAINE INVASION POSSIBLE, https://youtu.be/I1nijiY2nWk
-Remember Amtv when Rev ⅔ Jesus says WATCH, all God's Throne celebration behind the 7th angel trumpet sounding, is about Aug 5 2021, a OCT 27/28 2021 handwriting 821, MIGHTY GOD done gone and did it. Know also, even when (May {2004/June 2021}) Angel Gabriel, mention, she's coming, going with the 7th angel, he too remind GOD OF WRATH, done poured out fiery nation, world and planetary mayhem. Clearly, if God's darling Jerusalem to West Rule is wiped off the planet, until they're witnessed newly descending, only ROYAL Priesthood already intact, where shall all other rebellious, WHORING, blood-letters stand?
-How, again how; when GOD is against you? Marvel not even the reigning Bride possessing prepping and launching Dan 2 stone from heaven, king of kings, Nebuchadnezzar watched end all Kingdom Nation building there ever was or ever would be; Instead May 31 2021 open book John hearing, 'and when the trumpet shall begin to sound, the kingdoms of men are again FOREVER God's and HIS CHRIST! AND THE GOVERNMENT SHALL BE UPON HIS SHOULDERS! Marvel not May 31st 2021, Gen 19, Lot and family, type fireball impact, Archangel Michael escape to rapture, Grand Caden and I Thess 4, 'the voice of the Archangel,' entered in through, there's now a hole in heaven.
-Know also, Zech 13 Jesus described returning as a gamma ray burst, equally destroying GOG and MAGOG them with the brightness of HIS Coming; when reigning Bride Of Wrath ready to launch, I heard as this, is those June 24/Oct 17, 2021, Dan 9 27/Rev 11:1,2/Rev 13:5, unquestionably those two 42 months intervals countdown into Feb 2019, Alexander the great/HITLER GERMANY Anti-Christ and his all-around policing Anubis', German Shepherds, all their for the ancient THEIR combined murderer; marvel not seeing Jan 20, 2019, Rev 12 Angels battling a star wars in the heavens, hearing Michael is setting his all around, GOT THEM, GOT THE WHOLE ARMOR OF GOD? We wrestle not against flesh and blood, WHY DIE? WATCH! RUN! LIVE! WATCH! RUN!,LIVE! JCOR/HBOW/Apb The RAM
Article, On The Perpetual Virginity Of Mary And The Limits Of “The Chosen” https://spiritualdirection.com/2021/12/20/on-the-perpetual-virginity-of-mary-and-the-limits-of-the-chosen
-Scripture plainly says Joseph didn't know wife Mary until after Jesus' birth; still what another of human trials, for Jesus to grow up In Genesis man, marriage of procreating families to future Inheritance, Father Abraham's multicultural mankind, without measure even the stars of heaven, see here, https://piecesoflordurusalem.blogspot.com/2021/11/lifeless.html
WOMAN SEED, EMMANUEL Virgin Birth, Shall Be Called Jesus, For He Shall Save His People From Their Sins! HGOW
-Mary's virginity after Jesus' virgin birth was lost to her husband Joseph, five more children worth; she haven't been virgin Mary since; May 22, 2021, Holy Bride/Wedded Bride waiting African territory waiting rooms on Chosen Actors to come out of religion. Most certainly query which Mary The Chosen series while there's building storms and building rescuers alike, to depict; THEIR CHRIST JESUS' or their Roman Pope? HGOW/JCOR, HBOW/Apb The RAM
-Youtube Full Spectrum Survivor, I DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS THIS BAD, let Apostle THEY call me warn you, from this very nano-second of six previous Millennia of divine out-reaching. Do not FSS and his followers go before THRONE JUDGMENT with that lame, brain, heart, truly damning excuse, HELL HATH ENLARGED BY THOSE 101 YELLOWSTONES, ALONE, TO TOTALLY ACCOMPANY YOU ALL, SECOND DEATH, FOREVER AND FOREVER!
-Launching Dan 2 stone from heaven, reigning Holy Bride, the prepper of all preppers, would not have you barbecued; for more blacken bowls Judgments Instead she offered that million man of a single water cooler, business cards for better homeless earth shelters! WHY DIE, CAN'T THESE BONES WATCH ,RUN, LIVE? SPIRIT AND BRIDE SAITH COME!
-Actually FSS you have a biblically, inherit nature as a social being to take a naturally born mate, right through its natural procreation to reproduce humankind many billions strong now. Producing men of prediction not cause you chose, but because it's spiritually, organically and biblically Inherit. What Godman choses to birth an Adolf Hitler to Judas Iscariot to a world system with several holocaust under it's bloodiest of religious, political tool belts?
-So clearly, evidently, with legalized fornication as abortion to same gender abominations two mounting genociders. No question Westerners before they're out the Noah Cousin, flood gates, those 99 bowls of molten lava of those 101 Yellowstones are calculated as 100 Million, I guess you can say, walking dead; ring around the roses, a pocket full of poses, ashes, ashes, tens of millions US West Pacific procrastinators, are barbecued to death
-Though in that way Oct 11/21 2021 Brad Pitt's earth ending movie scenarios WWZ is and can be emphasized as those being unaware overachievers made inept, blood thirsty zombies. Your own designed death valley, one great Tribulation down, two world systems skyrocketing to fire-rocketing, two more planetary ending to go. Marvel not waking, hearing, get ye to repentant altars; marvel not after near 2000 years Dec 3 2021 Mat 24/ Rev 3, Jesus revisiting four years now your elephants of staying unaware stampeded.
-There's clearly a tug of war US/Hamas/ Jerusalem, a tug of Armageddon, near a billion dead, planet earth littered, burning hell as well. REVELATION BOOK Jesus only had this to say, be watchful, WATCH, not that you could or even would, but you'd be warn, the day of THRONE JUDGEMENT, you'd be without excuse. Truly, for its impossible for zombies to know the prophesied hour which He come, leaving billions stranded atop their own as well, self made high-rise buildings to other worldly space stations. Ah what tangled, damaging, damning to worthless sacrifices of the unfaithful, self made traps, practicing to deceive, even,JCOR/ HBOW, WHY DIE? WATCH! RUN! LIVE!
You Tube, Pastor Clefo Dollar/Pastor Michael Phillips, THE LAST NIGHT IN EGYPT!
https://youtu.be/4beZm_8fKTw (see more pieces of Egypt's Memphis/The Obama's Memphis TN, Dunlap Street/HIGHLAND STREET, here,
-Whimsical Creations Feb 2005, Back Seat surveyor, translator as a baby Gabriel described such heart treasures; Jan 2018, Rev 2 Jesus described it all, riches to rags, sickbeds and sleepovers, EXCEPT THEY REPENT! www.thelightofctentri.blogspot.com
-Know Feb 15, 2021, reminded of Eze 31, know also, since the late eighties there's been references to Egypt Anubis, demon dogs, mummifiers and undertakers frequenting US described decades now abominable, detestable lives, lands, SCHOOLS and churches; those as recent as Feb 2017, Feb 2019 and Jan 3 2021, he was as a stone Anubis demon dog who come to life, stretched his bow and launched a single arrow, returning to the stone gods rebellers, even Memphis procrastinators said to serve;
-Here's Oct 11, 2021 Holy, Dan 4 Watchers, ebbing and flowing date, Feb 12/13 2017, come inquiring, what's the secret of Memphis? Easily could've as well meant Memphis Egypt, as Psalms 22 Jesus Christ lamenting CROSS, could've referenced Egyptian Anubis undertakers, crying to Aug 5, 2021, Rev 11, ANCIENT OF DAYS, HOLY FATHER, save His, well OUR Darling, from the dogs; let no campaigns of going on like normal deceive you, beware of going on for for thousands and thousands of miles, North American traffic to traffic jams, the crystallized heavens are missiling down, HBOW/Apb The RAM
Youtube The Final Days,Time Comparison Of Approaching Stripped Planet, https://youtu.be/1f9ablDT1Ec, ( Dec 10/11, 2021, recurring mega disasters expected, they got a rebellious US states, not for a century, Ark, TN, Ky, killer tornado, we got the single word, RESURRECTION! See more here,
John 11, Jesus said unto her, Lazarus sister before he rose him from four days dead); I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. (blessed death, second death, immortal death, HELL hath, no power), believest thou this?
-Blessedness, Final Days, when I first saw this rotating in our orbit stripped planet, and waking the other morning, Dec 10, 2021 to an orbiting skyline not our own, it brought tears, as blessed assurance of Jesus reassuring there'd be phenomenal days, time's, events like this again reassuring HIS HEALING Millennium Reign is nearer than we know; marvel not Dec 3/4/5, 2021 we got HIM, Rev 3:3 Jesus saying WATCH! RUN! LIVE! JCOR;
WHY DIE? LIVE! Marvel not Dec 3 2021 we got the earth, the heavens quaking since, those related Memphis to African; lest we remember Africa did at once act as exile luxury for New Born, Jesus, marvel not now its stampeding Tribulation Saints seen in S.W. Africas' Atlantic, exile luxury; here's those tampeding elephants of staying unaware! Jan 12 13, Hawaii inbound missile alert morning, during a Memphis son home, THEY arriving as foretold Mt Olivet return, to quickly snatch us out of extinction level events come, Rev 2 Jesus did ask, would DELIVERER, star warring Archangel Michael THEM, also ascend? HBOW/Apb
Youtube The Final Days, A very encouraging message for the body of Christ, https://youtu.be/sb20c1UlngE
I woke hearing Dec 11, 2021 hearing Resurrection, as in the dead in Christ Jesus, Billions back to Adam Eve and Abel, Rises first! I Cor 15/I Thess 4
The 09/27/28/21 Dragon had a colorful as Joseph,cas humankind breastplate. I'm reminded a holy woman cry toward heaven (12/10/08) heaven cried back, "a day before Christmas, only your Dec 18,2021, referred 10/11/21,Brad Pitt's BD, some bout encroaching guerrilla war, my jumping from high places, was about meetings a bout, a hiding in dark dungeons, BEAST' on a killing spree, ending with a four year old Memphis Highland boy, requesting a gift of simply water, Apb
Youtube mrmbb333, this was detected on seismographs for thousands of miles, https://youtu.be/518zI1cLW5w, 57 minutes ago, Dec 20, 2021, ...with BIGGER ONES COMING! WHY DIE? WATCH! RUN! LIVE! JCOR/Apb The RAM, see more here, https://thehemingway2028.blogspot.com/2021/12/10-things-you-need-to-know-today.html
YouTube, dutchsinse, THE DEVIL IN EARTHQUAKE DETAILS, don't be scared be prepared
https://youtu.be/a6wX84kAGZg, (Dec 18, 2021, referring to Aug 30/31 (2019) prediction of Yellowstone eruptions and Oct 21, 2021 references to Yellowstone, beware also of a pending Memphis, New Madrid, event; HBOW/Apb The RAM
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